This is a list of all the build logs in the Wood forum - 01/03/25
The logs are in alphabetical order of the ships name (Ignoring any prefix, e.g. HMS, USS etc.)
Select a letter from the list below to jump within the index.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


20 gun shipJack Jäger1/48 scale 20 gun ship from Modelship Dockyard kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8

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74 Gun ShipPeter GuttermanA look Into a USNA museum restoration;18th c. model of s Spanish 74gun 2nd rate ship of the line; Battle of Trafalgar, model late18th or early 19th c.
Peter GuttermanA look Into a USNA museum restoration;18th c. model of s Spanish 74gun 3rd rate ship of the line; Battle of Trafalgar, model late18th or early 19th c.Page 2

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AdderLucian29HM Gun Brig Adder 1797 - Vanguard Models - 1:64Page 2
African QueenBuffalo JackAfrican Queen
a49kidThe African Queen - With Live Steam - Billings - 1:12 - by WaynePage 4
AgamemnongregBuild log Caldercraft HMS AgamemnonPage 4
JamesTBuild Log: HMS Agamemnon, Caldercraft 1:64Page 2
Willbor237HMS Agamemnon (1/64 Caldercraft)Page 7
Kusawa2000HMS Agamemnon Build Log
gregHMS Agamemnon by CaldercraftPage 5
JamesTHMS Agamemnon, Caldercraft 1:64Page 2
AjaxKenHMS Ajax 38 gun frigate. Euromodel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 19
AlabamapgkdaveMamoli CSS Alabama kit
AlbatrosToni_SAlbatros by Occre - 2nd Build
BLD SHPSAlbatros by Occre - second build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
KramerAlbatros by OcCre American Schooner 1:100 by Kramer [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Albatros ReneKAlbatros
Barry1Albatros - OcCre - 1:100 Scale
OldSalt1950Albatros 1840 a Baltimore Clipper 0 Mantua 1:40 by OldSalt1950Page 2
OldSalt1950Albatros 1840 a Baltomore Clipper 0 Mantua 1:40 by OldSalt1950
RedlibrarianOCCRE Albatros : 2nd ship
BRoyOccre Albatross
grumpydaddy845Schooner 'Albatros' from OcOcre
Alexander74Schooner Albatross from Constructo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
AlertTrident Model0617Update HMS ALERT 1777 Trident model by QiGang
Trident Model0621Update HMS ALERT 1777 Trident model by HongBinPage 3
Lusitania19151777 - H. M. Cutter Alert - VanguardModelsPage 2
Trident ModelAlert 1777 1:48 by LanHaiPage 3
Milos-B.HM Armed Cutter "Alert" 1777 VM (Vanguard models) by MilosPage 3
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64Page 28
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Completed BuildPage 36
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Completed BuildPage 36
Pathfinder65Krick “Alert” U.S. Cutter, 1/25 scalePage 31
Alexander HamiltonmodlerbobCottage Industry Models US Revenue Cutter Alexander Hamilton 1/96 scale
AmbitieuxlandoroAMBITIEUX de Altaya
DicasL'Ambitieux Altaya/Planeta d'Agostini - A very long build.Page 2
AmericaJohnRJohnR Build Log - Yacht America - Corel Line 1:155
remzibiYacht America 1851 scale 1:120 , cheap kit
American EnterpriseNorgaleAmerican Enterprise
Amerigo Vespuccipauls modelsAmerigo VespucciPage 2
GilbertmAmerigo Vespucci - 1:84 PanartPage 20
ReneKAmerigo Vespucci [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
SylvainBLAmérigo Vespucci 1/84 from Panart, part identification
BarcomadAmerigo Vespucci Mantua/Panart 1:84Page 8
mantaresAmerigo Vespucci Panart 1:84 MA build logPage 3
mariumAmerigo Vespucci scala 1:84. Un solo fasciame.
Igor TatarenkovAmerigo Vespucci, OcCre . 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
martijnonderwaterAmerigo Vespucci, Panart 1:84 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
KenAmerigo Vespucci, Panart 1:84 scalePage 12
SylvainBLConstruction log AMERIGO VESPUCCI 1/84 PANARTPage 2
BLD SHPSNew Build Occre Amerigo Vespucci By BLD SHPSPage 3
Trevor2244Occre Amerigo Vespucci 1/100
Andrea DoriaELHOIMT.N. ANDREA DORIA - Transatlantico Italiano 1951 - scala 1:100 su progetti originali dei Cantieri Ansaldo di Genova. Autore Luciano Zara, Agosto 2022Page 2
Andrea GailBovineThe Real Andrea GailPage 2
Apóstol FelipeHannibalApóstol Felipe (OcCre) 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Armed LongboatCurtisW18th Century Armed Longboat - Model Shipways - by CurtisW
dpeno18th Century Longboat 1750-1760 Model Shipways 1/48Page 2
GventuraArmed Longboat - Model Shipways 1/24Page 2
JonkenBuild Log - Model Shipways 1:24 scale Armed Longboat
TKAMModel Shipways Armed LongboatPage 8
Armed PinnaceGrahamArmed Pinnace 1800 - Panart 1:16Page 6
Knight44Armed Pinnace, by Panart 1:16, Knight44
GrahamBuild Log: Panart Armed PinnacePage 5
Armed Virginia SloopDocBlakeArmed Virginia Sloop - Lauck Street Shipyards, POF 1:32 Scale, Admiralty Style by DocBlakePage 9
lakedaisyArmed Virginia Sloop (Model Shipways) 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
Ciciak35Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48Page 6
zoly99saskArmed Virginia Sloop 1768 - Model Shipways - scale 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
mrshanksLauck Street Shipyard AVS 1:32 Plank On FramePage 9
ArrowLeroydBuild log USS Arrow by Amati
LeroydUSS Arrow
ArturBluebeardNauticurso "Artur" Brazialian fishing Boat [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
AstrolabejimmystratosAstrolabe - Mantua 1/50Page 4
Bobby K.Astrolabe 1812- Mantua-1;50- by Bobby K
Sid BarrasL'Astrolabe 1812 build
jimmystratosMantua Astrolabe 1/50
AtlanticaKikatinalongCaracca Atlantica by Kikatinalong Mamoli 1:54 scale
AvosOrnholt"Avos"1:72 from Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
KlamahaMaster Korabel „Avos“, New Project 2020 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
DragdoniusNot exactly build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
craftysailorTender Avos - Master Korabel 1:72Page 4
greenstoneTender AVOS` 1806 - Master Korabel - 1/72Page 5
AV-SC96BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32Page 3

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BadgerrdsaplalaBuild Log: Jotika/Caldercraft 1/64 HM Brig BadgerPage 3
Baliniera OlandesemartijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal)
martijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal) [COMPLETED BUILD]]Page 2
martijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal) [COMPLETED BUILD]]Page 2
BaolazeTom of all tradesYacht America. 1:120 Baolaze cheap Amazon kit.
BataviajanosBatavia kit building by Janos [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
RobertdBatavia VOC 1:72 Kolderstok by RobertD [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 13
frankiegVOC Batavia - Kolderstok 1:72 build log
RonmedgeVOC retourschip Batavia AD 1628 built in oakPage 2
BatelinaDonRobinsonBatelina by Don Robinson a MarisStella kitPage 2
Battle StationBlue fin sailing1: 48 Deck gun construction logPage 4
cristikcBattle Station- Panart 740 - by cristikc
Charles QCCombat Station 2 bridges 1:32 English 17th centuries Navy Board Model
gibby_74Panart battle deck section x2 kit mash up [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Beaglegibby_74BEAGLE by occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Bertie McBoatfaceBeagle by OcCre 1/60 ~ Bertie's Second BuildPage 4
John ReidBeagle OcCre
embojoHMS Beagle 1:60 scale Occre by embojo
gene438HMS Beagle by Occre - My First Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
ikecurranHMS BEAGLE Darwin configuration
tetrefHMS Beagle from OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
AndrewDonaldOccre 1:60 HMS Beagle
XmtrdudeOcCre HMS Beagle
gene438OcCre HMS Beagle - My First BuildPage 2
MikeyOccre HMS Beagle Build Questions
Robp1025OcCre HMS Beagle by Robp1025Page 2
BelemBob ElliotA/L Belem, a french training ship
Fish&ChipBelem from Artesania Latina - by Fish & ChipPage 9
Belle PouleRegGBelle Poule 1780 (Sail and Sail) by RegGPage 2
DonnieBelle Poule 1780 by DonniePage 33
BellonaOlympic1911Cafmodels 1/48th scale HMS BellonaPage 4
Benjamin LathamGramps 79Benjamin W. Latham
Fred P.Benjamin W. Latham (Model Shipway 1:48) by Fred P. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
PonytailSchooner Benjamin Latham from Aliexpress
CivicvtiSecond build Benjamin W. Latham
BerlinRobert BBerlin (Corel)
MattioCorel - Berlin 1:48 Scale - Rigging Help
BingalSwabbieBuild Log: Bingal (boat of symmetry)Page 2
BismarckJack SparrowAmati Bismarck 1:200 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
Uncle DavyddBismarck 1/200 Hachette rebuildPage 3
Charles QCBismarck battle ship 1/200 scale Hachette publication 140 issues build 2008 - 2015Page 2
PeterairfixHachette build the Bismarck 1/200 build logPage 4
Bismarck?Steve SBismarck?
Black BeardNietslimMamoli MV82 Black Beard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Black PearlctdragrcrA New Black Pearl in the Shipyard... All Scenarios VersionPage 2
RowboatBlack Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by RowboatPage 7
VfordyceBlack Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by Vfordyce [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 31
Captain LizardBlack Pearl 1:50 (ZHL, All-Sealed Version)
MystRacingBlack Pearl 1:50 ZHLPage 12
Ahoy AllBlack Pearl 1:50 ZHL All-Scenario versionPage 19
EdwardZBlack Pearl 1:96 Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]
CaptainJBlack Pearl 2021 Golden VersionPage 6
Dave TeelBlack pearl build from China [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
epicdoomBlack Pearl By ZHL buildPage 13
deiv1230Black Pearl from Wish
SylvainBLBlack Pearl From ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]
AvBBlack Pearl Zhl Golden edition.Page 2
sleepyfishBuild Log: ZHL Black Pearl 2019 top level edition
lmcneil1406Gold Version of the Black Pearl - My First BuildPage 9
NietslimSunken black pearl unboxing (Shicheng model)Page 3
ZHLmodelThe assembling process of Black Pearl Golden Version ZHL MODEL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
ZHLmodelThe Black Pearl All-Sealed Version the great work awarded by ZIX Prize .ZHL model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
matweaverThe pirated Black PearlPage 4
VfordyceZHL Black Pearl
FrankbergeZhl Black pearlPage 2
WarrLightZHL Black Pearl 2019 Golden Edition-Newbie build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
sleepyfishZHL Black Pearl 2019 top level editionPage 2
Tony HZHL Black Pearl 2020 Golden Edition [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 20
SoozookZHL Black Pearl circa 2013 first ModelPage 2
Jeff TZHL Black Pearl Golden 2021 - 1:64 - JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
JayZHL Black Pearl Golden Edition 2016Page 8
rickyboy66ZHL Black Pearl Golden Version by rickyboy66Page 6
HoffyZHL Black Pearl KML08 (Golden Version 2019)Page 3
Black PeralElelidBlack Perl ZHL golden edition 2023
Black PrinceBrewbrarianBlack Prince (1775) American Schooner - Mamoli - 1:57 - Double Plank on BulkheadPage 2
BrewbrarianFirst Build: Black Prince (1775) Colonial Schooner - Mamoli - 1:57 - Double Plank on BulkheadPage 3
BlandfordKit1/48 HMS Blandford - does anyone know if this kit is any good?
Craig CBlandford
maltbyguyBlandford 1/48 by Modelship DockyardPage 9
KenHMS Blandford 1:48 POF Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 28
wangHMS Blandford 1720 in scale 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
KeefHMS Blandford POFPage 10
KeefHMS Blandford POF by Keith [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 26
richardjjsHMS BLANDFORD POF by RichardPage 2
ir3HMS Blandford QuestionsPage 2
Blue ShadowDanno71Blue Shadow - Build logPage 3
Danno71Build log: Blue ShadowPage 2
BluenoseHobbie Builder2023 Schooner Bluenose 1:75 Artesania Latina 20500 [COMPLETED BUILD]
modlerbobAnother Bluenose build log 1/64 Model Shipways
2002HummerBilling Boats Bluenose 452 build
PT-2BluenosePage 11
2002HummerBluenose - Billing Boats 1:65 by 2002HummerPage 2
David LesterBluenose - Model Shipways - by David LesterPage 2
Jeff TBluenose - Model Shipways MS2130 - 1/64 - By JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
Bruce RitchieBluenose (Original) - Billing Boats 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]
MikeMCBluenose 1
MikeMCBluenose 1
TechTrekBluenose 1/64 MS2130 by TechTrek (Chris)Page 9
KurtFinkBluenose 1:100 by AmatiPage 9
HughLoBluenose 1:64 by Model Shipways - Build logPage 8
WakefieldBluenose 11
RobertdBluenose 2, AL, by Hunter376
KundelisBluenose Billing boats 576 build
mrshanksBluenose Build LogPage 5
FrightBluenose by ScientificPage 4
Peso PeteBluenose from H.Leclerc, ENR, Canada kit
DomCeeBluenose II - Artesania-Latina 1:75: Part 2, sails and rigging progress - Kit mod by Dom
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by NomadPage 22
Down the BayBluenose II, 1:75 Scale, by Artesania Latina
FranzBluenose made in Austria :-)Page 4
mallacootaBluenose Model Shipways (again) by Mallacoota [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
mallacootaBluenose Model Shipways build log - MallacootaPage 7
ButterfingersBluenose Model Shipways Butterfingers
ButterfingersBluenose Model Shipways by Butterfingers
dsmith1157Bluenose Plank on Bulkhead
BodachBodach's Bluenose
Down the BayBuild Log: Bluenose II, 1:75 Scale, by Artesania Latina
HughLoBuild Log; Model Shipways 1:64 BluenosePage 6
RodneyBCanadian Bluenose Schooner - Build Log (Model Shipways)
ZoopherHoorah! First wooden ship kit ever!Page 2
ZoopherMini Mamoli early Xmas pressie!
HighflightModel Shipways Bluenose, 1/64 scale by Hightflight [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Barry1Model Shipways Bluenose-3/16 Scale
crawfordwilson3New to this site AND my first model ship. Progress on the Bluenose II
RDN1954Rebuilding Bluenose I, BB576. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Bluenose - Scientific Kit No. 164 (1:64 scale)UrkVisserBluenose - Scientific Kit No. 164 (1:64 scale)
Bluenose IIAgeguyBluenose II - 1st wooden ship model
Capt RubioBluenose ii - Artesania Latina
DomCeeBluenose II - Artesania-Latina 1:75 - Part 3 - Completed Model Pictures with Summary Review of the Build.
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by Nomad [Completed Build]Page 26
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by Nomad [Completed Build]Page 26
DomCeeBluenose II, 1:75 Artesania-Latina kit build by Dom.
Dave TeelConstructo Bluenose II
BoattomspBoat 136 mm
BoiuntyMikeMCHvma bounty
Bomb VesselrawenH. M. Bomb Vesel Granado (Victory Models) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Bon RetourAginvictaBon Retour Artesania Latina 1/25 scalePage 4
BonaventureShort John BronzeHobbies Bonaventure
neptuneI would like to introduce to my friend Patrick,Page 3
Bonhomme RichardBradNSWBonhomme Richard - Pear Cross section kit (with scratch duplicate using alder) Unicorn ModelPage 16
donfarrBonhomme Richard Barge: Half Hull Model by Don FarrPage 2
SignetSignet's Bonhomme Richard Cross Section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
stan167USS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48Page 2
carlosysUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48 - by carlosys [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
neptuneUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48 - by neptune,Page 15
UwekUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48 - by UwePage 22
OldpaperoneUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
ReneKUSS Bonhomme Richard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
LarsaUSS Bonhomme Richard 1/48 Section-Pear version by LarsaPage 2
OlegMUSS Bonhomme Richard 1779 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 18
xander898USS Bonhomme Richard Unicorn Model 1:48
YuriYuri's USS Bonhomme Richard - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48Page 5
BorkumTorpartBorkum steam launch buildPage 2
morfaMy FIRST build: Krick Borkum with MSM 3" Clyde Steam Plant (shipping next week)
morfaMy FIRST build: Krick Borkum with MSM 3" Clyde Steam Plant [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
neptuneSteam Launch Borkum by neptune - Krick - 1/12 scale - with steam engine built from Stuart Turner casPage 9
Bot de LlumcarlosysBot de Llum - Calella Occre
Bountypeter6172AMATI 1/60 HMS BOUNTYPage 3
yeloowtangArtsenia Latina HMS Bounty 1783Page 3
PeterairfixBillings boats HMS BountyPage 2
Robert BBuild Log For H.M.S. Bounty AL Kit But DifferentPage 4
SgtmikH.M.A.V Bounty, Constructo 1:50Page 7
FredVH.M.S. Endeavour 1768 ( Artesania Latina Kit )
LarryHi all, attached are some shots of my Bounty project, any advise is welcome, the lights are from Evans Design and
GrantTylerHMAV BOUNTY - A “face lift “Page 25
LeftyMitch75HMS BOUNTY (OCCRE)..My second wood ship build.
SSCHMS Bounty 1/100, Mamoli MV52
JScolumHMS Bounty 1:48 Artesania LatinaPage 2
Graham_THMS Bounty Jolly Boat 1/24 Artesania Latina
paulnjulieNewbie Bounty buildPage 2
suspend6Novice builds Artesania Bounty 1/48Page 2
KedennisOccre Bounty Boat 1:24 ScalePage 2
Old GuyOcCre HMS Bounty
Balacpartly open main deck AL Bounty Build
gibby_74Restoration of the BOUNTY by occre
DematosdgThe Anatomy of the Bounty - AL-Page 16
LarryThe Bounty Project Part 2
Bounty LaunchkarkkaBeginner, trying bounty boat by Occre.Page 2
John ReidBounty Launch. Model Expo 1:16th scale.
BMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) HMS Bounty Launch Model Shipways 1:16 Scale Plank-on-Frame Kit.
BMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) HMS Bounty Launch Model Shipways 1:16 Scale POF [COMPLETED BUILD]
Yann KermeurHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat by Yann Kermeur - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/25 - First build
FrightMy 1st POF kit just arrived!
MadNavOcCre Bounty Launch 1:24 - first buildPage 2
PeterairfixOcCre Golden Hind
Bounty's Jolly BoatmodlerbobH.M.S. Bounty's Jolly Boat Artesania Latina scale 1:25
IevgueniHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat
BrazzeraCryptonBrazzera from MarisStella build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
BrigantineRamboBigantine 1:100 - First kit
BritanniaSTGCSH.M.Y Britannia (MV44) by Mamoli [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
BucaneermaurizioBucaneer OcCre
mauriziobucaneer occre
BuccaneerHughLoBuccaneer 1:100 by Occre - Build logPage 5
Toni_SBuccaneer by Occre - First build everPage 4
mapooBuccaneer by Occre - Second BuildPage 3
HughLoBuild Log; OcCre 1:100 BuccaneerPage 3
Toni_SOccre Buccaneer - First build everPage 2

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Cabin CruiserPathfinder65A mystery kit from many years agoPage 3
CairoCharles QCUSS Cairo 1862 kit BlueJacket kit K1111 1/16 '' at feet 1: 192
Cala EsmeraldaJohn HendrixA little different take on Occre's "Cala Esmeralda"
OlivierFCala Esmeralda 1:58 by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
CalellaCharles QCBuild log of the Calella OcCre kit Ref : 52002
JohnRCalella (OcCre 1:15) [COMPLETED BUILD]
CalifornianHrrunner1:107 Californian from kit/scratch
CandelariaFrankWCandelaria by Occre 1:85 - FirstbuilPage 9
FrankWFirst build. 1/85 OcCre CandelariaPage 8
CannonBroden8 Pound Cannon Kit - scale 1:20
RichieHMS Sirius 1786 Deck Cannon - Modellers Shipyard 1:20 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Cannon JolleSergey PobozhyCannon Jolle 1801 (Master Korabel 1/72)Page 2
EkisCanon Jolle 1:72 - Master KorabelPage 2
YiFanMaster Korabel Cannon jolle 1801
CanoeCaptain BPeterboro canoe 1:12 - Midwest [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
CarrackSignetMarisStella Ragusian Carrack by Signet [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
lakedaisyRagusian Carrack (MarisStella) - Scale 1:59Page 3
CatalinaBarnegatBayCatalina by Mamoli - Build log
CatspawOldpaperoneCatspaw Model Kit (Wood) by The Woodenboatstore.
CausticMavRickGunboat Caustic from dlumberyardPage 3
CazadorKaizenBuild Log: Cazador by Occre
KaizenCazador by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]
Dean62Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60Page 37
neptuneCazador Xebec 1750 - OcCre - scale 1:60, by neptunePage 2
paulv1958Cazador-Xebec Occre 1:60 by Paul VPage 4
kah4Sharing my build of the CazadorPage 3
kah4Sharing my build of the Cazador and San FillipePage 4
sidelinerXebec CAZADOR Occre 1:60 scalePage 3
JohnRYacht America - Corel Line 1:155 by JohnR
ChalupaYuriZHL Chalupa 1834 (my 1st model)Page 3
YuriZHL Chalupa 1834 (my 1st model) [Completed Build]Page 4
ChaperonBarry1Chaperon 1884 Steamer by Model Shipways, 1:48 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Pathfinder65Chaperon 1884 Stern WheelerPage 39
CharlesChrisPCharles Stuart Royal Yacht 1674 - Woody Joe 1/64 by ChrisP [COMPLETED BUILD]
Charles W. MorganBill-RCharles Morgan Bark 1:64 POB - By Bill-RPage 6
David LesterCharles W. Morgan by David Lester - Model Shipways - 1/64 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
CheerfulGennaroCutter Cheerful 1806 Build LogPage 9
Clara MayJimmyTClara May - Covered in Keith Julier's Book?
terenceRestor my 1st model The CLARA MAY built 40 years ago [COMPLETED BUILD]
Command DeckKurt KonrathCommand Deck.- Mantua / Panart #709Page 7
ConfederacywernerweissBuild log USF Confederacy 1778 Model Shipways 1:64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
Craig CConfederacy
Craig CConfederacy
AdiefenbachModel Expo Confederacy [Completed Build]
AdiefenbachModel Expo Confederacy [Completed Build]
Fred P.US Frigate Confederacy - 1/64 - Model Shipways - by Fred [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
shipphotographer.comUSS CONFEDERACY (1778) - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64 - by ship photographer.comPage 4
Constellation6lkl624Al constellation
epicdoomAL Constellation buildPage 5
Tom HoffmannConnie ropes and threads.
CO JaybirdUSS Constellation - 1797Page 2
Constitutionrustyshooter80’s Scientific USS Constitution build
oscardeuceBuild log USS Constitution Mantua 1/96
BhillBuild Log: USS Constitution - Billing Boats 1:100
Rob444Constitution Cross Section MS20245 Model ExpoPage 5
JohnB163Height of Gunports and adding a spacer
wayne mcmullinMamoli Constitution cross section
kingkahn1950Model Shipways USF ConstitutionPage 2
Tony HModel Shipways USS Constitution 1:76 scale.Page 28
kingkahn1950More Progress on Model Shipways USF Constitution
Jack SparrowMSW USS ConstitutionPage 9
ThrasherResumed Build log: Model shipways Constitution: Standing RiggingPage 2
ThrasherResumed Build Log: Model Shipways Constitution: Standing Rigging
HMSFlyUSS Constitution - Model ShipwaysPage 4
Jeff TUSS Constitution - Model Shipways MS2040 - 1:76 - by Jeff TPage 2
JohnB163USS Constitution - very old Mamoli kit - by first time builder - build logPage 10
Aussie048USS Constitution "Old Ironsides " 1:93 Scale MamoliPage 15
Jcushion2Uss Constitution build
VfordyceUSS Constitution Build logPage 20
VfordyceUSS Constitution Build log by VIC [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 23
Tony HUSS Constitution by Model Shipways 1:76 scalePage 47
NikolayUSS Constitution Constructo Models
jvalanUSS Constitution Cross Section - Mamoli - Build log
epicdoomUSS Constitution Cross section 1:93 MamoliPage 2
BrewerpaulUSS Constitution cross section by Mamoli
rlwhittUSS Constitution Cross-Section 1797 - 1:76 - Model Shipways by rlwhitt [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
APhilUSS Constitution from Model ShipwaysPage 5
VfordyceUSS Constitution from Scientific ModelsPage 27
MystRacingUSS Constitution Mamolii 1:93 scalePage 3
DonnieUSS Constitution MS2040Page 8
Zzyzx01USS Constitution X-Section, 1:93 Scale, Mamoli (1982)
TKAMUSS Constitution's boats
Rocky MUSS Hartfield DD 231
VfordyceVintage ModelsPage 4
CorsairTWarrisBrig Corsair by OcCre - heavily reworkedPage 2
gibby_74CORSAIR by occre build log. My first wooden ship [COMPLETED BUILD]
CrabSwabbieLog Build: Crab (a crane boat)Page 4
Creole QueenchyltinDumas Creole Queen Build [COMPLETED BUILD]
BillKleinLooking for help with the Creole Queen
CutterRcflyerBuild of Bosphorus Cutter 1/50 scalePage 2
GravmanFast Response CutterPage 2
Cutty SarkDave Teel70's era Scientific Cutty Sark
Dave TeelA/L Cutty SarkPage 3
Harbour HulkBillings Boats Cutty Sark
JervdbCutty Sark
SeastreetCutty Sark
Short John BronzeCutty Sark - Artesania Latina version
NorgaleCutty Sark by SergalPage 4
Sid BarrasCutty Sark Mantua 1:78 Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DomCeeCutty Sark, Vintage Billing Boats BB564, 1:75.Page 5
Jimmy CHMS Cutty Sark
GaryMMantua Sergal's Cutty SarkPage 3
RobertdSergal Cutty Sark scale 1:78 Robertd [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 14
CUX87CaptginoCUX87 Krabbenkutter by Captgino

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DanmarkBuilderBenBuild log: DanmarkPage 2
alpayedDanmark - Billings - bashPage 2
De Zeven Provinciën- Maik -De Zeven Provinciën (Kolderstok) - MaikPage 4
Delphine IVYoshkaDelphine IV build.
Dianafj3131030HMS Diana 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard -Build logPage 5
HMSFlyHMS Diana by CaldercraftPage 25
DoryFTMC1st Kit Build-Grand Banks Dory
JohnRBuild Log - Lowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways 1:24 (JohnR - 3rd build)
Andre SharplinBuild log - Sergal Cutty Sark Build 2021
Bu66l3sBuild Log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory [COMPLETED BUILD]
Larry DBuild log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24Page 2
RoscoeBuild Log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 by Roscoe
TimcastagnolaFirst Build: Lowell Grand Banks DoryPage 2
Rocketboy53Hello and Question About My First Build of a DoryPage 2
RDBetzLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model ShipwaysPage 5
RodneyBLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways (1:24) [COMPLETED BUILD]
JohnRLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways 1:24 (JohnR - 3rd build) [COMPLETED BUILD]
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Lowell Grand Banks Dory [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
dpenoLowell Grand banks Dory 1:24 scale
donfarrLowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 Scale - Model ShipwaysPage 2
QuintLowell Grand Banks Dory Diorama
shipphotographer.comLowell Grand Banks Dory with Tools - Model Shipways - Scale 1:24
JimskyLowell Grand Banks Dory, Scale 1:24, by Model Shipways, Beginner's kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
BMTMidwest Sea Bright Dory Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) 1:16 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
BruceIvesModel Shipways Kit No. MS1417 Dory, Pram and SmackPage 2
EdwardZModel Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24
mwromanModel Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory.Page 2
JanFModel Shipways Sea Bright Dory Lifeboat [COMPLETED BUILD]
priority_aces1Newb builds a Dory! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Dos AmigosDave TeelDos Amegos by Occre
DrakarMr.DeepDrakar by Pavel Nikitin. The scale is 1:25.
DrakkarSTGCSBuild Log - Viking Longship "Drakkar" by AmatiPage 2
CaptginoViking Drakkar by Captgino
STGCSViking Longship "Drakkar" by AmatiPage 3
Barry1Viking Ship Drakkar - 1:50 scale by AmatiPage 2
SnowyViking Ship Drakkar - Amati 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
DruidYiFan1/128 HMS Druid 1776 cross section
fukuiHms DruidPage 3
JohnAHMS Druid 1776 (x 2) by Unicorn Model, 1/128 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Brito_686HMS Druid 1776 Stern Cross Section 1/128 by Unicorn ModelPage 2
Dubz Modelling WorldHMS Druid 1776 stern cross section in scale 1/128 by Dubz Modelling WorldPage 4
MousemuffinsHMS druid Middle bit. (to be followed by the end bit) [COMPLETED BUILD]
DonnieHMS Druid P.O.F. - Unicorn Models by Donnie [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 27
bandidoThe Druid Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Duchess of KingstonGolgobotRoyal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Dutch GaloitHillroDutch Galoit Trading Vessel
DuyfkenPathfinder65Duyfken 1/50 scale - KolderstockPage 11
RobertdVOC Duyfken AD 1595 scale 1:50 KolderstokPage 2

Back to Top


Eaglekeruj_JPGorch Fock changed to "Eagle" US Coast Guard - OcCre in scale 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
CallMeKristyUSCGC (Barque) Eagle by ConstructoPage 2
EendrachtmartijnonderwaterDutch Tjalk 'Eendracht' by Authentic Shipmodels Amsterdam [COMPLETED BUILD]
Efim NikonovDematosdgEFIM NIKONOV 1721 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DematosdgEFIM NIKONOV 1721 kit Modified: INTERIOR VIEWPage 4
ElidirSeastreetElidir' / Constructo 1:26 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Elsiehalbaby7Model Shipways ELSIE 1910, Scale 1:64, by Halbaby7
Emma C. BerrySmithyEmma' - A Diorama making use of the sloop-rigged smack kit, Emma C Berry (1866), from Model Shipways, 1/32 Scale.Page 6
GuyHEmma C Berry well smack
fred.hockerEmma C. Berry 1:32 PoF by Model ShipwaysPage 4
EndeavourBirdermanBark Endeavour - Eaglemoss Part work kit.
OrionBow a Stern blocks made from balsa wood
RobertkBuild Log HMS Endeavour
HatterasBuild Log: HM Bark ENDEAVOUR (1:54 Occre)Page 2
jamiebradley426Building The New HMS Endeavour By Artesania Latina Video LogPage 5
jbradfordDeck Planking repair needed
John ReidEndeavor OcCre
Dave TeelEndeavor tandem buildPage 6
The SailorENDEAVOUR - Amati 1/80 scale
Johny - BAENDEAVOUR - Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Anthony1Endeavour - Corel SM41 build logPage 4
Mike The ModellerEndeavour - J Class - 1934 America’s Cup challenger - Amati 1:80 scale
EkisEndeavour 1934 - yacht J-class - 1:80 AmatiPage 2
SaltyScotEndeavour 1934 by SaltyScot - Amati - 1:80
KeithLyallEndeavour by Occre 1:54 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
GlasetjEndeavour by Occre buildPage 2
gardblaEndeavour J-Class America's Cup, 1:80 Amati
JoeFHM Bark ENDEAVOUR - Eaglemoss KitPage 2
LuigiSoftHMB EndeavourPage 5
peter6172HMB ENDEAVOUR - New 1/65 Artesania Latina ModelPage 8
Tommy SHMS Endeavor 1/65 scalePage 2
Tommy SHMS Endeavor by Tommy SPage 3
JDS73HMS Endeavour - Artesania LatinaPage 2
NorwayHms Endeavour - Billing BoatsPage 2
mickgraceHMS Endeavour - Build logPage 2
JScolumHMS Endeavour - from Scrach
tetrefHMS Endeavour 1:54 by OcCre
RobertkHMS Endeavour Occre model rigging
jbradfordLooking for parts
Endeavour LongboatJeff WBuild Log: HMS Endeavour Captain LongboatPage 3
EnduranceBill HimeBuild Log: Endurance - Occre - by Bill HimePage 8
Francois de Saint NazaireEndurance - OcCre - 1/70Page 2
Jeff TEndurance - OcCre - 1:70 - Jeff T [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
AncientmodellerEndurance (1912)Page 3
The Ships CatEndurance (1912) - Occre, Scale 1:70 - My First Shipbuilding AdventurePage 16
BarcomadEndurance 2nd buildPage 7
KramerEndurance by OcCre 1:70Page 6
mallacootaEndurance from Occre by MallacootaPage 7
maurizioEndurance Occre
The Ships CatEvery adventure starts with a first step
bentderailerHMS Endurance (OcCre)Page 2
RobertkHMS Endurance build log
RobertkHMS Endurance build log
KeithLyallOccre Endurance (1:70) Build LogPage 2
Bill-RShackleton's Endurance - Occre - By Bill-RPage 4
Enterprisezoly99saskAmerica's Cup 1930 J Class Enterprise - Amati - scale 1:80
Paul132Build Log "CAF" HMS EnterprisePage 17
Alex RBuild Log: CAF models' HMS Enterprise 1:48Page 8
RowboatBuild Log: Enterprise Maryland 1799 1:51Page 3
Pathfinder65Constructo 1799 Enterprise helpPage 23
MaxxDMG42Enterprise (Constructo)Page 3
JScolumEnterprise 1:50 Golden Kits
woundedhandEnterprise 1775
cccampagn59Enterprise Maryland 1799 - Constructo Kit (1st Attempt)Page 2
RowboatEnterprise Maryland 1799 1:51 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
neilmEnterprize 1/96 . Help needed anyone?
IostoEnterprize CAF Model improvement of the kit with complete interiors [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
neilmH.M.S Enterprise / Enterprize. 1:96 (Modelship Dockyard)Page 2
wuxiaomengH.M.S Enterprise 1:96 (Modelship Dockyard)Page 3
BryianH.M.S Enterprise plank on frame CAF Models 1/48.Page 19
Brito_686H.M.S Enterprize 1:48 CAF ModelsPage 4
CTXMMHMS Enterprise - 1:96 - 96进取套材的制作Page 4
xander898HMS Enterprise 1:160 cross section
GventuraHMS Enterprize 1/96 by Modelship DockyardPage 7
empeHMS Enterprize 1774 1:96 von Modelship DockyardPage 3
ty1000Hms Enterprize 1774 1:96 全肋骨进取 by Modelship Dockyard
RobboxxxStern section 1/160 HMS ENTERPRISE 1774 by Unicorn Models China
mdegeisoUSS Enterprise 1799 - Coffee Table BuildPage 2
ErcinaJack JägerThe sailing beam trawler Erycina from Vanguard Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
ErebusIterumHMS EREBUS 1826 from OcCre TERROR kit
harrynzOccre Erebus
EsmeraldaOlivierFOcCre Cala Esmeralda 1:64Page 6
EssexRpopeBuild log The Whaler EssexPage 3
TobiasEssex [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
savasEssex by OccrePage 2
rlwhittUSS Essex 1799 Frigate by rlwhitt - Model Shipways - 1:76 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4

Back to Top


Fair AmericanjbradfordFair American - Model Shipways (Readding my build)Page 2
The GavelFair American 1:48 Model Shipways Retrospective Log and Personal Modeling HistoryPage 5
FritzModel Shipways 1778 Fair American 1:48 , by Fritz
Falkusajack.aubreyGaeta Falcata (Gajeta Falkusa) by jack.aubrey - Marisstella - 1:20 ScalePage 5
Henry xGerman state yachts
FifiemallacootaFifie - Scottish Fishing Boat POB by AmatiPage 4
Fishing BoatrtibbsFife-Scottish Fishing Vessel, Amati_Victory Models 1:32Page 9
AER3393Need advice on rigging an antique fishing yawl
BastianHPalamós Fishing Boat - First Post, first model surely not the last :) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
FlattieIterumMidwest Chesapeake Flatty 1/32
BluebeardModel Expo "Chesapeak Bay Falttie" Scale 1/32Page 2
donfarrPainting with wood MIDWEST FLATIEPage 3
paulv1958Panart HMS Victory Life boat Scale 1:16Page 2
FlatttieBMTMidwest Chesapeake Bay Flattie - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:36 [COMPLETED BUILD]
FluytjanzwartKolderstok. Fluyt in oakPage 7
Flytonphil1960Build log H.M.S. Fly, Victory models.Page 2
Daniel20Build Log: HMS FlyPage 2
JcobH.M.S. Fly by Amati 1:65 - Build log by JcobPage 5
tonphil1960H.M.S. Fly, Victory models.Page 2
Daniel20HMS Fly - Amati 1:64 - by Daniel20 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
CaptainsCabinHMS Fly – Start of 2nd Planking & 'row-ports'
RobertdHMS Fly (Amati) 1:64 Robertd [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
Allan.PHMS Fly 1/64th scale from Victory Models Build log
CaptainsCabinHMS Fly 1:64 - Amati/Victory Models by CaptainsCabinPage 9
NomadHMS Fly Build (Amati) 1:64 by NomadPage 36
TechTrekVictory Models HMS Fly 1/64 Diorama by TechTrekPage 6
Flying CloudPeter Gutterman"Flying Cloud " by Mamoli - kit bashPage 54
Peter GuttermanFlying Cloud, American Clipper Ship 1851 - Scale 1:96, by MamoliPage 3
Peter GuttermanMamoli "Flying Cloud " kit bashPage 2
BhillMamoli Flying CloudPage 2
Dave TeelScientific kit Flying Cloud
Peter GuttermanScientific Models retro miniature "Flying Cloud"
Flying DutchmanlakedaisyFlying Dutchman, Occre, 1:50Page 5
Flying FishJScolumFLYING FISH - 1:50 - Schooner 1860 - Corel
porkerFlying Fish - Corel
modlerbobMarket Schooner Flying Fish Corel 1:50
ClinkMy Build of The Flying Fish
FranceCharles QCFrench Liner France Hachette publication 1/250Page 2
FrederickMavRickThe Frederick from the LumberyardPage 4
Friedrich WilhelmneptuneFreidrich Wilhelm Zu Perde 1/48 scale by Euro ModelPage 2
notawasagaFriedrich Wilhelm from Carta Augusto
neptuneFriedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde 1/48 scale by Euro ModelPage 9
Pat71Wilhelm zu pferdePage 3
Friese TjalkleysendBilling Boats - Friese Tjalk -398
FrieslandSeastreet"Friesland"/ Mamoli [COMPLETED BUILD]
shota70Friesland - Mamoli scale 1:75Page 9
Johny - BAFRIESLAND by MamoliPage 2
Froyadeepriver27Froya: An Important History and a Wonderful Kit
FubbsDematosdg1682 HMY FUBBS - 1:24 - Stern Section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 17
Canoe211682 HMY Fubbs 1:24 scalePage 23
BryianH.M.Y Fubbs 1/24 scale stern section by Bryian.
Mike41HMY Fubbs 1682 by Mike41 - Weasel Works – Stern Section – 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
MystRacingHMY Fubbs Stern Section 1720'sPage 3
lauckstreetHMY Fubbs, 1724Page 2
DocBlakeRoyal Yacht HMY Fubbs (1682-1781) – 1:24 Scale Stern Section by DocBlakePage 3

Back to Top


GalliotPonytailDutch Merchant ship, type Galjoot (Galliot)
GiuncaSeastreetGIUNCA cinese pirata / Amati 1:?? [COMPLETED BUILD]
GjoamaurizioGjoa, Constructo 1:100, my first model [COMPLETED BUILD]
Glad TidingsDuncanGlad Tidings Pinky by DUncan - Model Shipways - 1:24 ScalePage 6
shipphotographer.comPinky schooner GLAD TIDINGS (1937) - Model Shipways - scale 1:24Page 6
Golden Hinde6lkl624Golden Hind - Constructo 1:55 first real build
Ron1767Golden Hind – Occre – Scale 1:85
gibby_74GOLDEN HIND by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
HammerGolden Hind by Occre 1:85Page 2
Dave TeelMini Golden Hind
HarrieOCCRE Golden Hind - beginner (have a few questions)Page 2
Golden StarBryantesHMS Golden Star by Bryantes - FINISHED - Mantua - 1:150 [COMPLETED BUILD]
lakedaisyMantua Golden Star 1:150 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Golden YachtBluebeardImai Golden Yach 1/45 scale
GondolaGAStanGondola-Dumas Boats
Gorch Fockgibby_74GORCH FOCK by MantuaPage 15
keruj_JPGorch Fock od OcCre w skali 1:90
GotheborgJcobBilling Boats - East Indiaman Götheborg 1:100
GranadoDubz Modelling WorldBomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit by Miniature ArtsPage 6
Alex RCAF 1:48 HMS Granado cross Section
SignetCAF Granado 1/48 PoF Bomb Vessel by SignetPage 8
ExpertenCAF Granado problem
AdiefenbachCAF HMS Granado 1:48 POFPage 7
ExpertenCAF HMS Granado by Experten
MozartmanCAF HMS Granado full kit
NietslimCalderCraft HM GranadoPage 5
janosGranado CAF kit by Janos
Lucian29Granado section - CAF Models
BryianH.M.S Granado. Plank on frame 1/48 scale. CAF model.Page 9
Maksym KH.M.S. Granado Victory Models (late stages)Page 2
UwekHMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by UwePage 92
UwekHMS GRANADO (1742) - midship section - POF by CAF in 1:48 - by UwePage 15
yuhong liHMS GRANADO (1742) - midship section - POF by CAF in 1:48 - by Yuhong
stan167HMS GRANADO (1742) - section - POF by CAF in 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
tedboatHMS Granado 1/48, POF, CAF modelsPage 3
muchiHMS Granado 1/48, POF, CAFmodelPage 3
KeefHMS GRANADO 1:48 scale PoF CAF Model by KeithPage 23
zoly99saskHms Granado 1:72 - Cross Section by Miniature ArtsPage 3
Olympic1911HMS Granado, Plank-on-Frame, 1/48 scale CAFModelPage 2
Greek BirememoreplovacBireme - Greek Warship, Amati, scale 1/35Page 6
Charles QCGreek Bireme 6Th Century B.C. 1/72 Dusek D001
sidelinerGreek Bireme1:72 Daniel Dusek
GretelSeastreet"Gretel"/ Mamoli
HenslowGretel 1/54 mamoli.Page 2
HenslowGretel Mamoli
GreyhoundfukuiHMS GREYHOUNDPage 2
peter6172HMS GREYHOUND Rescue - Corel 1/100
GrimmershornneptuneKrick Grimmershorn 1/20 scale Motor vessel built by neptunePage 8
GrimsbycaptaineddieBuild Log: HMS Grimsby
Sea BurdHMS Grimsby-Constructo 1:65Page 5
GulnaraIgor TatarenkovSOS Gulnara - 1/50 KRICK
Gun-boatSulaireMantua Cannoniera Olandese no.2
GunsKurt Konrath32 Pound Long Gun Display
Charles QCNaval Smoothbore Guns Of History Model Shipways MS4005 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2

Back to Top


HalconFreakert1:100 Halcon 1840 SchoonerPage 3
The DonA Cherry poppin’ Halcon in 1/100
Martin555.Another Halcon 1:100 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
jackofalltradesAnother... Halcon - 1/100
MurfBuild Log for the infamous HMS Halcon
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSCheap Chinese Halcon speed build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 20
CivicvtiFirst build: Halcon 1:100Page 3
ResoianHalcon 1/100 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Panteg ModelsHalcon 1/100 first build attempt! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
AlgirdasHalcon 1:100
JTVHalcon 1:100 - My first builld
GhostHalcon 1:100 Build Log
remzibiHalcon 1:100 first attempt for wooden ship modelingPage 2
Capt RubioHalcon 1:100 Rookie way [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
PeterMichaelHALCON 1840 1/100
PeterMichaelHALCON 1840 1/100 scale
ottoHalcon Kit 1:100 - some comments and experiences
PonytailIntroducing Ponytail: another Halcon-build... [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
JoeSNewbie forst wooden kit, a cheap HALCON (what else...)
AslanBNo-Brand Halcon $40 kit. Small, but interestingPage 2
VladimirSchooner Halcon 1840 1:100Page 2
Ajmitch51Second attempt at the HalconPage 2
modlerbobTopsail schooner Halcon 1:100 unbranded from China
Half MoonSeastreet"d'Halve Maen" ('Half Moon'/Corel)
lakedaisyHalf Moon (Corel) (SM18) 1:50 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 13
RonmedgeHalve Maen (Half Moon) 1:50 Corel kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
BrewbrarianHalve Maen (Half Moon), 1608 - Dutch VOC Vlieboot - Corel - 1:50 - Double-plank-on-bulkheadPage 4
HalifaxfukuiHALIFAX 1775
donfarrHalifax Build Log: LumberyardPage 16
MavRickHalifax from the lumberyardPage 2
KoreetsHalifax, colonial schooner. Unicorn, China. Scale 1:50Page 2
HannahJANETBuild log: HANNA obtained from LumberyardPage 4
JANETHANNA obtained from LumberyardPage 4
Harriet LanePeter GuttermanHarriet Lane Model Shipways Solid hull build log by Peter Gutterman [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
QuintModel Shipways Harriet Lane Steam Paddle Cutter 1857 - Scale 1/12"=1ft (1:144)
BMTUSCG Harriet Lane for the United States Navy 1859 - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:96Page 5
BMTUSCG Harriet Lane for the United States Navy 1859 - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:96 [COMPLETED Build]Page 5
The GavelUSRC Harriet Lane Model Shipways 1:96 scale circa 1863Page 33
HarveySid BarrasBaltimore Clipper Ship "Harvey/1847" 1:50 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
GorhogBoston Schooner Harvey 1847 1:96Page 2
Sid BarrasBuild Log Baltimore Clipper Ship "Harvey/1847" 1:50 scalePage 3
Stu JessopBuild Log: Harvey (Artesania Latina Kit circa 1990's)Page 3
darnoldBuild Log: Harvey 1847 (Artesania Latina)Page 3
talismanHarvey 1847
FelixHarvey 1847 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Dcox1961Harvey 1847 1:50
mondrasekThe "Chinese" HarveyPage 20
Havmagen 683Panteg ModelsSecond ever build Havmagen 683 from Billing Boats [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
HaylingTom of all tradesAnother Hayling 1760 buildPage 8
colin100Hayling 1760 - Model Ship Dockyard - PearPage 3
AndrisHayling 1760 (my first kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
OrnholtHayling 1760 1:48 from Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
NOVICHOKPOF Hayling 1760Page 5
Arne SchippersPOF Hayling Hoy 1760 Modelship DockyardPage 5
Hayling Hoyhammer80Hayling hoy [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
wangHayling Hoy 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Roger JHayling Hoy by Roger JPage 3
Roger JHayling Hoy help needed
glennb17Hayling Hoy: POF kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
Henriette MarieMike905603Billings Boats Henriette Marie
Henry Grace A DieuXbmaHenry grace a dieu.
HermioneRichard KleckerArtesania Latina L'Hermione 1:89
Charles QCArtesia Hermione Lafayette (the old kit)
Richard KleckerBuild Log: Artesania Latina L'Hermione 1:89
SylvainBLConstruction of the Hermione, Artesania Latina kit by SylvainPage 2
John GFrigate Hermione, Scale 1:89 , Artesania Latina kit, by John G [COMPLETED BUILD]
geowbreHermione by DISAR
PatrickHermione La Fayette
carpHermione La Fayette [COMPLETED BUILD]
FabianHermione la Fayette by Artesania Latina
HummervollHermione Lafayette
Charles QCHermione Lafayette (the old kit) - Artesania Latina
bikepunkHermione Lafayette by Artesania Latinia 1:89 ScalePage 3
MessisL' Hermione AL 1/89Page 7
WanderL’Hermione La Fayette 1:89 (New kit) - Artesania LatinaPage 3
HMS Enterprise 1774 POF 1:48.GrantTylerHMS Enterprise 1774 POF 1:48.Page 5
Hollanda YatiTom of all tradesHollanda Yati 1670 1:80 (Part way thru build)
HoogaarUrkVisserDutch Hoogaar Fishing VesselPage 2
HoyalbertmaryHoy, 1760Page 5

Back to Top


Ictineo IIEkisIctineo II 1864 - 1:46 - WoodenKitPage 2
ImaraneptuneCaldercraft Steam Tug Imara 1/32nd scale by neptunePage 9
NMBROOKCaldercraft-Imara 1/32- RC with twin steam enginesPage 6
IndefatigableTiGGerDaveHMS INDEFATIGABLE 1794 - 1/64 - VANGUARD 1/64 featuring Mr "Hornblower" ;-)
IndependenceDocBlakeAL Colonial Schooner "Independence" by DocBlake - 5/16" scalePage 5
José RuestaINDEPENDENCE 1775, Scale 1:35, Artesania Latina
gibby_74Independence by Artesania Latina.Page 2
IngermanlandLwoodIngermanland 1:50
Viktor98Ingermanland 1715 (2014) * Shi Cheng * 1:50 ScalePage 12

Back to Top


JabequeArtinJabeque by OccrePage 5
LologaditanoJabeque Cazador ,1/60 Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
ArtinOccre JabequePage 2
JalouseTed RobinsonHMS Jalouse - Caldercraft by TedPage 8
James CairdJohn ReidJames Caird
JectNormaasenNorth Norwegian klinker built caro wessel called jekt from the 17 centhury scratch built of pine wood. Only a couple of old models exist in museum
JimskyCutty Sark, Vintage Billing Boats BB564, 1:75.JimskyPage 22
Jolie BriseReneKJolie Brise
JuanitaBluebeardThe Juanita Sternwheeler 1/24Page 2
JunkHenry xFive masted junk
EdwardZMy first youtube video of full building an inexpensive Chinese Junk Rigging Ship Model

Back to Top


Katy of NorfolkJeff5115First build-Katy of Norfolk
King of the MississippicarlosysBuild Log King Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [finished]
arneTBuild Log: "Norske Løve" by Billings BoatsPage 3
stevenKing of Mississippi
carlosysKing Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
carlosysKing Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [finished]
Bob ParkerKing of Mississippi riverboat - Artesania Latina 1/80 Scale
mrjuanKing of the Mississippi by Artesania Latina 1:80 Scale
thegrindreKit-Bashing the King of the Mississippi Riverboat (7/21/20)Page 5
KingfisherD F McHMS Kingfisher
tedboatHMS Kingfisher/ King's Fisher - Tedboat [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
dockattnerKingfisher 1770 1:48 POFPage 195
KinkakujiWarrLightKinkakuji Japanese Temple by Woody Joe
KyreniaPT-2Kyrenia Ship, 290 BCE Reconstruction POF Build Log PT-2 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 17

Back to Top


La BelleGennaroAnother CAF's La Belle 1684Page 2
Thomas MarockeCAF La BellePage 3
yuhong liCAF Models 1/48 La Belle [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Thomas MarockeLa Belle - Caf Model 1:48 by Thomas Marocke [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 23
Tony PLa Belle - CAF Models - Pof by Tony P - Build logPage 2
jack.aubreyLa Belle - Hachette Partwork - 1/30 scalePage 6
SubmarinerblueLa Belle 1/48Page 3
CathberLa Belle 1682 1/48 Kit CAF par CathberPage 4
GennaroLa Belle 1684 - Caf Model 1:48 by GennaroPage 13
KoreetsLaBelle 1:48, chinese kit, another building logPage 3
La Belle Poulezoly99saskBelle Poule 1780 1:72 - Sail and Sail Model by zoly99saskPage 17
Thomas MarockeLa Belle Poule 1780 by ThomasPage 12
GearAdriftSchooner La Belle Poule (1932) - Dusek Ship Kits 1:50
La CandelariaAlan56La Candelaria - Occre Build logPage 9
dThomasLa Candelaria OcCre 1:85 - First buildPage 4
La CouronneDARIVS ARCHITECTVSLa Couronne Corel/scratch 1:100 First build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 34
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSMy FIRST ship build: La Couronne Corel/scratchPage 20
La FloreAlexisgm97La Flore by Constructo by AlexisPage 2
La Licornexander898La Licorne 1:72 (Hachette)
La ProvençaleModelsByBDFirst Build: Artesania Latina La Provençale
dakyzwThe heart moves with the sail and sails together——la Real(心随帆动,一起远航——西班牙加莱浆船拉雷亚尔号)Page 2
dakyzwThe heart moves with the sail and sails together——la Real(心随帆动,一起远航——西班牙加莱浆船拉雷亚尔号)Page 2
La RenommeePaul132CAF La Renommee Gun Kit 1744
La RenomméePaul132CAF 1/48 Scale La Renommee 1744Page 17
La SalamandretedboatBomb Vessel 'La Salamandre' - CAF Models by Ted Welding (Tedboat)
BigMikeCAF Models La Salamandre...1:48 My AttemptPage 8
muchiLa Salamandre 1/96 by Miniature Arts [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Lucian29La Salamandre 1/96 Miniature Arts - shipyard display
xander898La Salamandre 1:96 - Miniature Arts by xander898Page 3
SaltyLa Salamandre 1752 1:48 (CAF) by SaltyPage 11
ADCLa Salamandre, 1752. CAFMODEL. 1/48 scalePage 6
UwekLA SALAMANDRE, bomb ketch - POF - (CAF-models, 1/48)Page 26
AndrisLe Salamandre 1:96 KIT
KoreetsOne more chinese kit of La Salamandre ))), now is being built in Russia [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 14
La ToulonnaiseRichieLa Toulonnaise 1823 - French schooner - Billing Boats 1:50Page 7
Jeff WLa Toulonnaise 1823 - French schooner Artesania Latina 1:70 by Jeff WPage 2
XbmaLa Toulonnaise AL
LackawannachyltinDumas Lackawanna
Lady IsabellaWill @ TrilogyLady Isabella by Vanguard Models 1:64
Lady KathrinetelemanMamoli Black Prince to the "Lady Kathrine" 1:57 CompletedPage 2
Lady NelsonWayward ShipwrightAmati Lady Nelson - First Build Log
Lucian29Build log Lady Neldon Amati 1/64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Lucian29Build log Lady Neldon Amati 1/64 COMPLETEDPage 2
glbarlowHM Cutter Lady Nelson 1803 - Scale 1:64, Victory Models by GlbarlowPage 6
RobertdHM Cutter Lady Nelson scale 1:64-Victory (Amati) Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DonRobinsonLady Nelson - Amati 1:64Page 8
TangopapaLady Nelson - Amati 1:64 by Tangopapa - First time PoB Project [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
MikeMCLady Nelson by Mike MC
Laughing WhaleTincan SailorBuild Log; Laughing Whale Fantail Launch
Launchneptune1/48 scale Launch, plank on frame, by neptunePage 5
morfaMid-West Fantail Launch 123B-B2 No plans - any one have some to share or buy?
Le CoureurIterumLE COUREUR 1776 - Amati 1:75
Le FleuronwangLE FLEURON 1/48 POF by Wang - Modelship DockyardPage 6
Blue fin sailingLe Fleuron 1: 48 Deck gun construction log by Miniature ArtsPage 4
Le HussardPeterairfixArtesania latina let hussard 1848
Le MiragebicicletaLe Mirage
Le RequinCAFmodelCAF-Le Requin Chebec version 1.0 1/48
CAFmodelCAF-Mediterranean merchant ship 1.0 1/48
kidsgaloreChebec Le Requin buildPage 11
CryptonLe Requin 1/48 ZHL model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
Alessandro63Le Requin by Zhl - MY FIRST POF MODELPage 9
BryianLe Requin Xebec ZHL plank on frame kit.Page 7
Alessandro63MY FIRST POF MODEL - Le Requin
CharleslovesshipRetro build log of 1:48 Le Requin 1750 from Shicheng model kitPage 2
Le SeinekiventenLe Seine by Modelship Dockyard
Le Soleil RoyalGilbertm1669 Soleil Royal - ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 30
GregWArtesania Latinas Soleil RoyalPage 4
paulbBuild Log for the ZHL Soleil Royal 1/90 Scale by PaulbPage 4
bandidoLa Soleil Royal 1:90 Scale (ZHL) A Bandido BuildPage 16
ArtinLatina .. Soleil Royal buildPage 2
JockLe Soleil RoyalPage 4
VfordyceLe Soleil Royal ZHL Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 91
jack.aubreyLe Soleil Royal, vaisseau de 104 - De Agostini - by Jack AubreyPage 11
Longlegs55Longlegs55 builds ZHL Soleil RoyalPage 10
ThomasMantua Sergal Soleil Royal - CutawayPage 2
GaryMMantua Sergal's Le Soleil RoyalPage 11
joerom1Mantua Soleil Royale build
efraimrofizsoleil royal
paulbSoleil Royal - ZHL 1/90 Scale by Paulb [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 27
El CapiSoleil Royal 1: 72 from Altaya/ D'Agostini
Le CapitaineSoleil Royal attempt.Page 8
koedecSoleil Royal by Artesania LatinaPage 2
GregWSoleil Royal by Artesania LatinaPage 6
Helder-dutraSoleil Royal by PlanetaDeAgostini
NMBROOKSoleil Royal- Re-engineering Artesania Latina's New Kit by NMBROOKPage 57
BigMikeSoleil Royal ZHL kit 1:90 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
AiDiSoleil Royal, DeAgostini kit by AiDi
dagarmorphZhl Le soleil royal
JayZHL Le Soleil RoyalPage 30
nunfriedZHL Soleil RoyalPage 7
BrentonVVZHL Soleil Royal - with some additionsPage 2
paulbZHL Soleil Royal 1/90 Scale by PaulbPage 16
dantist sovereignСолей Рояль - Soleil RoyalPage 10
Le TonnantAndrey T.Le Tonnant 1793 - Corel 1:50 Build Log
El CapiFew words about Kits.
donfarrLEUDOPage 2
craftysailorLeudo - Falkonet 1:48Page 2
Lexingtonfj3131030Lexington - 172 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
SparkyLexington American Brig - Wood Plank-On-Frame - Scale 1/100 Mamoli MV48
donfarrLexington kit by Lumberyard
LifeboatAginvicta75mm Lifeboat-Master KorabelPage 3
VirtakuonoMaster Korabel Lifeboat
BradNSWShortest and Cheapest Build Log Ever?
LightningMM2CVS9EJ's Lightning sailboatPage 3
Lilla DanubjsLilla Dan, Billing Boats, scale 1:50
LivelyBryianThe Lively by the Lumberyard. 1/48 plank on bulkhead.
Lobster BoatPathfinder65Bluejacket Shipworks Lobster Boat 5/8” = 1’Page 5
DuncanBuild Log Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
JohnRMuscongus Bay Lobster Smack (Model Shipways 1:24) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
modlerbobMuscongus Bay lobster smack Midwest Models 1:24 scale
Lobster SmackBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Lobster Smack
priority_aces1Model Shipways #3 Muscongus Bay lobster smack!Page 4
RoscoeMuscongus Bay Lobster Smack (Model Shipways) 1:24 by RoscoePage 2
LofotenVirtakuonoCactus model Q1 plus mini tug - converted into a norwegian fishing boat
Longboatmaltbyguy1/48 Longboat
Steven B18th Century Longboat - Model Shipways 1:64 Bashed by StevenPage 2
JohnR18th Century Longboat (Model Shipways; 1:48) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Geraldo18th Century Longboat- First build
Rob44418th Century Longboat Model Expo 1:48Page 8
STGCS18th Century Smoothbore by Model ShipwaysPage 5
SparkyBuild Log: 18th Century Longboat 1750-1760 by Model ShipwaysPage 3
Masters MateBuild Log: 18th Century Longboat for HMS Medea project. 1:48 scale. Model Shipways kit.Page 2
AncientmodellerBuild Log: Endeavour's Longboat (Artesania Latina 1:50)
MarkSH01Endeavour's Longboat, Artesania Latina by MarkSH01
yuhong liKit by CAF, La Renommee Long Boat, Scale 1:48
UwekLONGBOAT for La Salamandre in 1:48 (CAF)
Raven89Longboat of "Le Requin" - ZHL kit - 1/48
donfarrM/S armed long boat 1460Page 2
SparkyMissing Items in a Kit
Longshipmiguel92gomSlavic Longship - Falkonet
Lynxgibby_74Lynx by PanartPage 5
gibby_74Lynx by Panart [Completed Build]Page 7
gibby_74Lynx by Panart [Completed Build]Page 7

Back to Top


Maine PeapodRob444Maine Peapod 1:14 Model Expo Build log. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Mamoli CatalinaBarnegatBayBuild Log: Mamoli Catalina
MariaBMTMARIA HF31 fishing Ewer Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Marie JeanneJcobMarie Jeanne 1:50 by Artesania Latina Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
CaptginoMarie Jeanne by Captgino - Artesania Latina
Marinaeric61A.L. Marina II ContinuationPage 2
MarmaraelmirzeMarmara Trade Boat (ZHL Model) 1/48Page 2
Marmara Trade BoatDematosdgMarmara Trade Boat, 1:48 , SC brandPage 18
MarseilleMHegaziMarseille 1764 from Mamoli by Mo.
Mary AnnHupluni1st build Billing Boats Mary Ann
Mary Annepete_5Build Log: Billing 472 - Mary AnnPage 2
pete_5Mary Ann by Billing Boats 472 - Build logPage 7
Mary CelestePeso PeteBuilding and Coverting Matthew Turner kit to the Mary Celeste
Peso PeteMary Celeste build from the Matthew Turner kitPage 2
Mary RoseShort John BronzeMary Rose - Caldercraft 1:80
ikecurranMary Rose - Caldercraft Build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
mallacootaMary Rose 1512-1545 from Caldercraft [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
GrahamThe Mary RosePage 19
KageecanuckThe Mary Rose by Caldercraft [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
MayflowercarpAmati Mayflower
lauckstreetChinese Mayflower POF KitPage 2
BruceIvesMayflower - Graupner Build logPage 2
Barry1Mayflower - Model Shipways- 5/32 scalePage 2
DavidDMayflower 1/64 - Billing BoatsPage 3
JohnRMayflower Build (1st time wooden model builder)Page 2
spyromaniaMayflower by Mamoli in 1:70 scale
eric67Mayflower ModelShipways MS2020
DanStroMS Mayflower question from newbie
WolvenwoodMy first stab: Artisania Latina's MayflowerPage 3
Paul LThe Mayflower by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MercuryAlexander74Brig "Mercury" from Amati, scale 1:64Page 3
Igor Tatarenkovbrig MercuryPage 4
WinterBrig Mercury, Kit by Eskadra, Russia [COMPLETED BUILD]
MérihobusCharles QCTrimaran Mérihobus by UGEARS
Mighty MiteIGRMighty Mite [COMPLETED BUILD]
BluebeardNauticurso Mighty Mite 1:64 Scale
BMTNauticurso Mighty Mite Steam Powered Harbor Tug- Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:64
MinervaBryianH.M.S Minerva plank on frame 1/48 scale - Prototype Pilot ModelPage 16
BryianH.M.S Minerva plank on frame 1/48 scale.Page 4
donfarrMinerva Stern Section 1:48, Da Hai Model by DonfarPage 3
MinesweeperJack JägerRound Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48 Built from the Calder Craft kit Sir Kay.Page 8
Miss BehaveGramanMiss Behave [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Mississippi River BoatMOGMississippi River Boat by MOG – OcCre 1:80 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
martijnonderwaterOcCre Mississippi 1:80 [Completed Build]Page 2
martijnonderwaterOcCre Mississippi 1:80 [Completed Build]Page 2
MisticqueJohn 2018ZHL MisticquePage 8
MonitorCharles QCMonitor BlueJacket kit K1035 1/16’’ = 1 foot
MontanesRobp1025Montanes 1:70 by OcCrePage 11
ScottolaMontanes by OcCre 1:70Page 13
gene438Montanes by OcCre Build LogPage 5
Bilal ZEYBEKOĞLUMontañes by Occre Build LogPage 8
MirekMontanes OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
El CapiMontanes_iginet83. new member.
MontañéssevishMontañés by Sevish - OcCre kitPage 8
MorelrtibbsMorel-Master Korabel-1:36 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Mortar ShipCAFmodelCAF-French mortar ship 1/48Page 4
Myrtle CoreyTheDonMIMyrtle Corey steam paddlewheel towboat (Dumas), 1/20, by The DonMI

Back to Top


Nanhu BoatDematosdgNANHU RED BOAT , Shicheng Model, 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
NarcopebblewormNarco Sub! From Chinese laser cut fishing boat kit
NauticursoBluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 5
BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 5
BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 4
NCCBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) disar modle Junco Chino (Chinese Junk)
NeptuneJimbo57HMS Neptune from Corel Scale 1.90
NewportSteef66Clipper Newport Mamoli 1:57Page 5
NiagaramwromanModel Shipways 1/64 USS Niagara
Buffalo JackUSS NiagaraPage 2
Nikitin OsbergRussFOseberg - Ver. 3 - Pavel Nikitin - 1:25Page 4
NikonovJneweyNIKONOV sub build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
NinaHutchArtesania is La Niña buildPage 3
Clair GCFShipModel 1/150th NinaPage 6
ConsNZLa Nina - Artesania Latina - my first Wooden ship model.Page 3
ItsMatty123La Nina 1:65 - AmatiPage 2
OlegRudMy La Nina 1:65 - Amati by Oleg
itwblueyNina approaching launch…
Short John BronzeNina by Amati
NordenMikeMCBillings Boats: Norden
NordlandsbaadenVirtakuonoNordlandsbåt - Billing Boats
EkisNordlandsBoat -1:20 - Billing Boats [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
VirtakuonoWisløff modellbygg NordlandsbåtPage 3
Nordlsandsjektdeepriver27NordlandsJekt, a build from a kit from Wisloff.Page 2
Norske LoveSaltyBearFixing the "Norske Løve"Page 2
Dean62NORSKE LOVE - Billing Boats 1:75 scalePage 119
Dean62Norske Love - Billing Boats 1:75 scalePage 2
Mickey-63Norske Love by Billing Boats
Krister_LNorske Løve, Billing Boats, Scale 1:75Page 9
RodneyBNorwegian Sailing Pram - (Modelshipways)Page 3
Noël LucThe Norske Love" by Noël Luc Build logPage 5
Nossa Senhora da ConceiçãolandoroNossa Senhora da Conceição
NovilaraDonRobinsonLiburnian Novilara - MarisStella by Don RobinsonPage 2
Nuestra SenoraPhilskiNuestra Senora del Pilar by Occre - Build logPage 35
Nuestra SeñoraPhilskiBuild Log: OcCre Nuestra Senora del PilarPage 33
DicasOCCRE Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza - Manila Galleon at 1/46Page 5

Back to Top


OneidaMavRickOneida from dlumberyardPage 4
OntarioDonRobinsonHMS Ontario - MarisStella 1:48 by Don RobinsonPage 4
hammer80Hms Ontario 1780 by Marisstella build log
JagpilotMaris Stella HMS Ontario in 1/48 scalePage 3
OsebergOrnholtBuild Log, Drakar "OSEBERG" from Pavel Nikitin 1:25 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
norsemanBuild Log: Billing Boats "Oseberg" 720 Scale 1:25Page 2
OrnholtDrakar "OSEBERG" from Pavel Nikitin 1:25 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
jlvikingOseberg Ship
shipphotographer.comOSEBERG ship - Ships of Pavel Nikitin (Ukraine) - Scale 1:25 (15/32" = 1') - Length: 865 mm ( 34 3/34 inch)Page 4
Pavel NikitinViking ship ‘Oseberg’ version 3. Production "Ships of Pavel Nikitin"Page 2
OselvarVirtakuonoModell-Tec Oselvar

Back to Top


PalamosBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) OcCre Palamos 1:45 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
PandoraRoger JHMS Pandora - Modelship Dockyard - Build logPage 5
HeinrichHMS PANDORA 1:72 - Modelship DockyardPage 18
dakyzwHMS Pandora 1779 潘多拉1月72日建造日志 , Scale 1:72 by dakyzwPage 2
dakyzwHMS Pandora 潘多拉1月72日建造日志 HMS Pandora, Scale 1:72 by dakyzw
panpanHMS Pandora 潘多拉的建造过程 Hms Pandora's construction processPage 4
martin111Pandora by Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
panpan潘多拉的建造过程 Pandora's construction process
Patrol BoatbenedictusFast patroll boat
PegasusSTGCSHMS Pegasus - by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 18
shipphotographer.comHMS PEGASUS (1776) - Amati - Scale 1:64Page 8
mallacootaHMS Pegasus 1776 Amati Victory seriesPage 2
rdsaplalaHMS Pegasus, 1/64 VM/Amati
OlegMInglorious adventures of my Pegasus [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Buffalo JackSail installation of a HMS Pegasus 1/64 Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]
DematosdgStatenjacht PEGASUS circa 1700 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 24
PenteconterMessisBuilding Odysseus ship (A penteconter)Page 5
PhantomSulaireBillings 'Phantom' scale 1:15
JamesNBillings St.Roch Build Log
sidelinerPhantom New York Pilot Boat Model Shipways 1/8in = 1Ft
Kurt KonrathPhantom Restoration by Kurt
martijnonderwaterPilar, Constructo, 1:27 [COMPLETED BUILD]
PhiladelphiaJohnRGunboat Philadelphia (Model Shipways; 1:24)Page 2
donfarrM/S Gun Boat Philadelphia [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
fj3131030Make HMS enterprise 1:48 CAFmodelPage 2
PhoenixpaulbAnother Brigantine Phoenix by Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Short John BronzeBrigantine Phoenix
paulbBrigantine Phoenix - Master Korabel - 1:72
Sergey PobozhyBrigantine Phoenix (Master Korabel 1/72)Page 2
moreplovacBrigantine Phoenix, by Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 25
AlgirdasPlastic sailsPage 2
AlgirdasPlastic sails - Brigantine Phoenix [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Picket Boata49kidUSN Picket Boat - Model Shipways 1:24 Scale - a49kid - Wayne
PicklemaltbyguyCaldercraft H.M.Schooner Pickle [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Picotboat man toobit off more than i can chew
Pilot BoatDevildocBuild Log: Virginia Swift Pilot Boat 1805
CaptginoPilot Boat by Captgino - Constructo
Pinaspingu57Cross-section of a 17th-century Pinas by PeterPage 10
PinkystevenPinky Schooner by Model Shipways
Pinnancecolin100Panart HMS Victory Pinnance
PintaConsNZBuild Log Artesania Latina "La Pinta" - [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
Tim from AdelaideBuild Log for La Pinta
shipphotographer.comCaravella PINTA (1492) - Amati - scale 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
lakedaisyPinta Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Igor TatarenkovPINTA for a friend [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Igor TatarenkovPinta, on a friend's birthday [COMPLETED BUILD]
Pirate ShipCaptainRicGarcesAmati Adventure :: Pirate Sloop :: 1/60 :: First Build
syhobbsAmati Pirate Junk Build Log
almoiseyBuccaneer Pirate Ship from OCCREPage 3
JohnRChinese Pirate Junk (Amati; 1:100) - 2nd BuildPage 2
PolarisMikkoBuild Log: OcCre Polaris - first build ever
XmtrdudeFirst Build - Polaris by OcCre, 1:50 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
MinalanOccre - Polaris 12007. First time builder.
mapooOccre Polaris already halfway done [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Zzyzx01Polaris (Occre) by Zzyzx01Page 2
Marty HopeyPolaris by Occre - First buildPage 3
RedlibrarianPolaris by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]
Polotsksideliner"Polotsk" Schooner 1:72 Master Korabel
Port JacksonBringoPort Jackson 1803 - by BringoPage 4
Port Jackson Schoonerpeter6172Build Log: Colonial Schooner PORT JACKSON
ToleoluBuild Log: Port Jackson SchoonerPage 5
PoseidonAussie048Triton Poseidon Cross Section POF Scale 1:48Page 2
PramVirtakuonoModel Shipways Norwegian sailing pram
Big EnusModel Shipways Sailing Pram
priority_aces1Newb builds a Norwegian Sailing Pram, Phase 2 of the learning process! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
RoscoeNorwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 by Roscoe [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
RoscoeNorwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 by Roscoe Build logPage 3
Rob444Norwegian Sailing Pram from Model Shipways Building LogPage 3
PresidentJ w rogersMantua Sergal President frigate 1:60 build log.Page 5
XmtrdudeMantua/Sergal President MA792 1:60
Pride of BaltimoreDavid LesterPride of Baltimore II by David Lester - Model Shipways, 1:64 scalePage 3
JDS73Prins Willem V.O.C 1651 from Corel.Page 5
Pride of Baltimore IIBrewerpaulBuild log; Pride of Baltimore II, Model Shipways
PrinceVpirozziHMS Prince - Amati 1:64 by Vince P. Original 1978 VersionPage 5
mariumHMS PRINCE. Basata sui piani di costruzione Amati.Page 2
Prince de NeufchatelDicasConstructo Prince de Neufchâtel - My first experiment in POF
DicasConstructo Prince de Neufchâtel - My first POB shipPage 3
PT BoatMOGDumas PT Boat (PT105) 1:30 scale by MOG [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8

Back to Top


Queen AnneJpR62Queen Anne Barge - Syren Ship Model - 1:24Page 5
Peter GuttermanQueen Anne Royal Barge Syren Models

Back to Top


Ragusian Carrackjack.aubreyRagusian Carrack by jack.aubrey - Marisstella - 1:59 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
shipphotographer.comRagusian Carrack XVI c (MarisStella) - Scale 1:59 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
Ragusian CogChakotayBuild Log: MarisStella Ragusian CogPage 6
BluebeardMarisstella Cog 1:48Page 10
Ragusian GalleyDonRobinsonRagusian Galley by Don Robinson - MarisStellaPage 5
RainbowmojaveFirst Build: Amati Rainbow (J-Class)
Barry1Rainbow J Class 1934 America’s Cup Defender - Amati - 1:80 Scale by Barry1Page 2
JKvalvaagRainbow, J-Class America's Cup 1934 - Amati - 1:80, by JKvalvaag
RattlesnakeTKAMBuild log: USS RattlesnakePage 15
PGNModel Shipways Massachusetts Privateer RattlesnakePage 20
MOGModel shipways Privateer Rattlesnake 1:64 POB by MOGPage 3
CurtisWModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE 1:64 POB by CurtisWPage 2
CurtisWModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE 1:64 POB by CurtisW
STGCSModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE Build LogPage 3
paulbMy Build Log of the Model Shipways Privateer Rattlesnake
Big DMy build of Halcon Western Boat
TiGGerDaveRattlesnake - Lumberyard
guillermorRattlesnake by Harold Hahn 1/4´´
TKAMRattlesnake by MSPage 34
lakedaisyShipyard HMS Rattlesnake 1776 Scale 1:72Page 2
TKAMUSS RattlesnakePage 19
Scott TottenUSS Rattlesnake 1\64 scale Model Shipways versionPage 3
Reale De FranceIgor TatarenkovReale De France - Corel - 1:60Page 4
Red DragonEdwardZArtesania Latina Red Dragon 1/60 Build Photo Montage Video (Build finished in 2020)
shipmodelmakerRed Dragon Artesania Latina
DematosdgThe Red Dragon -Artesania Latina-Page 2
RenownCharles QCHMS Renown Billing Boats kit #604 (Build 2013
RevengeDARIVS ARCHITECTVSBought the OcCre HMS Revenge on Sale at Model Expo HALF OFF.Page 2
mallacootaHMS Revenge 1577 by Amati , Victory Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
frankiegHMS Revenge Occre buildPage 3
RichieOccre - HMS Revenge 1577 - scale 1/85, 2nd build and whyPage 13
GravinaProgreso del Revenge de OccrePage 2
DenisRRevenge 1577Page 5
StargazerRevenge 1577 1/64 Victory Models/AmatiPage 6
Short John BronzeRevenge by OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
danielsjeVictory Models Kit Revenge 1577 Race Built Galleon scale 1/64Page 9
Riva AquaramaKenAmati Riva Aquarama by Ken [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
DPTrainerAmati Riva Aquarama for use on water.Page 5
mallacootaRiva Aquarama 1970 by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
River QueenWarbird99RIver Queen 1:80 Scale River boat Build Log
RopetfcobraHand made rope
Roter LoweGlennRichMamoli - Roter LowePage 2
DSoldanoMamoli 1/93 USS Constitution Cross-SectionPage 2
ValmikiRoter Löwe - Red Lion - Mamoli 1:55 - Restoration by Valmiki [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Roter Löwe - Red Lion - Restoration by ValmikiValmikiRoter Löwe - Red Lion - Restoration by ValmikiPage 3
Royal CarolineAnchor1/30 HMS Royal Caroline 1749 Build
modelshipbuilder651/30 HMS Royal Caroline BuildPage 30
ir3Choice of Royal Caroline KitsPage 2
LidongHMS Royal Caroline 1/30,My second ship
MaartenHMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30Page 68
Alex THMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30 (Following the Maarten's RC)Page 16
Jampacv71New project, first build log- Royal Yacht Caroline
Short John BronzePanart Royal Caroline
manning16Royal Caroline 1/30 build
NMBROOKRoyal Caroline 1/47 Panart bashed by NMBrookPage 3
MessisRoyal Caroline 1/47 Panart by Messis [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
PeglegregROYAL CAROLINE 1:30 by Zhl my version, by PeglegregPage 19
WarrLightRoyal Caroline 1:50 YuanQing/ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
LologaditanoRoyal Caroline 1749, 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
neptuneRoyal Caroline Box wood edition 1/30 scale modified to fit carvings, build by neptune,Page 4
bandidoThe Royal Caroline / ZHLPage 3
PeglegregZHL 1:30, ROYAL CAROLINE; my version, by PeglegregPage 19
lauckstreetZHL Royal CarolinePage 6
neptuneZHL Royal Caroline Kit, scale 1/30Page 45
Royal LouismartijnonderwaterMamoli Royal Louis 1780 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
xander898Royal Louis 1:90 Altaya
nono318Royal Louis 1780 MamoliPage 8
Charles QCRoyal Louis 1780 Mamoli kit MV40 code 4006 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
terryroyal louis build log
Royal Navy Ship 3rd RateDocBlakeRoyal Navy Ship of the Line Cross Section by DocBlake - (Mamoli's "Constitution") - 1:93 scalePage 7
Royal WilliamKeithWHMS Royal William 1719, Euromodel, 1:72Page 4
calt4Royal William , Scale 1:72 , Euromodel by Calt4Page 2
DenisRRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Denis RPage 4
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Vince P.Page 14
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Vince P. -- FINISHEDPage 15
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:78 by Vince P.Page 5
KenRoyal William, Euromodel, a retro logPage 3
Royal YachtJimskyCharles Royal Yacht, 1674, Scale 1:64, by Woody Joe (Japan)Page 22

Back to Top


SageTony WThames Barge 'SAGE'
Sailing PrammwromanModel Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram Build
bimmerboyNorwegian Sailing Pram
SalamandreCAFmodelLa SalamandrePage 3
SampanHeinrichChinese Sampan 1:20 Scale Pear Wood Unicorn ModelsPage 3
IevgueniSampang 1/60 Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
IevgueniShampang 1/60 AmatiPage 2
San BartolomePathfinder65Nikitin San Bartolome 1584 A.D. (Kit #35)Page 54
JagpilotPavel Nikitin San BartolomePage 18
otsoaSan Bartolomé - Pavel Nikitin [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
sleepyfishSan Bartolome - Pavel Nikitin ship modelPage 3
John MaguireSan Bartolome - Port Ludlow
neilmSan Bartolome kit No. 00132 Build.Page 6
neilmSan Bartolome kit No. 00132 Build.
CAThompsonSan Bartolome kit# 104Page 2
lakedaisySan Bartolome, Pavel Nikitin 1:48
San Felipebandido1/50 scale San Felipe
fred 44le san philipe au 1/50
DonniePanart: San Felipe 1:75 Scale Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 41
Nogurosan felipe
ReneKSan FelipePage 5
roandadSan Felipe - ZHL
yancovitchsan felipe (yuanqing)+pear carvingsPage 2
ManFredSan Felipe (ZHL) 1:50Page 3
Jaroslav VAlouchSan Felipe 1:75 PanartPage 2
Johny - BASAN FELIPE 1:75 Panart
carlosysSan Felipe 1690 - PanartPage 3
Scott ShillingSan Felipe 1690 from ZHLPage 10
Pat71San felipe 1690 zhl kit 1:50Page 16
DarkNightSan Felipe Panart 1:75 DarkNight Build Log
George B.ZHL. SAN FELIPEPage 3
Flying22lowZHL-San Felipe 1690 Build Log 1:50 scalePage 6
San FranciscoGaétanSail Installation
miguel92gomSan Francisco AL build logPage 5
LisaDouglasSan Francisco by AmatiPage 2
sidelinerSan Francisco cross section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
NaramSan Francisco cross section Artesania latinaPage 2
GixliSan Francisco Cross Section by Artesania Latina 1/50
AdrySan Francisco cross section, by AdryPage 2
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
San Francisco IImtbediz1San Francisco IIPage 6
Jeff TSan Francisco II Cross Section - AL 1:50 by JeffTPage 3
CallMeKristySan Francisco II, Artesania LatinaPage 2
CallMeKristySan Francisco II, Artesania Latina [Completed Build]Page 3
San IldefonsoshelkSan Ildefonso by shelkPage 2
San JuanMike ArrrA hull lot of work - San Juan Nepomuceno
Fish&ChipBuild log : San Juan Galleon XVIs - Artesiana Latina by Fish&ChipPage 2
Fish&ChipSan Juan Galleon XVIs - Artesiana Latina by Fish&ChipPage 2
julien from saint maloSan Juan Nepomuceno 1765 1/90 scale Artesania LatinaPage 4
Jaime RSan Juan Nepomuceno. 74c ship of the line 1766 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
EstisSan Juan Spanish Galleon by Artesania
San Juan BautistafukuiSAN・JUAN・BAUTISTA - サン・ファン・バウティスタ Page 5
San MiguelJScolumCaracca Atlantica Sao Miguel 1:54 Mamoli - restoration
SansonLlaut MallorquinSANSON [COMPLETED BUILD]
Santa AnaOlivers Historic ShipyardSanta Ana 1:84
paulv1958Santa Ana 1784 AL by PaulVPage 11
NMBROOKSanta Ana 1784-Artesania Latina-1/84 bashedPage 4
Santa LuciaSulairePanart Santa Lucia, Sicilian cargo boat
SulairePanart Santa Lucia, Sicilian cargo boat 1/30 scalePage 2
SulaireSanta Lucia - Panart, Sicilian cargo boat 1/30 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Santa MariaPavel Nikitin"Santa Maria" 1492 a.d. Kit from "Ships by Pavel Nikitin"Page 5
ConsNZAL< Santa Maria - still to be finished.
ray111Build Log: Santa Maria Mamoli 1:60 by ray111
moreplovacColumbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta, kit by Amati... [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
Craig CFollow up to Santa Marie
epicdoomLatina 1/65 Carabela Santa Maria build logPage 2
mtbediz1Santa Maria
zoly99saskSanta Maria - Mantua - scale 1:50 modified kit semi scratchPage 13
zoly99saskSanta Maria - Mantua - scale 1:50 modified kit semi scratch and dioramaPage 21
ShipmodelIdeasSanta Maria 1:65 based on Amati kitPage 3
PtèrSanta Maria 1492 - Artesania Latina - scale 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Tony1955Santa Maria by Amati
Short John BronzeSanta Maria by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]
Craig CSanta Maria produced by Pavel NikitinPage 5
mtbediz1Santa Maria, Mantua 1:50Page 4
GAStanSantiago de Compostela-Disar Model 1:72Page 8
SgtmikSpanish Caravel Santa Maria Amati 1:200 ScalePage 2
rtibbsSPEEL-JACHT 1640 - Kolderstok 1:50 ScalePage 7
Alex RSsepping's round stern
Santisima TrinidadNMBROOKArtesania Latina Santisima Trinidad 1/84Page 8
RobertkBuild log: Art Lat Trinidad
Alan ClarkBuild Log: Santisima Trinidad (Occre 1:90 Scale Kit)Page 9
ValgaavBuild Log: Santisima Trinidad / OcCre kitPage 2
donlongDon's Santisima Trinidad by OcCrePage 11
jongr90Galleon: Santísima Trinidad (1751) 1:200
DonnieOcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log (Completed w/pics)Page 31
Jim LauserOcCre Santisima Trinidad Build with Reverse RiggingPage 3
DonnieSantisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log (Completed w/pics)Page 31
DonnieSantisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 32
jack.aubreySantìsima Trinidad (Cross Section) by Jack.Aubrey - De Agostini Partwork- Scale 1:90Page 6
MateuszGSantisima Trinidad / OcCre kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
shelkSantisima Trinidad [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 30
Billyboy47Santisima Trinidad 1:84 from Artesania LatinaPage 2
IanGSantisima Trinidad 1:90 Occre
ubjsSantisima Trinidad 1:90, cross section, Occre
martijnonderwaterSantisima Trinidad Cross Section - OcCre
shelkSantisima Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
md1400csSantisima Trinidad cross section Occre - bashed [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
Kurt KonrathSantisima Trinidad Cross-Section 1:90 Kit BuildPage 9
dj56Santisima Trinidad Occre 1/90 scalePage 8
AnguirelSantissima Trinidade 1:90 Scale OcCrePage 5
smellySmelly,s Santisima Trinidad Occre 1:90Page 5
smellySmelly,s Santissima Trinidad Occre 1:90Page 3
Pat71Victory. Trinidad and wilhelm zu pferde.Page 4
Santísima TrinidadLorenzoNuestra Señora de la Santísima TrinidadPage 6
The Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 - Ocio Creativo - by PieroPage 2
sevishSantísima Trinidad by OCCRE [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
Säo MiguelCharles QCSäo Miguel XVI Century Armed Portugese Merchantman Kit Mamoli MV 21Page 2
Saucy JackFenStrangerSaucy Jack - Barking Well Smack - Vanguard ModelsPage 3
SC -1 Sub ChaserLEGION 12Dumas SC -1 Sub Chaser 1/35Page 2
SchoonerrtibbsPort Jackson Schooner-POF & POB kit by Miniature Arts in 1:36Page 2
Scottish MaidRDN1954Scottish Maid Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
dvlp47Scottish Maid by Artesania Latina
Matthias1231Scottish Maid, Aberdeen 1839, 1/50, Artesania Latina
John RSOS Build Artesania Latina Scottish Maid 1839: Build Piper
Sea MaidGravmanCentury Sea Maid [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Sea of Galilee BoatVfordyceGalilee Boat 16” [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
VfordyceGalilee Boat kit from Scott Miller [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
GAStanSea of Galilee Boat-Scott Miller 26" [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
BluebeardThe Galilee Boat Circa 40-50 BC Scale 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
Sea WitchchefharleySea witch
Alex RSepping's round stern
SeguinBluebeardModel Expo New "The Seguin" Stream TugboatPage 2
AnchormanSeguin Steam Tug by Bluejacket & Dumb Barge [COMPLETED BUILD]
RamzTugsSEGUIN TUGBOAT - About to Plank ...
SequinPathfinder65Bluejacket Tug Sequin 1/4” scalePage 12
Electric TomSequin Tugboat
ShallopGuyHBuild Log: Capt. John Smith's shallop kit by Pavel Nikitin
tomspCapt. John Smith’s Shallop - finish
KramerCapt. John Smith's Shallop by Pavel Nikitin 1/32 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
GuyHCapt. John Smith's shallop kit by Pavel Nikitin [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
shipphotographer.comCaptain John Smith’s shallop (1608) - scale 1:32 - KIT made in UkrainePage 3
blickwerCaptain John Smith's Shallop by Pavel Nikitin - Build log
LuciusJohn Smith's Shallop [COMPLETED BUILD]
SharpieSparkySharpie Schooner by Midwest 1:32 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
Shelly FossJhueyShelly Foss by Dumas
SherborneBradSGPBradSGP 1/64 HMS Sherbourne by Vanguard Models
Ship's BoatBrian077CAF models ships boat kit.Page 2
KkonrathMaster Korabel Ships Boat
dantist sovereignMaster Shipbuilder Tender "Avos". Project from Russia 2021.
Matt KassebaumMatt Kassebaum H.M.S. Victory
Dubz Modelling WorldTen-oared boat 25 feet, Scale 1:72 by FalconetPage 4
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSTiny Ship's Boat from Cheap Chinese Kit Super FAST Build Log
SiJack JägerThe Fifie sailing drifter Si, (she),from the Vanguard Models kit, [Completed Build]Page 2
Sir KayJack JägerRound Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48Built from the Calder Craft kit Sir Kay [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
SkiffBluebeardModel Expo "THE SKIFF", Scale 1"=1' [COMPLETED BUILD]
SkipjackDanno71Build Log: "Skipjack" by MidwestPage 3
Kurt KonrathMidwest Products SkipjackPage 3
glennb17Willie Bennett Skipjack circa '30s build log- warts and allPage 3
SnakeGrahamBuild Log: HMS SnakePage 9
JwebBuild log: HMS Surprise 1:48 based on a kit from ZHL
Alex RCaldercraft HMS Snake started 10 yrs ago- on dry dock again re-fitting
BenDHMS Snake - Caldercraft - 1:64 - by BenDPage 2
Tommy BowlerHMS Snake - Stays
PanexpoguyHMS Snake Caldercraft Build LogPage 2
Sovereign of the SeasGKIPBuild Log - Sovereign of the Seas - DeAgostini Customised
likenewGlutton for punishment
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSHMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable BoundariesPage 114
GaryMMantua Sergal's Sovereign of SeasPage 10
janosMantua Sovereign of the Seas 1:78 bashed to death kit from JanosPage 9
lintonSergal Sovereign of the Seas. 1/78 Scale Kit Build.Page 3
oldflyerSovereign of the Seas - Sergal 1:78 (with hopefully many added details)Page 33
Nj0rdrSovereign of the Seas (Mantua) by Nj0rdrPage 11
SparrowSovereign Of The Seas 1:78Page 3
modelshipwrightSovereign of The Seas 1637 - Heavily modified Mantua kitPage 15
lintonSovereign of the Seas by Sergal - 1/78 Scale Kit Build.Page 8
VpirozziSovereign of the Seas Mantua 1:78 Greatly Enhanced - Vince P. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
VpirozziSovereign of the Seas Mantua 1:78 Greatly Enhanced - Vince P. FINISHEDPage 11
chriswiSovereign of the Seas- Mantua 1:78 scalePage 2
KOCHSovereign of the Seas Sergal 1:78 by Terry
WcnewbySovereign of the seas vintage model build.
NMBROOKSovereign of the Seas-Deagostini Partwork-1/84 TOTALLY ReworkedPage 4
Spanish CocaMichiel de RuyterMedieval Spanish Coca - AMATI 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
SpeedyJack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit [Completed Build]Page 4
Jack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit [Completed Build]Page 4
Jack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit.Page 3
shipphotographer.comHMS SPEEDY (1782) - MarisStella - Scale 1:48 - by ship photographer.comPage 2
SprayNovaScotiaBuilderJoshua Slocum's Spray - Laughing Whale (BlueJacket) - Scale 3/8" to 1' [COMPLETED BUILD]
St. GabrielDragdoniusDeck boat St. Gabriel
AginvictaSt. Gabriel Master Korabel 1:72 scalePage 3
St. GildasNamabiiruGallic fishing boat St GildasPage 2
St. John the BaptistbarbaSt. John the Baptist , DeAgostiniPage 3
St. RochSteven BBillings St Roch RCMP Arctic Patrol Boat 1/72Page 3
Panteg ModelsBillings St. Roch - 605 RCMP Arctic Patrol boatPage 4
DiggerBuild Log, RCMP St RochPage 2
AnchormanBuild Log: MV St. Roch - Billing Boats 605 1:72Page 2
JohnRBuild Log: Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways - 1:12 [COMPLETED BUILD]
BruceIvesBuild Log: RCMP St. Roch [COMPLETED BUILD]
CarlerooBuild Log: RCMP St. Roch [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
AnchormanMV St. Roch - Billing Boats 605 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DiggerRCMP St Roch - Build logPage 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 3
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
EdwardZRCMP St. Roch Billing Boats BB605 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]
EdwardZRCMP St. Roch Billing Boats BB605 1:72 Build Log
JohansenSt.Roch Billing boats by Johansen 1:72
Stadt von BremenJZDPrediStadt von Bremen- remade to Utrecht Statenjacht 1746 1/50Page 5
StatenjachtSchmidtDutch State Yacht by Billing Boats rebuiltPage 3
JeronimoDUTCH STATENYACHT 1767 by JeronimoPage 6
Henry xDutch yacht ___Prince of orange____RestorationPage 2
rtibbsStatenjacht 1678-Kolderstok 1:50Page 9
donfarrStatenjacht Utrecht by Dusek
Steam boatKoreetsSteam boat in 1:24 from Russian mfg Piroscaf.Page 10
Stefano a MarisDonRobinsonBarque Stefano a MarisStella kit - by Don RobinsonPage 4
SultanaDudleyArtesania Latina 'Sultan'. Arab dhowPage 2
msullyModel Shipways Sultana
DonnieModel Shipways Sultana Schooner Build LogPage 2
Jaroslav VAlouchSultan Arab Dhow 1:60 - Artesanía Latina
moreplovacSultana - Colonial Schooner, 1767 - by MS, Scale 1:64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 19
Sailor_edSultana Schooner by Model Shipways
SurpriseAwkwardBuild Log - HMS Surprise 1:75th Scale MamoliPage 2
Le CapitaineDeAgaostini/AL HMS SurprisePage 4
RegWH.M.S. Surprise by Artesania Latina - Build logPage 7
PapaRonnHMS Surprise - Mamoli 1:75 BuildPage 2
neptuneHMS Surprise 1/48 scale built by neptunePage 6
smonsmaHMS Surprise 1:48 (DeAgostini/AL)
Chris SayersHms Surprise 1:75 MamoliPage 3
fj3131030HMS Surprise 1801 1:72scale Shicheng Model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
TKAMHMS Surprise by MamoliPage 22
LordKarstarkHMS Surprise by Mamoli - Build logPage 2
hipexecHMS Surprise Chinese kitPage 2
SusanDale WittSusan Constant which kit
SwallowAlexander74Schooner "Swallow" Ласточка (Ru), 1:72 from AlexanderPage 2
SwiftseadeepArtesania Latina "Swift - 1805" - 40th Anniversary of Purchase Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
priority_aces1Artesania Latina SWIFT Virginia Pilot Boat/1805Page 3
ItsMatty123Artesenia Latina - Swift 1805 Build - First Wood Ship ModelPage 2
BobWillisBuild Log: Artesania Latina 1805 Swift Virginia Pilot Boat
SunstormerBuild log: Swift 1805 artesania latinaPage 2
Barry1Swift 1805 - Artesania Latina - 1/50 Scale by Barry1 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
buffieSwift 1805 (Art Latina)
SunstormerSwift 1805 Artesania latinaPage 2
DevildocVirginia Swift Pilot Boat 1805
SyrenTKAMBuild log: Syren by PassaroPage 5
rtibbsBuild log: U.S.S. monitor, Blue Jacket ship Models, 1:16
NovaStormBuild Log: US Brig Syren MS: # 2260Page 8
JLReevesModel Shipways - Syren
CaptginoModel Shipways Syren by CaptginoPage 2
AipearsonModel Shipways US Brig Syren
Robert SandefurModel Shipways USS Niagara 1/64Page 2
Will @ TrilogySyren 1803 (Model Shipways) 1:64, by Will @ TrilogyPage 3
RogerDSyren 1803 1:64 Model ShipwaysPage 39
Charles QCUS Brig Syren 1803 Model Shipways MS 2260Page 2
TKAMUS Brig Syren by PassaroPage 6
NovaStormUS Brig Syren MS: # 2260 by NovaStormPage 9

Back to Top


Terrorterencebuild the terror by terence 8-3-24
terencebuilding the terror
terenceBuilding the terror
JohncookHMS Terror by Johncook
gibby_74Hms TERROR by occre. My second wooden ship [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
John ReidHMS Terror Occre
LeftyMitch75HMS TERROR OCCRE. 12/23.
LeftyMitch75HMS Terror...first build.
KlamahaOCCRE Terror with little upgrade
John ReidTerror OcCre
ThermopylaeJimmieBuild Log: Mantua Thermopylae 1:124 Scale
Dave TeelScientific Thermopylae
Thundererpeter6172HMS THUNDERER - 1:48 CAF Bellona kitPage 2
TitanicpeterairfixAmati 1\250 RMS TitanicPage 4
PeterairfixBillings boats titanic 1/144
peterairfixHachette build the Titanic
Samuraiwarrior1976Hachette Build the Titanic help
CurlymerlinHachette Titanic ( first version)
GaryMR.M.S.Titanic by Billing'sPage 2
David LesterRMS Titanic Lifeboat by David Lester - Artesania Latina, 1:35 scale
neptuneRoyal Caroline 1/30 Boxwood Edition by neptunePage 2
PeterairfixTitanic - Billing Boats 1/144Page 3
PeterairfixTitanic - Hachette by PeterairfxPage 2
Levent SuberkTitanic LifeboatPage 3
Levent SuberkTitanic Lifeboat [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 4
TorborgVirtakuonoTorborg - Billing Boats 1:20Page 3
ToulonnaiseRufusCorel Toulonnaise Build LogPage 2
TrabaccoloKilroy1988Adriatic Trabaccolo by Amati
DonRobinsonMarisStella-Trabaccolo 1/32 scale by Don RobinsonPage 3
TrotamaresSparkyTrotamares 1:43 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MousemuffinsType VII u-boat 1/56 Design in MDF and Card... wood I guess?
TugKenAnteo Harbour Tug. Panart [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
DgrahamAnteo Tug Boat- Kit build by Panart Italian version.
RamzTugsSeguin Tug; BlueJacket Shipcrafters - WIP (1st thread, ever 02/07/2023 )
Turkish Marmaradakyzw心随帆动,一起远航——土耳其马尔马拉贸易船
Turtle ShipDematosdgGeobukseon Known as Turtle ship (a Korean battle ship)Page 11
DematosdgGeobukseon Known as Turtle ship (a Korean battleship) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
wim500Korean Turtle War Ship - Young Modeler - 1/65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Twelve ApostlesWalteroneLaunch of the ship "Twelve Apostles" in 1:48, Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9

Back to Top


U lisesa49kidUlises Tugboat 1:30 by OcCre - a49kid – Wayne
UlisesTheDonMII don't like :ghost boats"
Bill L-CUlises - Occre by Bill CPage 6
paulv1958Ulises Steam Tugboat, by Occre Scale 1:30Page 4
Vince samUlises tug boat [COMPLETED BUILD]
MousemuffinsUnicorn models 1/160 HMS ENTERPRISE 1774 Stern section
UnicornTony HCorel HMS Unicorn - 1/75 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
rtwpsom2Unicorn 1/48th scale Bonhomme Richard (Swiss Pear)Page 4
UnitéLuiz B. F. GrassiL'Unité - 1:48 - French Frigate - 1794 - under buildPage 5
UnknownBradNSWInput on next build
popeye46need help
USS Constitution Cross Section - Model Shipways MS20245 - 1:76 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Jeff TUSS Constitution Cross Section - Model Shipways MS20245 - 1:76 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
UvalenNamabiiruBuild Log: Falconet 1:48 Imperial Yacht UvalenPage 2
WalteroneImperial yacht Uvalen by Falconet in 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10

Back to Top


VanguardMcNemo1:64 Vanguard H.M Cutter Alert - My first wood build
Kamil's dockyardAnother Amati HMS Vanguard
SnowyBuild log hms vanguardPage 2
Antonio LucentiH.M.S. Vanguard 1787 - Amati - 1:72 scale by ALucentiPage 4
WinterHMS Vanguard - Amati - scale 1:72 - FotoPage 11
aewHMS Vanguard 1787 - Victory Models - 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
SnowyHms Vanguard 1787 1:72 - Victory Models/AmatiPage 13
ChestcutterHMS Vanguard 1787 1:72 a Victory Models kitPage 16
ADoyonHMS Vanguard 1787 1:72 scale by ADoyon - First BuildPage 13
VariousAngel60Kit's Collection from Angel60
VelocitasmartijnonderwaterRestoring the yacht Velocitas
Venezianadooder85Polacca Veneziana del 1750 1/150 scale
VictorymallacootaAmati Victory Model HMS Revenge 1577
neilmArtesania HMS Victory cross section build.
AlanOESArtesania Latina Anatomy of Lord Nelson’s HMS Victory 1805Page 3
RmazdraArtesania Latina HMS Victory (1765)
JagpilotArtesania Latina HMS Victory Cross Section
tfcobraBlocks-Scratch building.
PeterGBuild Log - HMS Victory - Caldercraft-Jotika - 1/72Page 4
Steve BeckleyBuild Log HMS Victory Constructo 1:94
StefandeGoedeBuild Log: HMS Victory - Panart art. 738Page 2
Denzil BazleyBuild Log: HMS Victory (de Agostini)
IsmaeleBuild Log: Mantua Panart HMS Victory 1:78
terencebuild the Victory 1: 100 (delPrado) week by weekPage 3
Tony HCaldercraft HMS Victory 1:72 TonyHPage 4
GregWCaldercraft Hms Victory- Build LogPage 2
traumadocCaldercraft Victory Build LogPage 8
PatrickConstructo HMS Victory
peterairfixD’Agostini build HMS Victory
WalteroneDagmar, Russian Imperial steam boat by Falkonet, 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MikeYDeAgostini HMS Victory build by Mike Y
neptuneDeAgostini Sovereign of the Sea's 1/84 scale, by neptunePage 2
oldstampmanDeagostini Victory Cross SectionPage 2
PeterairfixDelprado build the hms victory
rdluceH.M.S. Victory Bow Section Panart 1:78Page 2
team118H.M.S. Victory by Caldercraft - Build LogPage 23
Wooden Ship CraftsH.M.S. Victory Constructo - by Wooden Ship CraftsPage 8
Wooden Ship CraftsH.M.S. Victory Constructo Build Log - by Wooden Ship CraftsPage 6
martijnonderwaterH.M.S. Victory cross section by Corel [COMPLETED BUILD]
Ajmitch51HMS Victory - 1:98 scale. Mantua ModelPage 4
Mark FrazierHMS Victory - by Mantua Sergal - 1:78 scalePage 7
StratomonkeyHMS Victory - Caldercraft / JoTiKa 1/72 Scale - First proper wood ship buildPage 3
paulv1958HMS Victory - CalderCraft 1:72Page 7
PeterGHMS Victory - Caldercraft-Jotika - 1/72. Build logPage 9
Steve BeckleyHMS Victory - Constructo 1:94 by Steve Beckley
Pale riderHms Victory - Constructo by Pale riderPage 2
uncchainsHMS Victory - Corel - Cross sectionPage 2
DbarHMS Victory - Mamoli in scale 1:90
RhoadesyHMS Victory - Mamoli, Scale 1:90, by RhoadesyPage 2
John buildsHMS VICTORY - My YouTube channelPage 3
MudlarkHMS Victory - Scale 1:100 by DelPrado -Build Log
RmazdraHMS Victory (1765) - Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
BazzgHms victory 1/200 Build
BazzgHms Victory 1/200 Mantuna Build
BazzgHms Victory 1/200 Mantuna Build, Planking
nick-edwHMS Victory 1/72 CaldercraftPage 4
NietslimHms Victory 1:200 midsection (Nidale) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
IsmaeleHMS Victory 1:78 by Mantua ,Panart - Build logPage 4
RZ FlyerHMS Victory 1:78 by RZ Flyer
cvvergaraHMS Victory 1:90 build log (mamoli)Page 2
myavid76HMS Victory 1:98 Corel.Page 2
Sgt_HoserHMS Victory 1765 kit 1:200Page 5
HMS victory bow sectionerHms victory bow section
SparkyHMS Victory Bow section Panart- Scale 1:78Page 2
DaliabHMS Victory build - Mantua/Panart 738 by Daliab - [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
DaliabHMS Victory build - Mantua/Panart 738 by Daliab - FINISHEDPage 5
Dickiiee44HMS Victory Build #776 1:98 scalePage 10
traumadocHms Victory by Caldercraft - Build LogPage 10
ENJAY49Hms Victory by D'Agostini
JulianHMS Victory by Occre build logPage 13
Y.T.HMS Victory by Y.T.- Mamoli - 1:90 scalePage 61
NcseniorgolferHMS Victory- CaldercraftPage 3
Brad ShannonHMS Victory Cross Section - 1:98 - Corel Build
Galley SlaveHMS Victory cross section (De'Agostini)Page 8
WalteroneHMS Victory cross section 1:75 by DeAgostini (but with a lot of improvements)
Bwb1cdnHMS Victory Launch build logPage 2
GrantTylerHMS Victory Mantua 1:78 (first build) by Grant TylerPage 141
ResoianHMS Victory mid section 1/200
Johann HHMS Victory my first buildPage 2
CryptonHMS Victory Occre 225 - build logPage 2
ScheepshoornHMS Victory of Caldercraft by WilPage 3
GorhogHMS Victory Scale 1:150 (another construction project) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
paulv1958HMS Victory Sloop 1/16' - Panart [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Spider999HMS Victory, Mamoli 1:90 scale by Spider999Page 4
newmansa01HMS Victory: 1:98 Mantua POB kit, circa 1980Page 2
BruceIvesHMS Victory-Mamoli 1:90 Bruce Ives Build logPage 7
trussbenHMS Winchelsea 1764, 32 gun Frigate 1:48, Syren Ship model by TrussbenPage 17
terencejust about finished the hull
BazzgMantua 1/200 Hms Victory BuildPage 3
BazzgMantuna 1/200 Hms Victory Build
BazzgMantuna 1/200- Hms Victory- Planking- Help
Jolley RogerMarie Jeanne - Billing Boats - 1/50Page 3
ronald305model space Victory builds
Alexander74Model VICTORY by Deagostini, scale 1/84Page 54
DbarMore progress on Victory
AdiefenbachMy Swing at Caldercraft HMS VictoryPage 5
JulianOccre - HMS Victory build logPage 6
neilmOcCre limited edition HMS Victory build.Page 9
tullins2004Serial HMS Victory
uncchainsShot locker
ronald305stern planking problem Model space Victory
tomgancTom's HMS Victory build 1:84 DeAgostini
JulianVictory - A comparison between the Occre and Caldercraft modelsPage 2
EkisVictory 1737 - 1/84Page 7
EkisVictory 1737 - 1:84 scalePage 14
ken sVictory by mamoli
xander898Victory Cross Section - Deagostini
oldstampmanVictory Cross Section - DeagostiniPage 2
Victotybf2019Caldercraft HMS Victory BuildPage 2
uncchainsHMS VICTORY side entries
VikingAtaMy first Build Viking by Artesania latina
Viking LongshipshipmodelmakerArtesania Latina # 19000-N Viking
jack.aubreyGokstad Viking Ship by jack.aubrey - Dusek Ship Kits - 1:35 ScalePage 4
QuintModel Shipways Kate Cory Whaling Brig
VirginiaJim JAristo-Craft Pinnace Virginia
Charles QCCSS Virginia kit K1041 BlueJacket Model 1/16 '' = 1feet
Virginia SwiftTed Robinson1805 Virginia Swift by ALPage 3

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Wappen Von HamburgPtèrThe convoy ship Wappen von Hamburg 1669 - Corel SM28, scale 1:50Page 5
Rolf P.Wappen von Hamburg - Corel - Scale 1:50 by RolfP Build LogPage 2
KenWappen Von Hamburg, Corel, a sort of log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
AlgirdasWappen Von Hamburg. COREL kitPage 2
Warriorfj3131030BILING BOATS build HMS Warrior 1:100Page 6
WasaABBY01Build log Billings Wasa 1:75
jvalanBuild Log for Mamoli cross section of the USS Constitution
LCBBuild Log: Corel Wasa SM13
MeonscaleBuilding "VASA" (1628) a Dutch designed ship built in Sweden: now again in The Netherlands....Page 2
md1400csCorel Vasa - a problem and a fix - I think
uncchainsCorel WASA (VASA)
BrewbrarianCorel Wasa (Vasa), 1628 - Swedish Royal Warship of 64 guns, 1:75Page 2
uncchainsCorel WASA problems
SparsDE Agostini Vasa build by SparsPage 2
FrankbergeDeagostini Wasa 1:65
ABBY01First build Billings Wasa 490 1:75
FifeModelsHMS Victory Cross section by Artesenia Latina - 1/72
Paul132IAMI Wasa Cross Section
dockattnerVasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 206
nisse80VASA 1:75 - BILLING BOATSPage 4
Robp1025Vasa 1:75 - Billing Boats by Robp1025Page 3
LuciusVASA 1628 (De Agostini)Page 9
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75Page 55
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 60
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 60
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
PeterGVasa Build Log - Billing Boats - Scale 1/75 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
Short John BronzeVasa Build log.
Short John BronzeVasa build of Corel kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
SnxzVasa from Corel
SparrowWasa Billing Boats 1:75Page 2
mgoveyWasa buildPage 4
KageecanuckWasa by CorelPage 4
Whaleboatroadrunneramati whaleboat
morfaMorgan's Whaleboat 1:25 288mm
Jeff TNew Bedford Whaleboat - Model Shipways - 1/16 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Will86New Bedford Whaleboat 1/16 by Model Shipways
DevildocProvidence Whale Boat by Devildoc - Artesania Latina - 1:25 Scale - First Wood Ship Model Build
BramoProvidence Whaleboat 1:25 Artesanía Latina
WhalerBuddaShip Log Essex Whale Ship by OCCREPage 2
Will EverardEdwardZBilling Boats BB601 Will Everard 1:67 Build Log Videos
Willem BarentszHeinrichHIGH HOPES, WILD MEN AND THE DEVIL’S JAW - Willem Barentsz Kolderstok 1:50Page 341
Pathfinder65Kolderstok Willem Barentsz, AD 1596Page 51
Pathfinder65Willem Barentsz by Kolderstok AD 1596Page 65
WilliammrshanksBuild Log: Caldercraft HM Gunboat William 1795 1:32 ScalePage 2
Willie L. BennettHughLoBuild Log; Model Shipways 1:32 Willie Bennett Skipjack
Winston ChurchillEdwardZBilling Boats BB706 Winston Churchill 1:75 scale wooden ship model speed build YouTube
Woody JoeEkisHigaki kaïsen 1:72 (Woody Joe) byEkis [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2

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XebecPtèrCazador Xebec 1750 - OcCre - scale 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 34
GrantTylerGrants Xebec 1:60 (using Jabeque Cazador Occre1:60 kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 99
Neophyte ShipwrightINDISCRET Xebec- Aeropiccola-1/40 : by Neophyte ShipwrightPage 2
José Catela PequenoXebec. An Amati modelPage 3
Mike DowlingXebec. An Amati model by Mike Dowling [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3

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YachtDomCeeDansk Jagt/Sweden Yacht - (A.k.a Baltic “Hunt” Ship) - Yuanqing, 1:50. Project No. 4. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
That MikeMamoli's Britannia racing yacht by That Mike
YawlBenD19th Century Four-Oared Yawl by BenD - Falkonet - 1:24 scale
Dubz Modelling WorldRussian "Four-oared Yawl" | Scale 1:24 | FalkonetPage 4

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ZenaTony WTippecanoe T37 “Zena”
ZulusJack JägerZulus, Scottish herring drifters circa. 1890. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4


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