Devotional The Shipbuilders Devotional #16: Community

Shipbuilder Devotionals
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Forum Moderator
Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
Dear Freinds,
how time flies and gets away. I see that it has been about 9 months since I have written any Devotional. It is interesting that I had read about his @Herman post about his experiences with a premature diagnosis which only added more to his stress. When I read further into his post, I was glad to hear that his outcome should be improving.

To me, I am delighted that so many use the forum not only for ship modeling, but to comfort one another through hard and difficult times. This forum was designed for the person and of course for his / her hobby. The person(s) is more important and should always be. The hobby as much as we all love ships and shipbuilding to me is secondary. If you think about it, it is the people after all that lurk behind all those posts and images. A real person. Someone that has trials and tribulations every day. Some might be mild and some might be life-threatening.

For those that are new to the forum and there are many, these 'Devotionals' are here to uplift and offer encouragement. I believe no other ship modeling forum is going to offer such. We are a community of like-minded when it comes to modeling. But more than that, we are a community of those that are willing to share their ups and downs. This is important - people are important - Yes, we love the hobby and we love looking at our ship sitting on the mantle, kitchen, or bedroom, but it is the concern for each other that sustains us all.

We all have faults and I certainly have a list full of them. It rains on the just and unjust. We all share the same umbrella of the world we live in, both good and evil. Situations that come our way that we have no control over. That is hard. Life can be a tough pill to swallow sometimes. I can only speak for myself: I have to continue to put my faith in God and trust that He will work things out for good in the long run. It might happen within minutes or it might take many years, but I would rather put my trust in him rather trust myself. ( I encourage you to do the same ).

For the former, it is not always an easy thing to do as we can not see the future or what is right around the corner - but He does and I don't !!!
i start each and every morning with a cup of coffee, breakfast and Ships of Scale. Over a period of years i watch as it continues to grow. i find comfort in the community of thousands who enjoy this hobby and support one another. Yes there are evil people out there who would rejoice in seeing the destruction of this fine forum and the hobby. These people are on a fools errand, they have been trying for years and accomplished nothing but to prove indeed they are fools, a running joke in the community.
Aside from model building another take away from Ships and Scale and the relentless dedication of Donnie is as much hate and lies spread by Keep it Real and their partner the Nautical Research Guild we survive. WHY? because lies will in time be exposed as truth will always stand strong.

This forum was designed for the person and of course for his / her hobby. The person(s) is more important and should always be.

this one line says it bright, bold and true it is about the people and not the politics and legal issures of manufactures. As my daughter says "not our monkey, not our circus not our problem" if problems exist between manufactures let them solve it.

a proud member of Ships in Scale
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Thank you Dave. I appreciate you and your contributions to the hobby and always will !!

There are many ship modelling enthusiasts coming across to our friendly forum in droves. The other entity has lost its momentum.
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