HMS Royal William 1719 1:55 by OlegM

.....the problem with these masterpieces is that it makes people like me ask the question "but what am I doing here?". All I can do is cry!...
Well the irony is that I feel the same looking at models that are far better than mine. My model has so many flaws and imperfections that I know about and that are so easy to show with macro images... Sometimes want to throw my hands away. Don't need to go far away, just look at archjofo's Creole
Maybe they've already asked... in this case I apologize... otherwise my indiscreet question is "how much did it cost in wood?"

Not sure if the answer will be of any use, because the prices were rising a lot over years, and I changed supplier mid-term, but if we talking wood only, I spent about 2300 canadian dollars total over 4 years
Congratulations for finishing the work on the hull - Very good work
and we can see already a very good progress on the bowsprit etc...... so I guess less than the four years are in front of you
I like your ship very much :cool:
Incredible work from the big items to the smallest details. One of the small things that I was happy to see is that there is no name on the stern . I am sure there were exceptions, but your depiction follows admiralty orders. I believe ships were prohibited from carrying a name except between 1780 and 1790 and then again in more modern times. Great work!!!
