Scroll down end of page for all Documents and Drawing Downloads.
The Blandford Cross Section Group Build's (BCSGB) sole purpose is ONLY for educational purposes and is not meant to be an endeavor on building a perfectly
scaled model, however, it you wish to divulge in that, it is solely up to you to do the proper research and your own workbench. The sole purpose of the
(BCSGB) is aimed towards the beginner in mind, but seasoned modelers are welcome too.
The Blandford was chosen as a base example of a "typical" cross section for educational and experimentation purposes. The main purpose is to teach model
ship builders the techniques and basic practices of building admiralty style frames, decking, etc.
However, there are straightforward policies that must be adhered to and a member of the (BCSGB) is running a risk of not participating.
The purpose of these rules are not to discourage anyone, but it is to protect your interest and the interest of Ships of Scale.
1) The plan(s) that you download are to remain in your possession at all times.
2) It is not allowed to give your username and password to anyone at anytime.
3) The plan(s) are not to be modified using CAD or any other Graphic Software and re-introduced nor displayed into the Group Build in 2D or 3D by any member.
Only the moderators of this project have this permission. Respect the authors design, unless you are displaying "a portion" of the plan for clarification
for instruction to / from the author. *example: "Am I placing the Gunport in the correct position ?" as opposed to "I redrew the plan to show where the
Gunport should go"
4) The plan(s) that you download are NOT to be for sale, nor sold in any manner.
5) The plan(s) can not be redistributed or given away.
6) The plan(s) can not be re-introduced onto the internet, or any other forum to be distributed, or used as a build log for another site. All content must
stay resident on Ships of Scale.
7) These plan(s) can not be made into a kit for sale.
8) Your build log must stay on Ships of Scale.
9) You can not share a link to any other forum that points back to this Group Build.
10) Ships of Scale shall not receive any monetary compensation, nor charge any price, nor provide a quote for the plan(s). The Plan(s) are free of
11) Keep it simple: You are welcome to join the Group Build. Download the plan(s), create your own build log.
12) The Group Build will be directed by Mike41. He will be the Moderator of the forum and he has at his discretion to edit, remove, warn, or take any
other action to keep the Group Build a fun and safe place to work on your project.
Mike41 will have an introductory starting page. His page is open and available for the purpose for him to administer construction steps, support, additional
modification or changes. Mike41 will be available to monitor and to assist anyone with the build. The best option is to "Reply" to his post which is a "sticky" post.
If you agree, then we gladly accept you to join this (BCSGB).
Thank you for your participation. I hope that this Group Build will grow and lets have some fun with it !!!
Mike will have an introductory starting page. The purpose for him able to offer construction steps, support,
additional modification or changes. If you need help the best option is to REPLY with a post to the "HMS Blandford Project Main Support Page"
This will be the first sequence.
At the discretion of the Moderators, the next sequence will be added later.
There will be a building board with a jig in the first package of drawings. This group build is not being done in the customary manner where all the drawings
completed, checked and a bill of material extracted. The drawings are in the order in which the model will be built. Generating a bill of material without a
complete set of drawings will be difficult but I will provide a rough estimate for the lumber in a few days.
Instruction Set
Bill of Materials (Material List), All BOM Parts 1 - * are included.