This is a list of all the build logs in the Paper forum - 01/03/25
The logs are in alphabetical order of the ships name (Ignoring any prefix, e.g. HMS, USS etc.)
Select a letter from the list below to jump within the index.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


Admiral UshakowIterumProModel ADMIRAL USHAKOW 1/200
AgassizjohngrHMV Flower Class HMCS Corvette Agassiz 1:250 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
AkerboomIterumAKERBOOM 1681 after Ab Hoving nominally 1/66 but drawings in 1/64Page 6
AlbatrossLlaut MallorquinALBATROS
Alert11320 TitanicDonRicardo HMS Alert 1/72
11320 TitanicFairing the frames on a paper/card model
Ab HovingFinishedPage 6
11320 TitanicHMS Alert 1/72 scale from ShipyardPage 5
11320 TitanicHMS Alert destroyedPage 2
AnobiumPunctatumHMS Alert vs. Le Coureur, Shipyard 1/72Page 2
SulaireJSC 'Alert' modern rapid intervention vehicle
Lachezar DragostinovRapid intervention vessel Alert 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]
EricShipyard 1:72 HMS Alert/Continental Navy RevengePage 2
Armed Virginia Sloop0SeahorseArmed Virginia Sloop (scratch 1:100)
DemetriArmed Virginia Sloop 1776
DemetriArmed Virginia Sloop 1776
Axel Thorsen0SeahorseAxel Thorsen 1810 - 1/72 (test)

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Bellonaron0909Shipyard's HMS Bellona 1:96Page 2
BerbiceПотапычъBaltimore clipper Berbice
BismarckPeterairfix1/200 Gpm Bismark with laser cut frames
SAIL AND SAILBismarck 1:200 GPM 22'2011 Nr.182
PeterairfixGPM 1\200 Bismarck card kitPage 2
Black PearlNarcAngelPaper model ship Pirates of the Caribbean Black Pearl
MsLThe Black Pearl from Card and mixed media. My very first build.
Boeing 777AER3393Amazing model builder
BorodinoRolyBorodino - 1: 200 scale from PAPER HOUSE - by Roland Vlahovic

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CairoromfolmarOrel USS Cairo
Celtic VoyagerjohngrCeltic Voyager - Paper Shipwright - 1:250 - CARD
Columbus ShipsBondenA whole fleet is created - the Columbus ships from 1492. Shipyard company, 1:96

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De Zeven Provincien0Seahorse"De Zeven Provincien" 1:100 (scratch) - Seahorse New Design [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
De Zeven Provinciën0SeahorseDe Zeven Provincien" 1:100 (scratch)Page 3
DioramaWilhelm ThümlerNew Papermodels
Dockyard CraneOldpaperoneStationary Dockyard Crane, XVIII Century. Shipyard Card Model 1:72.
Dutch WarshipAb HovingA 143 feet long Dutch warship from 1681. Cardstock [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Ab HovingA 160 foot Dutch Eastindiaman (VOC) 1699 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2

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EdinburghSZKUTNIKHMS EDINBURGH - scratch model - scale 1:400 [COMPLETED BUILD]
EnterprisePgtaylorartHMS Enterprize 1/96 card model from ShipyardPage 3
JosHMS Enterprize 1782 Shipyard 1:72Page 3

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FijiSZKUTNIKHMS FIJI - scratch model - scale 1:400 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Fishing BoatKäptn AhabExperiment Oberfläche für Karton Schiffe Orient
AginvictaIMMH Fishing Cutter
Forell classIterumThe FORELL Quartett in four ScalesPage 2
FortuneПотапычъBoat "Fortune ".

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GneisenaukartonskipperArtillery training frigate F212 GNEISENAU ex HMS Oakley of the German Navy
Golden Hindeaqiqia“Golden Hind” from the plan shipyard warped with wood

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HipperkartonskipperF214 HIPPER - training frigate of the German Navy from the early days - after final refit?

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IsoldarickbIsolda 1:160

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JacintheIterumSchooner JACINTHE, Kgdm. of France, 1825 Scratch 1/64Page 2

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La Belle PouleIterumLA BELLE-POULE in 1771
LeopardIterum1:100 HMS LEOPARD to EXPERIMENT (Oriel)
Leudo0SeahorseLeudo vinaccere 1:72 scratch (test building)Page 2
IterumSeahorse LEUDO VINACCIERE 1/72
Live Fish transporterIterumFish transport vessel after af Chapman LX N°4 in 1/48
LososIterumYG-models Torpedoboats LOSOS' and FOREL 1898

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MatabeleSZKUTNIKHMS MATABELE - scale 1-400
Meermann0Seahorse"Meermann" or "Wodnik" 1627 (1:100, scratch) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MellumLachezar DragostinovMultipurpose vessel Mellum by HMV, skale 1:250 [COMPLETED BUILD]
MercuryAtaminiHMS Mercury 1/72, Shipyard modelsPage 5
Piotr ObrębskiHMS MERCURY 1779 1:72 ShipyardPage 5
JosHMS Mercury 1797 Shipyard 1:72Page 3
BondenHMS Mercury, 1:72, Shipyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
Mississippi SteamboatRichieMississippi Steamboat Cardboard - CubicFun 1/100

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New MexicoSZKUTNIKUSS "NEW MEXICO" (BB-40) - scratch model - scale 1:200 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
NorderneymodlerbobSS Norderney Schreiber scale 1:200

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OlimpBondenRussian brig Olimp, 1817, kit of the company ShipWorks, 1:96Page 2

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PantaloonIterumPANTALOON tender to Royal George yacht 1/200 Oriel card kit
PinasAb HovingA 17th century Dutch armed trader – scratch built from card [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Pirate Shiperic67Cardboard Pirate Ship
PostiljonAb HovingPostiljon, a Dutch frigate (1661-1678)Page 3
PrinceWilhelm ThümlerHMS Prince in scale 1/600
Proud MaryLlaut MallorquinPROUD MARY

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Queen MaryJhoanorRMS Queen Mary (Scale 1:1250)
Queen of the IslesmodlerbobMS Queen of the Isles Ferry GB, 1965 1:250

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Revenue Cutter0Seahorse31-tonn revenue cutter (scratch & test model, 1:72 of Seahorse)

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San SalvadorCaptainSan Salvador
JosSan Salvador 1:100 Maritime Museum San Diego
Santa LeocadiaBigKeith95Shipyard 1/96 Santa Leocadia paper model buildPage 2
Sao Gabriel0SeahorseSao Gabriel 1/100 scratchPage 2
SeefalkeGijsbertSeefalke, Lappland, Scheelenkuhlen, 1:250 HMV
SestroretskIterumСестрорецк [Sestroretsk] Scratchbuild scale 1/64 Russ. torpedo boat 1894
SevastopolIterumOriel IRN SEVASTOPOL 1899 - Oriel
Sky LanternmrshanksChinese Sky Lantern - 1:1 - Creatov
SMS BeowulfLachezar DragostinovGerman coastal armored ship "SMS Beowulf", scale 1:250 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Speeljacht0SeahorseSpeeljacht 1:50 (new project of "Seahorse")
SplitRolyJRM razarač SPLIT - Yugoslav frigate Split - by Roland Vlahovic
SprayThe SailorThe Spray of Joshua Slocum - scale ?? - by The Sailor
Steam LaunchIterumRussian Steam Launch
SterlyadIterumScratch 1/64 STERLYAD Russ. Gunboat 1855
StrohgbovLachezar DragostinovSteam tug STROHGBOV - 1:100 scale, own development.Page 2

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TitanicsomeCO_OLguyRMS Titanic 1:100
peterairfixSchreiber-Bogen 1\200 RMS TitanicPage 2
TugJeroenWorld of Paperships newest paper model: 3 New York tugboats scale 1: 250
TygreIterumHMS TYGRE IIIb - Trial of conversion in 1:100

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Un-namedAb HovingShip in troublePage 4

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VariousWilhelm ThümlerFive-master
Wilhelm ThümlerNew Paper Models 1/1250
Wilhelm ThümlerPaper models in scale 1/1250
jimkrauzlisPaper Ship Models in 1/600 scale
VictoryBazzgGluePage 2
IoannisKHMS Victory 1/96 by ShipyardPage 2
BazzgHms Victory 1/96 on Shipyard
ParagrafHMS Victory 1:96 based on ShipyardPage 4
cap'nTallonHMS Victory 1759 1:200 scalePage 2
BazzgHMS VICTORY on 1/96 Shipyard Build
epicdoomShipyard HMS Victory 1:96 build
Vistula Barge0SeahorseSzkuta wiślana (Vistula barge) 1:100, scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]
VOC shipAb HovingA 160-feet VOC-retourschip from 1697

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WhaleboatIterum28ft Whaling boat 1/64
Willem RuysAndré de R.Willem Ruys 1:250, cardboard of ScaldisPage 2

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YachtDemetriThe Dutch yacht 18th century [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
YMS-326 MinesweeperKilroy1988YMS-326 Minesweeper (Aleutians, 1944) - from Orlik 1/100

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ZeekoeIterumZEEKOE a Dutch 74ft Katt in Scratch 1/66Page 2
Zeven ProvincienBondenDe Zeven Provincien 1665 - 1.100, Fa. Seahorse (Tomasz Weremko)Page 2
ZobolIterumZOBOL' a might have been 1890 torpedo ship


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