This is a list of all the ship models in the Ships of Scale forums - 01/03/25
The logs are in alphabetical order of the ships name. (Ignoring any prefix, e.g. HMS, USS etc.)
Select a letter from the list below to jump within the index.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


20 gun shipJack Jäger1/48 scale 20 gun ship from Modelship Dockyard kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8

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64 gun shipyotty1750 64 gun ship

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74 Gun ShipJeronimo74 Gun Ship - Gun decks [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Jeronimo74 GunShip 1/36 by Jeronimo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
Peter GuttermanA look Into a USNA museum restoration;18th c. model of s Spanish 74gun 2nd rate ship of the line; Battle of Trafalgar, model late18th or early 19th c.
Peter GuttermanA look Into a USNA museum restoration;18th c. model of s Spanish 74gun 3rd rate ship of the line; Battle of Trafalgar, model late18th or early 19th c.Page 2

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AbbasCarlerooNILE STEAMBOAT "ABBAS", 1884, 1:32, SCRATCH BUILDPage 2
AchillespolydocPilot Boat Achilles of 1815 [COMPLETED BUILD]
AdderLucian29HM Gun Brig Adder 1797 - Vanguard Models - 1:64Page 2
Adler von LübeckKorsanAdler von Lübeck
KorsanAdler von Lübeck
AdmirableshipbuilderMerchant sailing brig 20 Feet to 1 inch
Admiral NakhimovJScolumAdmiral Nakhimov Russian Armoured Cruiser 1888 1/100
Admiral OrlovIterumFictional Russian ADMIRAL ORLOV class, 1870 Giant Monitor
Admiral PanteleyevCharleslovesship1/350 Admiral Panteleyev
Admiral TegetthoffschifferlbauerArctic expedition ship Admiral Tegetthoff 1872 scale 1:20, scale 1:1 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Admiral UshakowIterumProModel ADMIRAL USHAKOW 1/200
AdventureSnowyMy first the amati adventure
Adventure GalleyGuns286Adventure Galley Deck Plan help
African QueenDave's boatAfrican Queen
Buffalo JackAfrican Queen
Buffalo JackAfrican Queen
CarlerooAFRICAN QUEEN 1:12, Billing Boats, Carl Aspler
Gordon52African Queen Build Log (Another) [COMPLETED BUILD]
Ironrod60Build log: Billing Boat, African Queen (BB588) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
JneweyJust a few pics of my latest completed build, the Billings African Queen.Page 2
JneweyJust a few pics of my latest completed build, the Billings African Queen.Page 2
JneweyJust a few pics of my latest completed build, the Billings African Queen.
JneweyJust a few pics of my latest completed build, the Billings African Queen.
wallace7084The African Queen
a49kidThe African Queen - With Live Steam - Billings - 1:12 - by WaynePage 4
Aft MagazineDocBlakeAft Magazine Section - 1/32 ScalePage 3
AgamemnongregBuild log Caldercraft HMS AgamemnonPage 4
JamesTBuild Log: HMS Agamemnon, Caldercraft 1:64Page 2
Willbor237HMS Agamemnon (1/64 Caldercraft)Page 7
Kusawa2000HMS Agamemnon Build Log
gregHMS Agamemnon by CaldercraftPage 5
JamesTHMS Agamemnon, Caldercraft 1:64Page 2
AgassizjohngrHMV Flower Class HMCS Corvette Agassiz 1:250 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
AjaxKenHMS Ajax 38 gun frigate. Euromodel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 19
AkagiNathan L1/700 IJN Akagi building logPage 2
AginvictaAkagi Eggship Fujimi + Extras
PJenssenIJN Akagi - 1/700 HasegawaPage 3
Will @ TrilogyIJN AKAGI 1/350 by Hasegawa [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Akagi HasegawaNMBROOK1/350 Akagi Hasegawa - Completion of a project long overduePage 7
AkerboomIterumAKERBOOM 1681 after Ab Hoving nominally 1/66 but drawings in 1/64Page 6
AlabamaLorenzoCSS Alabama, kit Mamoli esc 1/120
pgkdaveMamoli CSS Alabama kit
AlbatrosKramerAlbatros by OcCre
Toni_SAlbatros by Occre - 2nd Build
BLD SHPSAlbatros by Occre - second build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
KramerAlbatros by OcCre American Schooner 1:100 by Kramer [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
IGRModel Airways Albatros D.VA
Alexander74Schooner "Albatros" from Constructo
Albatros ReneKAlbatros
Barry1Albatros - OcCre - 1:100 Scale
OldSalt1950Albatros 1840 a Baltimore Clipper 0 Mantua 1:40 by OldSalt1950Page 2
OldSalt1950Albatros 1840 a Baltomore Clipper 0 Mantua 1:40 by OldSalt1950
RedlibrarianOCCRE Albatros : 2nd ship
BRoyOccre Albatross
grumpydaddy845Schooner 'Albatros' from OcOcre
Alexander74Schooner Albatross from Constructo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
AlbatrossLlaut MallorquinALBATROS
BLD SHPSAlbatros Second Build
AldebaranDD 708HMS Aldebaran 1790 1:48 scale from plans
AlertTrident Model0617Update HMS ALERT 1777 Trident model by QiGang
Trident Model0621Update HMS ALERT 1777 Trident model by HongBinPage 3
Lusitania19151777 - H. M. Cutter Alert - VanguardModelsPage 2
Trident ModelAlert 1777 1:48 by LanHaiPage 3
DST07Cutter Alert 1/48 cross section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
DaliCutter Alert 1777 scale 1:48 DaliPage 2
DaliCutter Alert 1777 scale 1:48 Dali [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
11320 TitanicDonRicardo HMS Alert 1/72
11320 TitanicFairing the frames on a paper/card model
Ab HovingFinishedPage 6
Milos-B.HM Armed Cutter "Alert" 1777 VM (Vanguard models) by MilosPage 3
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64Page 28
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Completed BuildPage 36
SmithyHM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Completed BuildPage 36
mtbediz1HM Cutter Alert 1777 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
AnobiumPunctatumHM Cutter Alert, 1777 in scale 1:36 by own reconstruction
11320 TitanicHMS Alert 1/72 scale from ShipyardPage 5
RolyHms Alert 1777 scale 1:30 by Roland VlahovicPage 3
11320 TitanicHMS Alert destroyedPage 2
AnobiumPunctatumHMS Alert vs. Le Coureur, Shipyard 1/72Page 2
SulaireJSC 'Alert' modern rapid intervention vehicle
Pathfinder65Krick “Alert” U.S. Cutter, 1/25 scalePage 31
Lachezar DragostinovRapid intervention vessel Alert 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]
EricShipyard 1:72 HMS Alert/Continental Navy RevengePage 2
Alexander HamiltonmodlerbobCottage Industry Models US Revenue Cutter Alexander Hamilton 1/96 scale
Alexandrethebodyal'alexandre 64 guns ship
AlfredgaryshipwrightBuilding Alfred,1778Page 5
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Scratch building the Alfred SternPage 5
Algoma StrongfieldTJCampbellAlgoma Strongfield - present day - 1:250 by TJCampbell [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Allège d’ArlesJavier BaronAllège d’Arles, 1:200
Alpha RomeoDonnieAlpha Romeo 8C 2300 Monza - Italeri
AltairFred P.Altaïr - 1931 English yacht - 1:67 - from Constructo byFred P. with improvements
Alvin ClarkDave Stevens (Lumberyard)Alvin ClarkPage 10
Alwyn VintcentAlan NichollsAlwyn Vintcent Steam Tug 1:32
Alan NichollsAlwyn Vintcent1;32 Scale Model and Kit Completed
Alan NichollsSteam Tug "Alwyn Vintcent"
AmarnashipbuilderBritish cargo liner Amarna, 1949
AmbitieuxlandoroAMBITIEUX de Altaya
DicasL'Ambitieux Altaya/Planeta d'Agostini - A very long build.Page 2
AmericaFletch DogConstructo America 1851 - First Build In +20 years
JohnRJohnR Build Log - Yacht America - Corel Line 1:155
Peter GuttermanMamoli Schooner Yacht "America:
Peter GuttermanMiniature 1:192 (1/16"=1') Schooner-Yacht "America
Big JakeRough Souvenir America
remzibiYacht America 1851 scale 1:120 , cheap kit
modlerbobYacht America from Revell 1:65 scale
American EnterpriseNorgaleAmerican Enterprise
Amerigo VespucciMirekAmerigo Vespucci
pauls modelsAmerigo VespucciPage 2
GilbertmAmerigo Vespucci - 1:84 PanartPage 20
briansteinAmerigo Vespucci - Panart/Mantua Kit.
ReneKAmerigo Vespucci [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
SylvainBLAmérigo Vespucci 1/84 from Panart, part identification
BarcomadAmerigo Vespucci Mantua/Panart 1:84Page 8
mantaresAmerigo Vespucci Panart 1:84 MA build logPage 3
mariumAmerigo Vespucci scala 1:84. Un solo fasciame.
MontenegroAMERIGO VESPUCCI, MANTUA. 1:84Page 2
Igor TatarenkovAmerigo Vespucci, OcCre . 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
martijnonderwaterAmerigo Vespucci, Panart 1:84 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
KenAmerigo Vespucci, Panart 1:84 scalePage 12
SylvainBLConstruction log AMERIGO VESPUCCI 1/84 PANARTPage 2
BLD SHPSNew Build Occre Amerigo Vespucci By BLD SHPSPage 3
Trevor2244Occre Amerigo Vespucci 1/100
AmphitriteBacoAmphitrite 1/75
Andrea DoriaELHOIMT.N. ANDREA DORIA - Transatlantico Italiano 1951 - scala 1:100 su progetti originali dei Cantieri Ansaldo di Genova. Autore Luciano Zara, Agosto 2022Page 2
Andrea GailEdwardZBilling Boats BB608 Andrea Gail 1:60 [Speed Build Video]
The SailorThe Andrea Gail 1/60 from Billing Boats's kit - Diorama
BovineThe Real Andrea GailPage 2
Anna 2RC Modelfishing boat Anna 2
Annie ChristianshipbuilderAnnie Christian
Annie M. ParkerCanoe21THE FISHING SCHOONER ANNIE M PARKER by Canoe21 { Lawrence }, Scale 1: 50
Apóstol FelipeHannibalApóstol Felipe (OcCre) 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
AquitaniaOrso1/600 RMS Aquitania conversion
ArizonaCrossofIronAnother 1/200 Arizona Build (I am afraid)...
Wedgie01USS Arizona - 1/200 Build LogPage 4
SigEp ZiggyUSS Arizona Memorial model - Revell 1/426 USS Arizona, Shapeways Memorial - by SigEp ZiggyPage 8
Armed LongboatSchrader1834 Armed Longboat - 1:36 - Plans by ANCREPage 3
CurtisW18th Century Armed Longboat - Model Shipways - by CurtisW
dpeno18th Century Longboat 1750-1760 Model Shipways 1/48Page 2
GventuraArmed Longboat - Model Shipways 1/24Page 2
LuciusArmed Longboat 1834
LuciusArmed Longboat 1834 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
JonkenBuild Log - Model Shipways 1:24 scale Armed Longboat
TKAMModel Shipways Armed LongboatPage 8
Armed PinnaceGrahamArmed Pinnace (Panart)
ChestcutterArmed Pinnace 1:16 by Panart built by me in 2003
GrahamArmed Pinnace 1800 - Panart 1:16Page 6
Knight44Armed Pinnace, by Panart 1:16, Knight44
GrahamBuild Log: Panart Armed PinnacePage 5
Rossc83Panart Armed Pinnace
AnchormanPanart Armed Pinnace 1:16
Armed Pinnace - GunAnchormanPanart #748 Pinnace Gun System Up Scale to 1:8
Armed Virginia SloopDocBlakeArmed Virginia Sloop - Lauck Street Shipyards, POF 1:32 Scale, Admiralty Style by DocBlakePage 9
lakedaisyArmed Virginia Sloop (Model Shipways) 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
0SeahorseArmed Virginia Sloop (scratch 1:100)
Ciciak35Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48Page 6
zoly99saskArmed Virginia Sloop 1768 - Model shipwaysPage 2
zoly99saskArmed Virginia Sloop 1768 - Model Shipways - scale 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
DemetriArmed Virginia Sloop 1776
DemetriArmed Virginia Sloop 1776
DocBlakeLauck Street AVS - 1/32 scale by DocBlake
mrshanksLauck Street AVS in 1:32 ScalePage 2
mrshanksLauck Street Shipyard AVS 1:32 Plank On FramePage 9
ArrowLeroydBuild log USS Arrow by Amati
LeroydUSS Arrow
ArturBluebeardNauticurso "Artur" Brazialian fishing Boat [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Asama MarushipbuilderAsama Maru 32'=1"
AstrolabeBuffalo JackAstrolab
jimmystratosAstrolabe - Mantua 1/50Page 4
Bobby K.Astrolabe 1812- Mantua-1;50- by Bobby K
Sid BarrasL'Astrolabe 1812 build
jimmystratosMantua Astrolabe 1/50
AstuteEttienneHobby Boss 1/350 HMS Astute
AthenaIterumChapman Pl. XLVI N°1 Pleasure Galley "Athéna"
AtlantakpkndCSS Atlanta and CSS Nashville [COMPLETED BUILD]
KikatinalongCaracca Atlantica by Kikatinalong Mamoli 1:54 scale
AustinpolydocSloop of War Austin, a soup to nuts project - scale 1:85Page 3
AvosOrnholt"Avos"1:72 from Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Fred P.Avos - 1806 Tender - 1:72 - Master Korabel by Fred P.
KlamahaMaster Korabel „Avos“, New Project 2020 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
DragdoniusNot exactly build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
craftysailorTender Avos - Master Korabel 1:72Page 4
greenstoneTender AVOS` 1806 - Master Korabel - 1/72Page 5
AV-SC96BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32Page 3
Axel Thorsen0SeahorseAxel Thorsen 1810 - 1/72 (test)

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BadgerrdsaplalaBuild Log: Jotika/Caldercraft 1/64 HM Brig BadgerPage 3
BalandraJavier BaronBalandra canaria
BalangayjepoysaipanBalangay (carbon dated 320 AD)
BalderPeter VoogtBALDER, Vlaardingen Herring Lugger from 1912, scratch build scale 1:50 Plate-On-FramePage 73
Baliniera OlandesemartijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal)
martijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal) [COMPLETED BUILD]]Page 2
martijnonderwaterBuild log: Dutch Whaler "Baliniera Olandese" (Sergal) [COMPLETED BUILD]]Page 2
BalleneraJuanluis10Barca ballenera
Baltimore ClipperPeter GuttermanMiniature Baltimore Clipper 5" long on deck. A tad under 1/16"- foot scalePage 2
BaolazeTom of all tradesYacht America. 1:120 Baolaze cheap Amazon kit.
BarbaraDMDayBarbara--mid-19th century bark
BardenshipbuilderScratchbuilding Merchant Sailing Ships, A Dying Art
BargetomarackBuilding Thames sailing barges
Javier BaronCádiz barge, 1771. Scale 1: 135 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Barqueshipbuilder900-Ton Barque Completed
shipbuilder900-ton wooden barquePage 5
DMDayPacket Ship: Barque Barbara
BataviaMoareinBatavia - Revell 1/150
janosBatavia kit building by Janos [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
RobertdBatavia VOC 1:72 Kolderstok by RobertD [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 13
frankiegVOC Batavia - Kolderstok 1:72 build log
RonmedgeVOC retourschip Batavia AD 1628 built in oakPage 2
Bateau de LanvéocJempiLe Bateau de Lanvéoc schaal 1/36 plannen Jean Boudriot
Bateira ílhavaJavier BaronBateira ílhava
BatelinaDonRobinsonBatelina by Don Robinson a MarisStella kitPage 2
Battle StationYiFan1/24 French 8-Pdr cannon deck section
Blue fin sailing1: 48 Deck gun construction logPage 4
mrshanks17th Century Battle StationPage 10
DocBlake18th Century Battle Station by Doc Blake - 1/24 scale
dpcdvm18th Century Longboat
cristikcBattle Station- Panart 740 - by cristikc
Charles QCCombat Station 2 bridges 1:32 English 17th centuries Navy Board Model
DonRobinsonDon's Battle StationPage 5
mrshanksMike's 17th Century Battle StationPage 9
mrjuanNaval Smoothbore Gun Deck by Model Shipways
cloggerNavio Rayo Combat Station (A Spanish 80 gun warship)
gibby_74Panart battle deck section x2 kit mash up [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
TKAMPanart Combat Place
paulbPosto Di Combattimento (Battle Station) by Panart
ReneKStructure of a combat post
BawleyJavier BaronHarwich bawley
BaylinerLordNelsonSrBuilding a Bayliner Yacht
BeaglePaul H1:60 Occre HMS Beagle by Paul Stevens
gibby_74BEAGLE by occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Bertie McBoatfaceBeagle by OcCre 1/60 ~ Bertie's Second BuildPage 4
John ReidBeagle OcCre
gene438HMS Beagle
GeraldoHMS Beagle
embojoHMS Beagle 1:60 scale Occre by embojo
gene438HMS Beagle by Occre - My First Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
ikecurranHMS BEAGLE Darwin configuration
CryptonHMS Beagle from Occre
tetrefHMS Beagle from OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
Chuck60HMS Beagle Occre
AndrewDonaldOccre 1:60 HMS Beagle
XmtrdudeOcCre HMS Beagle
gene438OcCre HMS Beagle - My First BuildPage 2
MikeyOccre HMS Beagle Build Questions
Robp1025OcCre HMS Beagle by Robp1025Page 2
BearJim JUSCG Bear.Page 3
Bei SagrinMorghy"Bei Sagrin" Grand Duchy of Bergamo ShipPage 3
BelemBob ElliotA/L Belem, a french training ship
VicGorBELEM from Artesania Latina
Fish&ChipBelem from Artesania Latina - by Fish & ChipPage 9
Belle PouleDonnieBelle Poule [COMPLETED]Page 2
RegGBelle Poule 1780 (Sail and Sail) by RegGPage 2
DonnieBelle Poule 1780 by DonniePage 33
BellerophonMenneHMS Bellerophon, based on Amati's 1:72 HMS Vanguard, but mostly scratch-builtPage 2
MenneHMS Bellerophon. !815 Napoleon surrendered to Cpt. Maitland
Bellonawarren47Bellona POF scratch buildPage 2
Olympic1911Cafmodels 1/48th scale HMS BellonaPage 4
SteveAH.M.S. Bellona
Navis FactoremHMS Bellona 1760 1:75 Timber [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Knight44HMS Bellona, 1:100 scale from Corel
Mr.DeepHMS Bellona-scratch building from plans Corel
ron0909Shipyard's HMS Bellona 1:96Page 2
Ben VoirlichshipbuilderOld models surfacing againPage 2
Benjamin LathamTom from YorkBenjamin Latham
Gramps 79Benjamin W. Latham
Fred P.Benjamin W. Latham - 1902 Mackerel Fishing Schooner - 1:48 scale (Model Shipway)
Fred P.Benjamin W. Latham (Model Shipway 1:48) by Fred P. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
PonytailSchooner Benjamin Latham from Aliexpress
CivicvtiSecond build Benjamin W. Latham
Benjamin NobleRoger PellettGreat Lakes Steamship Benjamin Noble, 1:96 Scale Scratch Build
BentlyPeterairfixAirfix 1/12 Bentley supercharged
BerbiceПотапычъBaltimore clipper Berbice
polydocBerbice, a 1780 Schooner in 1/85 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
BerlinMontenegro"Fragata Berlín" Corel 1:40.
Robert BBerlin (Corel)
MattioCorel - Berlin 1:48 Scale - Rigging Help
IevgueniDGzRS Berlin 1/72 Revell
IterumSomething reasonable out of Hoeckel's "FREGATTE BERLIN 1674" possible?Page 2
BingalSwabbieBuild Log: Bingal (boat of symmetry)Page 2
Birkenhead.mwromanHMS Birkenhead.
BismarckPeterairfix1/200 Gpm Bismark with laser cut frames
bcsoseven1/200 Trumpeter Bismark by bcsosevenPage 4
Criplr7021/200 Trumpeter Bismark by Criplr702
Paul H1:200 Amati Battleship Bismarck by Paul Stevens
CLBAgora Bismarck
Jack SparrowAmati Bismarck 1:200 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
Criplr702Another 1/200 Bismarck
Uncle DavyddBismarck 1/200 Hachette rebuildPage 3
SAIL AND SAILBismarck 1:200 GPM 22'2011 Nr.182
Charles QCBismarck battle ship 1/200 scale Hachette publication 140 issues build 2008 - 2015Page 2
Commander_KrillFlyhawk 1/700 Bismarck Deluxe
PeterairfixGPM 1/200 bismarck (card kit)
PeterairfixGPM 1\200 Bismarck card kitPage 2
PeterairfixHachette build the Bismarck 1/200 build logPage 4
PeterairfixTamiya 1/350 bismarck plus extras
BeauTrumpeter 1/200 Bismarck
Jim LauserTrumpeter 1/200 Bismarck Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Brito_686Trumpeter Bismarck 1/200 with MK.1 Detail Set
bcsosevenYes another 1/200 Trumpeter BismarckPage 3
Bismarck?Steve SBismarck?
Bisquine de CancaleKerz Atao F14800Bisquine de Cancale
Javier BaronBisquine de Cancale, scale 1/160
Black BeardNietslimMamoli MV82 Black Beard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Black PearlctdragrcrA New Black Pearl in the Shipyard... All Scenarios VersionPage 2
azogAccessories For Model Ships
RowboatBlack Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by RowboatPage 7
VfordyceBlack Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by Vfordyce [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 31
MoareinBlack Pearl - Zvezda 1/72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
shelkBlack Pearl 1/48 Open hullPage 7
Captain LizardBlack Pearl 1:50 (ZHL, All-Sealed Version)
MystRacingBlack Pearl 1:50 ZHLPage 12
Ahoy AllBlack Pearl 1:50 ZHL All-Scenario versionPage 19
EdwardZBlack Pearl 1:96 Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]
CaptainJBlack Pearl 2021 Golden VersionPage 6
Dave TeelBlack pearl build from China [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Dave TeelBlack pearl By Dave Teel
epicdoomBlack Pearl By ZHL buildPage 13
deiv1230Black Pearl from Wish
SylvainBLBlack Pearl From ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]
AvBBlack Pearl Zhl Golden edition.Page 2
s.solajjicBlack Pearl, 1:60 scale, scratch build:
s.solajicBlack Pearl, 1:72, scratch build logPage 5
sleepyfishBuild Log: ZHL Black Pearl 2019 top level edition
lmcneil1406Gold Version of the Black Pearl - My First BuildPage 9
NarcAngelPaper model ship Pirates of the Caribbean Black Pearl
azogRevell Black PearlPage 3
scottmillerssuRevell Black Pearl 1/72Page 2
NietslimSunken black pearl unboxing (Shicheng model)Page 3
ZHLmodelThe assembling process of Black Pearl Golden Version ZHL MODEL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
danielsjeThe Black Pearl 1:50, ZHL kit by Jim Daniels (Danielsje)
ZHLmodelThe Black Pearl All-Sealed Version the great work awarded by ZIX Prize .ZHL model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)The Black Pearl by MellpapaPage 3
MsLThe Black Pearl from Card and mixed media. My very first build.
matweaverThe pirated Black PearlPage 4
eric61Yet another Black Pearl
VfordyceZHL Black Pearl
FrankbergeZhl Black pearlPage 2
WarrLightZHL Black Pearl 2019 Golden Edition-Newbie build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
sleepyfishZHL Black Pearl 2019 top level editionPage 2
Tony HZHL Black Pearl 2020 Golden Edition [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 20
SoozookZHL Black Pearl circa 2013 first ModelPage 2
Jeff TZHL Black Pearl Golden 2021 - 1:64 - JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
JayZHL Black Pearl Golden Edition 2016Page 8
rickyboy66ZHL Black Pearl Golden Version by rickyboy66Page 6
HoffyZHL Black Pearl KML08 (Golden Version 2019)Page 3
Black Pearl Chuck60ZHL Black Pearl Golden Edition
Black PeralElelidBlack Perl ZHL golden edition 2023
Black PrinceBrewbrarianBlack Prince (1775) American Schooner - Mamoli - 1:57 - Double Plank on BulkheadPage 2
BrewbrarianFirst Build: Black Prince (1775) Colonial Schooner - Mamoli - 1:57 - Double Plank on BulkheadPage 3
Black SwanscottmillerssuBeautiful Tiny Zvezda 1/350 Sailing Ship Kits: Black Swan
BlandfordKit1/48 HMS Blandford - does anyone know if this kit is any good?
Craig CBlandford
maltbyguyBlandford 1/48 by Modelship DockyardPage 9
tonphil1960HMS Blandford
KenHMS Blandford 1:48 POF Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 28
wangHMS Blandford 1720 in scale 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
KeefHMS Blandford POFPage 10
KeefHMS Blandford POF by Keith [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 26
richardjjsHMS BLANDFORD POF by RichardPage 2
ir3HMS Blandford QuestionsPage 2
tonphil1960Tony’s Blandford build log.
Blue GooseLlaut MallorquinBLUE GOOSE
Blue RidgeNavy51USS Blue Ridge LCC-19 Command Ship
Blue ShadowDanno71Blue Shadow - Build logPage 3
Danno71Build log: Blue ShadowPage 2
Bluebird of ChelseafourseasBLUEBIRD OF CHELSEA
BluenoseHobbie Builder2023 Schooner Bluenose 1:75 Artesania Latina 20500 [COMPLETED BUILD]
modlerbobAnother Bluenose build log 1/64 Model Shipways
2002HummerBilling Boats Bluenose 452 build
PT-2BluenosePage 11
2002HummerBluenose - Billing Boats 1:65 by 2002HummerPage 2
David LesterBluenose - Model Shipways - by David LesterPage 2
Jeff TBluenose - Model Shipways MS2130 - 1/64 - By JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
Bruce RitchieBluenose (Original) - Billing Boats 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]
MikeMCBluenose 1
MikeMCBluenose 1
TechTrekBluenose 1/64 MS2130 by TechTrek (Chris)Page 9
KurtFinkBluenose 1:100 by AmatiPage 9
HughLoBluenose 1:64 by Model Shipways - Build logPage 8
WakefieldBluenose 11
RobertdBluenose 2, AL, by Hunter376
KundelisBluenose Billing boats 576 build
mrshanksBluenose Build LogPage 5
FrightBluenose by ScientificPage 4
Peso PeteBluenose from H.Leclerc, ENR, Canada kit
Peso PeteBluenose from H.Leclerc, ENR, Canada kit
RDN1954Bluenose I Billing Boats
DomCeeBluenose II - Artesania-Latina 1:75: Part 2, sails and rigging progress - Kit mod by Dom
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by NomadPage 22
Down the BayBluenose II, 1:75 Scale, by Artesania Latina
FranzBluenose made in Austria :-)Page 4
mindiBluenose Model Shipways
mallacootaBluenose Model Shipways (again) by Mallacoota [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
mallacootaBluenose Model Shipways build log - MallacootaPage 7
ButterfingersBluenose Model Shipways Butterfingers
ButterfingersBluenose Model Shipways by Butterfingers
dsmith1157Bluenose Plank on Bulkhead
mallacootaBluenose POB Model Expo (rebuild) Mallacoota
Dean62Bluenose POF
BodachBodach's Bluenose
Down the BayBuild Log: Bluenose II, 1:75 Scale, by Artesania Latina
HughLoBuild Log; Model Shipways 1:64 BluenosePage 6
RodneyBCanadian Bluenose Schooner - Build Log (Model Shipways)
ZoopherHoorah! First wooden ship kit ever!Page 2
ZoopherMini Mamoli early Xmas pressie!
HighflightModel Shipways Bluenose, 1/64 scale by Hightflight [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Barry1Model Shipways Bluenose-3/16 Scale
The SailorMy Small BLUENOSE - scale ... It could be 1/150 - made using books, photos ect. - Diorama
crawfordwilson3New to this site AND my first model ship. Progress on the Bluenose II
RDN1954Rebuilding Bluenose I, BB576. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
bikepunkSchooner Bluenose 1:48 plans by P.F. Eisnor, practium by Gene Bodnar
mallacootaYQ Bluenose completed MallacootaPage 2
Bluenose - Scientific Kit No. 164 (1:64 scale)UrkVisserBluenose - Scientific Kit No. 164 (1:64 scale)
Bluenose IIEdwardZBilling Boat BB600 Bluenose II 1:100 Finished
HighflightBluenosePage 2
TechTrekBluenose 1/64 - Model Shipways
AgeguyBluenose II - 1st wooden ship model
Capt RubioBluenose ii - Artesania Latina
DomCeeBluenose II - Artesania-Latina 1:75 - Part 3 - Completed Model Pictures with Summary Review of the Build.
AnchormanBluenose II (AL 1980's kit) 1:75 scale
NomadBluenose II (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by Nomad
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by Nomad [Completed Build]Page 26
NomadBluenose II Build (Artesania Latina) 1:75 by Nomad [Completed Build]Page 26
DomCeeBluenose II, 1:75 Artesania-Latina kit build by Dom.
Dave TeelConstructo Bluenose II
BoadiceascratchbuildBoadicea CK213, Another Fishing Smack
scratchbuildBoadicea's progress.
BoattomspBoat 136 mm
MoareinJust a Boat :)
BoeierSeastreetBoeier/Authentic Models Amsterdam
Boeing 777AER3393Amazing model builder
BoiuntyMikeMCHvma bounty
Bomb VesselShipdadBomb Vessel 1742, Cross Section, 1:48 scale, plans by Jeff Staudt
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Bomb vessel cross section - scale 3/8 or 1:32Page 10
rawenH. M. Bomb Vesel Granado (Victory Models) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Javier BaronTrechantiri-bombarda sabatiera, 1:175
Bon RetourAginvictaBon Retour A/L
AginvictaBon Retour Artesania Latina 1/25 scalePage 4
CryptonBon Retour from Artesania Latina
BonaventureShort John BronzeHobbies Bonaventure
neptuneI would like to introduce to my friend Patrick,Page 3
Bonhomme RichardBradNSWBonhomme Richard - Pear Cross section kit (with scratch duplicate using alder) Unicorn ModelPage 16
Olivers Historic ShipyardBonhomme Richard 1/48 - Plan by Jean Boudriot / myselfPage 2
JeronimoBONHOMME RICHARD 1779 Part 1 - Stern Section / 1:36 by Jeronimo
JeronimoBONHOMME RICHARD 1779 Part 2 - Bow Section / 1:36 by JeronimoPage 2
JeronimoBONHOMME RICHARD 1779 Part 3 - Midship Section / 1:36 by Jeronimo
js747aBonHomme Richard alias DUC DE DURAS 1/35Page 3
donfarrBonhomme Richard Barge: Half Hull Model by Don FarrPage 2
AdiefenbachBonhomme Richard Cross Section 1:48 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
SignetSignet's Bonhomme Richard Cross Section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
stan167USS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48Page 2
carlosysUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48 - by carlosys [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
neptuneUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Cherry - 1:48 - by neptune,Page 15
UwekUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48 - by UwePage 22
OldpaperoneUSS BONHOMME RICHARD - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
ReneKUSS Bonhomme Richard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
LarsaUSS Bonhomme Richard 1/48 Section-Pear version by LarsaPage 2
modlerbobUSS Bonhomme Richard 1:132 by Monogram
OlegMUSS Bonhomme Richard 1779 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 18
xander898USS Bonhomme Richard Unicorn Model 1:48
YuriYuri's USS Bonhomme Richard - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48Page 5
Booth BayAllanKP69Schooner Booth Bay 65
Boreasshipphotographer.comRestoration & Upgrading of the HMS BOREAS (1774) - scale 1:48Page 7
BorkumTorpartBorkum steam launch buildPage 2
morfaMy FIRST build: Krick Borkum with MSM 3" Clyde Steam Plant (shipping next week)
morfaMy FIRST build: Krick Borkum with MSM 3" Clyde Steam Plant [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
neptuneSteam Launch Borkum by neptune - Krick - 1/12 scale - with steam engine built from Stuart Turner casPage 9
BorodinoRolyBorodino - 1: 200 scale from PAPER HOUSE - by Roland Vlahovic
Boston SeafireSeafireBoston Seafire
Bot de LlumcarlosysBot de Llum - Calella Occre
LorenzoFishing boat `bot de llum´ from Occre
BotterJavier BaronBotter
SeastreetBotter/Authentic Models Amsterdam
MisterCAZuiderzee Botter 1912 (Artesania Latina) Finished
BoudicayottyThe Covid ShipPage 2
Terry DThe Diana
BountyDave TeelA/L H.M.S. Bounty
peter6172AMATI 1/60 HMS BOUNTYPage 3
DavaoshipmodellerAmati HMS Bounty completed Hull
GaryAArtesania Latina Bounty Jolly Boat
yeloowtangArtsenia Latina HMS Bounty 1783Page 3
PeterairfixBillings boats HMS BountyPage 2
Robert BBuild Log For H.M.S. Bounty AL Kit But DifferentPage 4
shipphotographer.comCaptain Bligh's BOUNTY - 1787 (Eaglemoss' collections, Scfle 1:45)Page 2
Uncle JohnCompleted model 13 inches (34cm) long first timer
SgtmikH.M.A.V Bounty, Constructo 1:50Page 7
FredVH.M.S. Endeavour 1768 ( Artesania Latina Kit )
LarryHi all, attached are some shots of my Bounty project, any advise is welcome, the lights are from Evans Design and
GrantTylerHMAV BOUNTY - A “face lift “Page 25
Rick ThompsonHMS Bountty
JohncookHMS Bounty
ApokHMS Bounty - 1/110 Revell
LeftyMitch75HMS BOUNTY (OCCRE)..My second wood ship build.
SSCHMS Bounty 1/100, Mamoli MV52
JScolumHMS Bounty 1:48 Artesania LatinaPage 2
lesterpalifkaHMS Bounty 1:48 Made to Harold Hahn PlansPage 9
s.solajicHMS Bounty 1:60 scale scratch buildPage 5
Canoe21HMS Bounty by Canoe21 { Lawrence } using Amati build plans, Scale 1:60Page 2
Graham_THMS Bounty Jolly Boat 1/24 Artesania Latina
Woodcarving ReidarHMS Bounty scale 1:30Page 2
shipahoyHMS Bounty x A.L. at 1:48 scale
TKAMMamoli HMAV Bounty
T woodcoxMantua # 785 HMS Bounty, Older version
MatrooseMy first and probably last attempt.
calistaMy own scratch-built Bounty (according to plans from the book Anatomy of the ship by J. Mckay and Greenwich Maritime Museum).Page 2
paulnjulieNewbie Bounty buildPage 2
suspend6Novice builds Artesania Bounty 1/48Page 2
KedennisOccre Bounty Boat 1:24 ScalePage 2
Old GuyOcCre HMS Bounty
Balacpartly open main deck AL Bounty Build
TopperRecreating HMS Bounty (1960)
gibby_74Restoration of the BOUNTY by occre
slongRevell bounty
ulfSlow progress on Revells Bounty
DematosdgThe Anatomy of the Bounty - AL-Page 16
SeastreetThe Anatomy of the H.M.S. BOUNTY Artesania Latina 1:48
LarryThe Bounty Project Part 2
Bounty LaunchkarkkaBeginner, trying bounty boat by Occre.Page 2
John ReidBounty Launch. Model Expo 1:16th scale.
BMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) HMS Bounty Launch Model Shipways 1:16 Scale Plank-on-Frame Kit.
BMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) HMS Bounty Launch Model Shipways 1:16 Scale POF [COMPLETED BUILD]
JnortonHMAV Bounty’s launch 1/24 scale
Yann KermeurHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat by Yann Kermeur - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/25 - First build
FrightMy 1st POF kit just arrived!
MadNavOcCre Bounty Launch 1:24 - first buildPage 2
PeterairfixOcCre Golden Hind
Bounty's Jolly BoatmodlerbobH.M.S. Bounty's Jolly Boat Artesania Latina scale 1:25
IevgueniHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat
BourbonGaryMBourbon Nearly Paddlewheeler
Boyerflying_dutchman2Boyer 1:48 - 17th Century Dutch Coastal water freighter
BraceraJavier BaronDalmatian bracera
BragozzoJavier BaronBragozzo, escala 1:124
BrazeeraCryptonBrazzera from MarisStella scale 1/32
BrazzeraCryptonBrazzera from MarisStella build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
BretagneRablokVaisseau Bretagne von 1855 m1:75
RablokVaisseau Bretagne von 1855 m1:75
Brick americanMircea FlorescuBrick american
BrigantineRamboBigantine 1:100 - First kit
BierSchluckerMein 2.Projekt
BritanniaSTGCSH.M.Y Britannia (MV44) by Mamoli [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
JohnAMini Mamoli Brittania
WollePilot Cutter "Britannia by Mountfleet Models"
Peter GuttermanRegatta yacht "Britannia"Page 2
BritannicAER3393Aftermarket for HMHS Britannic, or HMT Olympic no
British MonarchshipbuilderBritish Monarch
ELOIBRITONIA - My fourth model...!
BrittanicPeterairfixThree scratch built white star liners.
BrooklynGramanBrooklyn/ Sam Houston
BrynhildaJosé RuestaPÅJAMA BRYNHILDA (1775) – Swedish gunboat - Scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]
BucaneermaurizioBucaneer OcCre
mauriziobucaneer occre
BuccaneerHughLoBuccaneer 1:100 by Occre - Build logPage 5
Toni_SBuccaneer by Occre - First build everPage 4
mapooBuccaneer by Occre - Second BuildPage 3
HughLoBuild Log; OcCre 1:100 BuccaneerPage 3
Terry DI have finished the Buccaneer and now on to the ship Diana
Toni_SOccre Buccaneer - First build everPage 2
Bugsier 2RC ModelBugsier 3
BulldogLlaut MallorquinBULLDOG
ByblosSchraderEgyptian Seagoing Ship “Byblos” - 1:32Page 8

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C.R.LambRailandTieC.R. LAMB. Sternwheeler 1:48 Interaction Hobbies
Cabin CruiserPathfinder65A mystery kit from many years agoPage 3
CaesarIGRMantua CAESAR Roman bireme
Rossc83Roman Bireme...Caesar
CaiqueJavier BaronCaïque de l’Étretat (scale 1:100)
CairoromfolmarOrel USS Cairo
Charles QCUSS Cairo 1862 kit BlueJacket kit K1111 1/16 '' at feet 1: 192
GerhardviennaUSS CAIRO, Plank on Frame, RC, Live SteamPage 3
Caithness-ShireshipbuilderBuilding the barque Caithness-Shire 32 feet to 1 inch (1:384)
shipbuilderMiniature barque
Cala EsmeraldaJohn HendrixA little different take on Occre's "Cala Esmeralda"
OlivierFCala Esmeralda 1:58 by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
swampdweller126First build. Cala Esmeralda from OcCre
L'hombre BoyOcCre "Cala Esmeralda" 1:58 - FINISHED
CalabarStabsveterinarM.S. Calabar/SemiramisPage 4
CalellaCharles QCBuild log of the Calella OcCre kit Ref : 52002
JohnRCalella (OcCre 1:15) [COMPLETED BUILD]
CalifornianHrrunner1:107 Californian from kit/scratch
CalypsochyltinBilling Boats Calypso - Build Pics - Custom 3D printed parts
CanallerTangopapaGreat Lakes Sailing with photosPage 2
CandelariaFrankWCandelaria by Occre 1:85 - FirstbuilPage 9
FrankWFirst build. 1/85 OcCre CandelariaPage 8
CannonDocBlake17th Century Naval Cannon - 1:12 scale - by DocBlake [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Jeronimo18 pdr. Cannon by Jeronimo
Broden8 Pound Cannon Kit - scale 1:20
green127045French Naval Cannon
RichieHMS Sirius 1786 Deck Cannon - Modellers Shipyard
RichieHMS Sirius 1786 Deck Cannon - Modellers Shipyard 1:20 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
AllanKP69Making CannonPage 9
Cannon JolleSergey PobozhyCannon Jolle 1801 (Master Korabel 1/72)Page 2
EkisCanon Jolle 1:72 - Master KorabelPage 2
YiFanMaster Korabel Cannon jolle 1801
CannonsJeronimoFrench ship cannons, 36pdr, 1779 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
CanoedjohnsMidwest Indian Girl Canoe by Dennis, Scale 1:12
Captain BPeterboro canoe 1:12 - Midwest [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
epicdoomThe first 2 Wood Boats I built some 10 years ago
Cap San DiegomikegrCap San Diego 1/160Page 6
CapstanDocBlakeBritish Capstan circa 1777 - scale 1:16 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Captain KiddDonnieLinberg's "Captain Kidd"Page 3
CarnewbuilderRevell "The Big T" by Monogram 1/8th scale
Car FerryStevedownunderRC Model Car Ferry.
CarackParus3DKarrack of 15 century, 3D printed
Carl VinsonWolfman63Building 1/350 USS Carl Vinson (Circa 1983)Page 6
Wolfman63Italeri 1/720 USS Carl Vinson
Carloforte SchifettoJosé RuestaCARLOFORTE SCHIFETTO , scale 1:25
CarrackSignetMarisStella Ragusian Carrack by Signet [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
lakedaisyRagusian Carrack (MarisStella) - Scale 1:59Page 3
Carronadekohlndk18th Century 42 pound CarronadePage 4
Cat BoatBluebeardCat Boat 3/4”=1’Scale
CatalinaBarnegatBayCatalina by Mamoli - Build log
Catharinaziled681904 Dutch Boeier Catharina
CatharineGrandpaScratch built Wianno Senior “Catharine “
GrandpaWianno Senior Building Log
CatspawOldpaperoneCatspaw Model Kit (Wood) by The Woodenboatstore.
CausticDave Stevens (Lumberyard)CAUSTIC gun boatPage 2
MavRickGunboat Caustic from dlumberyardPage 3
CazadorKaizenBuild Log: Cazador by Occre
KaizenCazador by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]
Dean62Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60Page 37
neptuneCazador Xebec 1750 - OcCre - scale 1:60, by neptunePage 2
paulv1958Cazador-Xebec Occre 1:60 by Paul VPage 4
kah4Sharing my build of the CazadorPage 3
kah4Sharing my build of the Cazador and San FillipePage 4
sidelinerXebec CAZADOR Occre 1:60 scalePage 3
JohnRYacht America - Corel Line 1:155 by JohnR
Celtic VoyagerjohngrCeltic Voyager - Paper Shipwright - 1:250 - CARD
ChaloupeJavier Baron“Chaloupe pontée de Port-Louis” - 1:120 [COMPLETED BUILD]
JeronimoCHALOUPE 1834 by Jeronimo
piter56chaloupe armee en guerre 1834 m1-36
Chalupanandoyonimi chalupa [COMPLETED BUILD]
YuriZHL Chalupa 1834 (my 1st model)Page 3
YuriZHL Chalupa 1834 (my 1st model) [Completed Build]Page 4
ChaperonBarry1Chaperon 1884 Steamer by Model Shipways, 1:48 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Pathfinder65Chaperon 1884 Stern WheelerPage 39
ehudsonChaperon 1887 - Model Shipways 1:48 Scale
Chapman HoyDocBlakeChapman Water Hoy 1768 by DocBlake - Scratch Build - 1:48 scalePage 2
CharlesChrisPCharles Stuart Royal Yacht 1674 - Woody Joe 1/64 by ChrisP [COMPLETED BUILD]
Charles W. MorganPeter Gutterman1920s Charles W. Morgan restored by Peter Gutterman
Rick Thompsona couple of display options
Bill-RCharles Morgan Bark 1:64 POB - By Bill-RPage 6
MorghyCharles W. Morgan - 1:43 scratchPage 2
wesmaineCharles W. Morgan Build LogPage 2
David LesterCharles W. Morgan by David Lester - Model Shipways - 1/64 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
ChasseurPeter GuttermanScratch Built Model - Baltimore Clipper "Chasseur"as rigged in 1815Page 2
ChebecSchmidtA Tour through my little model ship world
Mike41Chebec Repair
JeronimoCHEBECE 1750 by JeronimoPage 2
Big JakeHeller 1/50th. ChebecPage 2
BluebeardImai 1/80 Chebec
MoareinLe Chebek - Heller - 1/50 Scale
EkisXebec, Mediterranean boat 18th (1753) - 1/60 Amati
CheerfulGennaroCutter Cheerful 1806 Build LogPage 9
ChengHoBig JakeAdm. ChengHo?
ChessyPawleyOutboard Boat, Motor and Trailer (Small Boats)
Clan AlpineshipbuilderAn early success
Clan MacTaggartshipbuilderMy greatest success (Indirect)
Clara MayJimmyTClara May - Covered in Keith Julier's Book?
terenceClara May finely finished
terenceRestor my 1st model The CLARA MAY built 40 years ago [COMPLETED BUILD]
ClipperBill-RClipper Ship Build ThoughtsPage 9
Coast Guard CuttermodlerbobCape class Coast Guard Cutter 1:82 by Lindberg
Coat of ArmsIterumDetailmodel: The Cote of Arms for Royal French Navy (1/2inch to the foot)
CocaCryptonCoca from Amati
Cocca HanseaticaMr.DeepCocca Hanseatica
Colin ArcherWoodcarving ReidarColin Archer RS 1 anno 1893Page 2
Columbiashipphotographer.comA model-in-bottle of the schooner Columbia (1923) - made from drawings (Scale 1:640)Page 2
ZaroRefurbished Columbia America's Cup J Class Yacht Model
Columbus ShipsBondenA whole fleet is created - the Columbus ships from 1492. Shipyard company, 1:96
Command DeckKurt KonrathCommand Deck.- Mantua / Panart #709Page 7
Commerce de MarseilleDaimlerCOMMERCE DE MARSEILLE crossektionPage 2
ConfederacywernerweissBuild log USF Confederacy 1778 Model Shipways 1:64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
Craig CConfederacy
Craig CConfederacy
LuciusConfederacy 1776 (Maple Timberset by Lumberyard)
AdiefenbachModel Expo Confederacy [Completed Build]
AdiefenbachModel Expo Confederacy [Completed Build]
Fred P.US Frigate Confederacy - 1/64 - Model Shipways - by Fred [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
yancovitchusf confederacy
wernerweissUSF Confederacy 1778 - 1:64 - Model ShipwaysPage 3
shipphotographer.comUSS CONFEDERACY (1778) - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64 - by ship photographer.comPage 4
CRI-CRIUSS Confederacy 1778 Model Shipways 1/64 (2020)
ConstellationDave TeelA/L Constelation, My first build
6lkl624Al constellation
epicdoomAL Constellation buildPage 5
Tom HoffmannConnie ropes and threads.
JerryToddConstellation, the sloop of war c.1856 in 1:36 scale for R/C sailingPage 9
CO JaybirdUSS Constellation - 1797Page 2
ConstitutionNeil1:96 Revell USS ConstitutionPage 3
rustyshooter80’s Scientific USS Constitution build
Niallmhor49Build log Revell 1/144 USS Constitution
FarmboyBuild log Revell 1/96 Constitution...or, a ship that could have been around in the early 1800's.Page 2
oscardeuceBuild log USS Constitution Mantua 1/96
BhillBuild Log: USS Constitution - Billing Boats 1:100
Peter GuttermanCompleted restoration of a ca. 1920s scratch built model of the "Constitution"
Rob444Constitution Cross Section MS20245 Model ExpoPage 5
FarmboyFound a 1/96 Constitution!
JohnB163Height of Gunports and adding a spacer
yamaplosinch-scale (1/12) USS Constitution, by Yama
wayne mcmullinMamoli Constitution cross section
kingkahn1950Model Shipways USF ConstitutionPage 2
Tony HModel Shipways USS Constitution 1:76 scale.Page 28
kingkahn1950More Progress on Model Shipways USF Constitution
Jack SparrowMSW USS ConstitutionPage 9
parejf63My first build USS CONSTITUTION MONOGRAM KITPage 2
11320 Titanicon the USS Constitution Revell 1/96 kit
11320 Titanicposting pics on SoS
ThrasherResumed Build log: Model shipways Constitution: Standing RiggingPage 2
ThrasherResumed Build Log: Model Shipways Constitution: Standing Rigging
11320 TitanicRevel 1:96 USS Constitution by 11320 TitanicPage 2
11320 TitanicRevell 1/96 Connie, transom and glue for gun deck carriagesPage 3
parejf63Revell 1/96 Constitution.
seanmcdermott64Revell 1/96 USS Constitution build log
Rabbitt81Revell 1:96 USS Constitution
JohnB163Revell 36" USS Constitution
JohnB163Revell USS Constitution 1:96 build logPage 5
dafiTo Constitution and beyond ...Page 6
FrightU.S.S. Constitution - Revell 1/96 Plastic Kit
HMSFlyUSS Constitution - Model ShipwaysPage 4
Jeff TUSS Constitution - Model Shipways MS2040 - 1:76 - by Jeff TPage 2
MoareinUSS Constitution - Revel - 1/96 Scale - Vol 2
MoareinUSS Constitution - Revel - 1/96 Scale Vol.1
JohnB163USS Constitution - very old Mamoli kit - by first time builder - build logPage 10
Aussie048USS Constitution "Old Ironsides " 1:93 Scale MamoliPage 15
Chuck FulcherUSS Constitution 1:48 ScalePage 2
mtbediz1USS Constitution 1:70 ScratchPage 32
mtbediz1USS Constitution 1:76 ScratchPage 23
Jcushion2Uss Constitution build
VfordyceUSS Constitution Build logPage 20
VfordyceUSS Constitution Build log by VIC [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 23
Tony HUSS Constitution by Model Shipways 1:76 scalePage 47
NikolayUSS Constitution Constructo Models
jvalanUSS Constitution Cross Section - Mamoli - Build log
epicdoomUSS Constitution Cross section 1:93 MamoliPage 2
BrewerpaulUSS Constitution cross section by Mamoli
rlwhittUSS Constitution Cross-Section 1797 - 1:76 - Model Shipways by rlwhitt [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
APhilUSS Constitution from Model ShipwaysPage 5
VfordyceUSS Constitution from Scientific ModelsPage 27
MystRacingUSS Constitution Mamolii 1:93 scalePage 3
DonnieUSS Constitution MS2040Page 8
Scott TottenUSS Constitution Revel 1:146
11320 TitanicUSS Constitution Revell 1/96 kitPage 2
pbryanUSS CONSTITUTION REVELL 1/96 scalePage 7
Danno71USS Constitution scale 1:186 first build
Zzyzx01USS Constitution X-Section, 1:93 Scale, Mamoli (1982)
Danno71USS Constitution, 1:76.8Page 5
TKAMUSS Constitution's boats
Rocky MUSS Hartfield DD 231
VfordyceVintage ModelsPage 4
GreysteeleYet Another Revell 1:96 USS Constitution Build Log...Page 2
Consul PustLlaut MallorquinCONSUL PUST TRAWLER
CorsairLorenzoBergantin Corsair OcCre
TWarrisBrig Corsair by OcCre - heavily reworkedPage 2
gibby_74CORSAIR by occre build log. My first wooden ship [COMPLETED BUILD]
CorvetteIain CRevell/Matchbox 1/72 Flower Class Corvette with Great Little Ships Upgrade
County of RoxburghshipbuilderCounty of Roxburgh
CrabSwabbieLog Build: Crab (a crane boat)Page 4
Creole QueenchyltinDumas Creole Queen Build [COMPLETED BUILD]
BillKleinLooking for help with the Creole Queen
FerdScratchbuild Creole QueenPage 6
wim500Scratchbuild Creole Queen Sternwheeler 1/82Page 9
CrevalleFrightGato Submarine - Revell 1:72
CromartyshireshipbuilderCromartyshire - 1879 -
Cross SectionJorgeBomb Vessel Cross Section PlansPage 2
CruiserBryianRussian Bogatyr cruiser, 1903 in 1/200 scale.Page 2
CuléJavier Baron“Culé” or “barca d’água acima”
CurraghJnortonSaint Columba’s curragh 1/24 scale
Johny - BASAN FELIPE Panart
CutterPiroscaf28-foot Steam cutter on the James White System (1876) М 1:24
RcflyerBuild of Bosphorus Cutter 1/50 scalePage 2
kaikaluaEnglish Cutter
GravmanFast Response CutterPage 2
kohlndkGroup Project Build: An English CutterPage 3
BluestreekCustomsNeed help finding plans
Cutty SarkDave Teel70's era Scientific Cutty Sark
Dave TeelA/L Cutty SarkPage 3
Harbour HulkBillings Boats Cutty Sark
tvc151Build log Airfix ‘starter kit’ Cutty Sark
ReneKCutty Sark
JervdbCutty Sark
SeastreetCutty Sark
MoareinCutty Sark - 1/84 - Artesiana Latina
JohnB163Cutty Sark - Academy - 1/150 Scale - Build Log
Short John BronzeCutty Sark - Artesania Latina version
Fred P.Cutty Sark - Tea clipper - 1:84 - Artesania Latina by Fred P. with improvements
Big JakeCutty Sark 1/96th.
Dr LouCutty Sark 12 years labor. Originally the Sergal kit modified per Longridge and under hillPage 2
JanmalCutty Sark 1968
Big JakeCutty Sark Bow
mrjuanCutty Sark by Academy, 1/350 Scale
NorgaleCutty Sark by SergalPage 4
Sid BarrasCutty Sark Mantua 1:78 Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
RichardHDunnCutty Sark Semi Kit 1/40 PrototypePage 8
DomCeeCutty Sark, Vintage Billing Boats BB564, 1:75.Page 5
Jimmy CHMS Cutty Sark
Rossc83Mantua Cutty Sark
GaryMMantua Sergal's Cutty SarkPage 3
mwromanRevell 1/96 Cutty SarkPage 2
Tommy SRevell Cutty SarkPage 3
Kevin the LubberRevell Cutty Sark 1:96 with 3D printed modificationsPage 6
RobertdSergal Cutty Sark scale 1:78 Robertd [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 14
CUX87CaptginoCUX87 Krabbenkutter by Captgino
CV-3Nathan L1/700 CV-3 Saratoga late war+CL89 Miami

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Da NolimodlerbobBuild of the Revell cargo liner "Da Noli"
DanmarkBuilderBenBuild log: DanmarkPage 2
alpayedDanmark - Billings - bashPage 2
DaVinciBig JakeAMT DaVinci Self Propelled Boat
De CronejanosDe Crone yacht by Janos [COMPLETED BUILD]
De RuyterfredHms de Ruyter 1942
De Zeven Provincien0Seahorse"De Zeven Provincien" 1:100 (scratch) - Seahorse New Design [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
De Zeven ProvinciënAndré de R.De Zeven Provinciën (Dutch ship of the line 1665-1694)
- Maik -De Zeven Provinciën (Kolderstok) - MaikPage 4
RolyDe Zeven Provinciën 1:60 - by Roland Vlahovici
0SeahorseDe Zeven Provincien" 1:100 (scratch)Page 3
DealeyNavy51Destroyer Escort USS Dealey DE-1006Page 2
DelawarethreebsUSS Delaware 1819Page 3
Delphine IVYoshkaDelphine IV build.
YoshkaDelphineIV 1925 Gold Cup Racer
Den GloendeMystRacingDanish Bomb Vessel 1771, "Den Gloende", POB, 1:48Page 4
DeniaELOIMY SECOND MODEL...! "DENIA" (It's my wife's name)
DevonshireLandsmanEnglish ship of the 3rd rank of the HMS "Devonshire" type series (1692)
EttienneHMS Devonshire (D02)Page 2
KiwiKevHMS Devonshire (D02) by KiweKev
DhowRossc83Sultan Arab Dhow (POB - Artesania Latina)
Dianafj3131030HMS Diana 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard -Build logPage 5
Peter BurtonHMS Diana 1:64 scale from JoTiKaPage 2
HenslowHms Diana 1794Page 2
HenslowHMS Diana 1794
HenslowHMS Diana 1794
HMSFlyHMS Diana by CaldercraftPage 25
LidongHSM Diana, my first ship
SnowySpanish frigate Diana
DioramaMenneAussies on attack
Wilhelm ThümlerNew Papermodels
Diorama - TrafalgarOktay YaylacıkoralDİAROMA TARAFALGAR 1805 (MİNİ SECTİON)
DirectionpolydocDirection, a Colin Archer cutter
DiscoveryDon CaseHMS Discovery 1789 scratch build in 1:48Page 10
Don CaseHMS Discovery1789 scratch build in 1:48Page 3
Dockyard CraneOldpaperoneStationary Dockyard Crane, XVIII Century. Shipyard Card Model 1:72.
DolphinthreebsBrigantine USS Dolphin 1863
DolphynSylvainBLDolphyn - kit Corel - 1/50ème
DolpyynKorsanDolphyn -Corel Ketch (Dutch)1750 --Finished by Korsan
Donald DavidSAHaskellThe Donald David, a Maine Lobster Boat, launched 1956Page 8
Donald McKayrwiederrichClipper Donald McKay 1855 scratch by rwiederrich
shipbuilderDonald McKayPage 2
DoryFTMC1st Kit Build-Grand Banks Dory
Pete LeachBeachcomber Alpha Dory in 1/2"
RogerDBluejacket Grand Banks Dory
JohnRBuild Log - Lowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways 1:24 (JohnR - 3rd build)
Andre SharplinBuild log - Sergal Cutty Sark Build 2021
Bu66l3sBuild Log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory [COMPLETED BUILD]
Larry DBuild log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24Page 2
RoscoeBuild Log: Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 by Roscoe
WilhelmIICompleted Lowell Grand Banks Dory
Big EnusDory
TimcastagnolaFirst Build: Lowell Grand Banks DoryPage 2
BluebeardGrand Banks Dory, 16” Scale: 1”
Rocketboy53Hello and Question About My First Build of a DoryPage 2
HHIGLowell Grand Banks Dory
RDBetzLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model ShipwaysPage 5
RodneyBLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways (1:24) [COMPLETED BUILD]
JohnRLowell Grand Banks Dory - Model Shipways 1:24 (JohnR - 3rd build) [COMPLETED BUILD]
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Lowell Grand Banks Dory [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
dpenoLowell Grand banks Dory 1:24 scale
donfarrLowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 Scale - Model ShipwaysPage 2
QuintLowell Grand Banks Dory Diorama
shipphotographer.comLowell Grand Banks Dory with Tools - Model Shipways - Scale 1:24
JimskyLowell Grand Banks Dory, Scale 1:24Page 2
JimskyLowell Grand Banks Dory, Scale 1:24, by Model Shipways, Beginner's kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Robert HallidayLunenburg fishing dory
BMTMidwest Sea Bright Dory Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) 1:16 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
QuintModel Shipways Dory
BruceIvesModel Shipways Dory
BruceIvesModel Shipways Kit No. MS1417 Dory, Pram and SmackPage 2
EdwardZModel Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24
mwromanModel Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory.Page 2
JanFModel Shipways Sea Bright Dory Lifeboat [COMPLETED BUILD]
priority_aces1Newb builds a Dory! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
GrandpaSaint Pierre Dory
PawleyScratch Built Banks Dory
GrandpaSt.Pierre Dory
GrandpaSt.Pierre Dory
Dos AmigosDave TeelDos Amegos by Occre
DovepolydocDove - A pinkie Schooner in 1/48 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
polydocDove. A Pinkie Schooner in 1/48 Scale
DrakarMr.DeepDrakar by Pavel Nikitin. The scale is 1:25.
DrakkarSnowyAmati - drakker -1/50
ENJAY49Amati Drakkar
STGCSBuild Log - Viking Longship "Drakkar" by AmatiPage 2
GRAVIOU FrancisDRAKKAR - Viking Longship by Francis GraviouPage 2
José RuestaLangskip or Drakkar, Scale 1:50 (Completed)
Bobby K.Viking Drakkar
CaptginoViking Drakkar by Captgino
STGCSViking Longship "Drakkar" by AmatiPage 3
Barry1Viking Ship Drakkar - 1:50 scale by AmatiPage 2
SnowyViking Ship Drakkar - Amati 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
DrentheAntonio FangueiroDrenthe 1637Page 2
DruidYiFan1/128 HMS Druid 1776 cross section
DonnieHMS Druid
fukuiHms DruidPage 3
wangHMS Druid 1776Page 8
JohnAHMS Druid 1776 (x 2) by Unicorn Model, 1/128 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Brito_686HMS Druid 1776 Stern Cross Section 1/128 by Unicorn ModelPage 2
Dubz Modelling WorldHMS Druid 1776 stern cross section in scale 1/128 by Dubz Modelling WorldPage 4
MousemuffinsHMS druid Middle bit. (to be followed by the end bit) [COMPLETED BUILD]
DonnieHMS Druid P.O.F. - Unicorn Models by Donnie [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 27
kyoung do kimHMS druid Tail Section 1:128
wangHMS Druid1776Page 7
bandidoThe Druid Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Duchess of KingstonGolgobotRoyal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
DuilioDuiliocorazzata Duilio 1876 1/48
Duke of YorkneptuneDuke of York 1836, 1/96 scale built by neptunePage 2
Dumas Mt. WashingtonTheDonMIRC Dumas Mt. Washington SteamerPage 2
Dutch FluitJim NunnSoS member Ab Hoving received the model of the month award on the Paper Modelers forum
Dutch GaloitHillroDutch Galoit Trading Vessel
Dutch two-deckerSteef66Hohenzollernmodell 1660-1670 Scale 1/75 POF build by Stephan Kertész (Steef66)Page 47
Dutch WarshipAb HovingA 143 feet long Dutch warship from 1681. Cardstock [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Ab HovingA 160 foot Dutch Eastindiaman (VOC) 1699 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Pathfinder65Duyfken 1/50 scale - KolderstockPage 11
Rossc83Modellers Shipyard Duyfken
AdrianusScratch Built Duyfken by Adrianus
RobertdVOC Duyfken AD 1595 scale 1:50 KolderstokPage 2

Back to Top


Eaglebdgiantman2Brig Eagle 1:48 scalePage 2
keruj_JPGorch Fock changed to "Eagle" US Coast Guard - OcCre in scale 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
CallMeKristyUSCGC (Barque) Eagle by ConstructoPage 2
East AfricanshipbuilderEast African
shipbuilderMerchant Ships
EchokiwibobS V Echo
EdinburghSZKUTNIKHMS EDINBURGH - scratch model - scale 1:400 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Edinburgh CastleshipbuilderRMS Edinburgh Castle
EendrachtmartijnonderwaterDutch Tjalk 'Eendracht' by Authentic Shipmodels Amsterdam [COMPLETED BUILD]
Efim NikonovDematosdgEFIM NIKONOV 1721 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DematosdgEFIM NIKONOV 1721 kit Modified: INTERIOR VIEWPage 4
Egyptian ShipRossc83Amati Egyptian Ship
Egyptian shipJesus ReinaEgyptian ship
EiderschniggeJavier BaronEiderschnigge
El VoramarJuan María RieraEl Voramar
ElidirSeastreetElidir' / Constructo 1:26 [COMPLETED BUILD]
ElsieAlex BellingerFishing Schooner Elsie
halbaby7Model Shipways ELSIE 1910, Scale 1:64, by Halbaby7
Emma C. BerrySmithyEmma' - A Diorama making use of the sloop-rigged smack kit, Emma C Berry (1866), from Model Shipways, 1/32 Scale.Page 6
threebsEmma C Berry
GuyHEmma C Berry well smack
fred.hockerEmma C. Berry 1:32 PoF by Model ShipwaysPage 4
EndeavourFrançois1/8 scale Endeavour 17 kayak [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
BirdermanBark Endeavour - Eaglemoss Part work kit.
OrionBow a Stern blocks made from balsa wood
RobertkBuild Log HMS Endeavour
HatterasBuild Log: HM Bark ENDEAVOUR (1:54 Occre)Page 2
jamiebradley426Building The New HMS Endeavour By Artesania Latina Video LogPage 5
RobsterCorel HM Bark Endeavour
jbradfordDeck Planking repair needed
John ReidEndeavor OcCre
Dave TeelEndeavor tandem buildPage 6
The SailorENDEAVOUR - Amati 1/80 scale
Johny - BAENDEAVOUR - Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Anthony1Endeavour - Corel SM41 build logPage 4
Mike The ModellerEndeavour - J Class - 1934 America’s Cup challenger - Amati 1:80 scale
EkisEndeavour 1934 - yacht J-class - 1:80 AmatiPage 2
SaltyScotEndeavour 1934 by SaltyScot - Amati - 1:80
KeithLyallEndeavour by Occre 1:54 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
GlasetjEndeavour by Occre buildPage 2
gardblaEndeavour J-Class America's Cup, 1:80 Amati
rafaminiaturesEndeavour scale 1/350
JoeFHM Bark ENDEAVOUR - Eaglemoss KitPage 2
JoeFHM Bark Endeavour cross section
Rossc83HM ENDEAVOUR - Bark 1768
Robert BHM Endeavour AL Bashed
LuigiSoftHMB EndeavourPage 5
peter6172HMB ENDEAVOUR - New 1/65 Artesania Latina ModelPage 8
Martin555.HMB Endeavour.
Tommy SHMS Endeavor 1/65 scalePage 2
Tommy SHMS Endeavor by Tommy SPage 3
JDS73HMS Endeavour - Artesania LatinaPage 2
NorwayHms Endeavour - Billing BoatsPage 2
mickgraceHMS Endeavour - Build logPage 2
JScolumHMS Endeavour - from Scrach
tetrefHMS Endeavour 1:54 by OcCre
RobertkHMS Endeavour Occre model rigging
jbradfordLooking for parts
Endeavour LongboatAnchormanArtesania Latina Endeavour Longboat 1:50
Jeff WBuild Log: HMS Endeavour Captain LongboatPage 3
parnawacEndeavour's longboat
Rossc83Endeavour's Longboat - Artesania Latina
EnduranceBill HimeBuild Log: Endurance - Occre - by Bill HimePage 8
RpopeCompleted Endurance build
Francois de Saint NazaireEndurance - OcCre - 1/70Page 2
Jeff TEndurance - OcCre - 1:70 - Jeff T [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
AncientmodellerEndurance (1912)Page 3
The Ships CatEndurance (1912) - Occre, Scale 1:70 - My First Shipbuilding AdventurePage 16
mallacootaEndurance (Occre) by Mallacoota
BarcomadEndurance 2nd buildPage 7
Francois de Saint NazaireENDURANCE by François de Saint Nazaire - OcCre - 1/70
KramerEndurance by OcCre 1:70Page 6
mallacootaEndurance from Occre by MallacootaPage 7
maurizioEndurance Occre
The Ships CatEvery adventure starts with a first step
bentderailerHMS Endurance (OcCre)Page 2
RobertkHMS Endurance build log
RobertkHMS Endurance build log
Pathfinder65LEGO EndurancePage 3
KeithLyallOccre Endurance (1:70) Build LogPage 2
Joe WelchPhotos of the Finished Endurance Build
Bill-RShackleton's Endurance - Occre - By Bill-RPage 4
RichardJDSY Endurance - OcCrePage 2
EnglandmodlerbobUSS England DE-635 1/350 scale by Trumpeter
Enterprisezoly99saskAmerica's Cup 1930 J Class Enterprise - Amati - scale 1:80
Paul132Build Log "CAF" HMS EnterprisePage 17
Alex RBuild Log: CAF models' HMS Enterprise 1:48Page 8
RowboatBuild Log: Enterprise Maryland 1799 1:51Page 3
Pathfinder65Constructo 1799 Enterprise helpPage 23
Wedgie01CV-6 USS Enterprise 1/350 - Build Log
MaxxDMG42Enterprise (Constructo)Page 3
JScolumEnterprise 1:50 Golden Kits
woundedhandEnterprise 1775
cccampagn59Enterprise Maryland 1799 - Constructo Kit (1st Attempt)Page 2
RowboatEnterprise Maryland 1799 1:51 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
neilmEnterprize 1/96 . Help needed anyone?
IostoEnterprize CAF Model improvement of the kit with complete interiors [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
ViperFinally Ready to start - USS Enterprise in 1/350Page 2
neilmH.M.S Enterprise / Enterprize. 1:96 (Modelship Dockyard)Page 2
wuxiaomengH.M.S Enterprise 1:96 (Modelship Dockyard)Page 3
BryianH.M.S Enterprise plank on frame CAF Models 1/48.Page 19
Brito_686H.M.S Enterprize 1:48 CAF ModelsPage 4
CTXMMHMS Enterprise - 1:96 - 96进取套材的制作Page 4
xander898HMS Enterprise 1:160 cross section
Mark JTHMS Enterprize - CAF kit
GventuraHMS Enterprize 1/96 by Modelship DockyardPage 7
PgtaylorartHMS Enterprize 1/96 card model from ShipyardPage 3
empeHMS Enterprize 1774 1:96 von Modelship DockyardPage 3
ty1000Hms Enterprize 1774 1:96 全肋骨进取 by Modelship Dockyard
JosHMS Enterprize 1782 Shipyard 1:72Page 3
hbnJ-class Enterprise
Modelship DockyardNew finished model - PoF 1/96 H.M.S. Enterprize 1774 - Modelship Dockyard
RobboxxxStern section 1/160 HMS ENTERPRISE 1774 by Unicorn Models China
dr.philTamiya 1/350 USS Enterprise CVN-65
NorgaleTamiya CVN65 ENTERPRISE, 1:350Page 3
mdegeisoUSS Enterprise 1799 - Coffee Table BuildPage 2
savasUSS Enterprise CV-6 1/200 Trumpeter
Enterprizepiter56HMS Enterprize, 1:48Page 7
ErcinaJack JägerThe sailing beam trawler Erycina from Vanguard Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
ErebusIterumHMS EREBUS 1826 from OcCre TERROR kit
harrynzOccre Erebus
ErnestinaAllanKP69Schooner ERNESTINA née Effie M. MorrisseyPage 3
ErycinaJack JägerThe sailing beam trawler Erycina
EskimoAginvictaHMS Eskimo Trumpeter 1:700 FlyHawk PhotoetchPage 3
EsmeraldaOlivierFOcCre Cala Esmeralda 1:64Page 6
EspingdockattnerEsping in 1:64 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
EsquimaxshipbuilderHome-made Kits
EssexRpopeBuild log The Whaler EssexPage 3
TobiasEssex [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
TobiasESSEX 1799 - OCCRE
savasEssex by OccrePage 2
IanGOCCRE - whaler Essex and HMS Terror - The two builds I've done so far.
mtbediz1US Frigate Essex - 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 14
rlwhittUSS Essex 1799 Frigate by rlwhitt - Model Shipways - 1:76 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Ismaelewhaleship ESSEX (Occre)
Euryaluspeter6172HMS EURYALUS - 36 GUN 1:48 SCALEPage 4
LuciusHMS Euryalus 1803Page 2
LuciusHMS Euryalus 1803 - Scale 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 23
EvergreenIronrod60Build log; Mini Mamoli, Evergreen Schooner

Back to Top


Fair AmericanjbradfordFair American - Model Shipways (Readding my build)Page 2
The GavelFair American 1:48 Model Shipways Retrospective Log and Personal Modeling HistoryPage 5
FritzModel Shipways 1778 Fair American 1:48 , by Fritz
Peter GuttermanModel Shipways Fair American
FairlandPortchieboyFairland, a restoration project.
Falconet- Waldemar -Bronze ½-pdr falconet 1554
Falkusajack.aubreyGaeta Falcata (Gajeta Falkusa) by jack.aubrey - Marisstella - 1:20 ScalePage 5
Henry xGerman state yachts
Falls of FoyersshipbuilderFalls of Foyers
Falls of HalladaleshipbuilderAn early failure
FalúaSchraderSpanish Longboat - Falua - By Schrader 1:25 - Plans By Isidro RiveraPage 3
FaluchoJavier BaronFalucho mediterráneo. Scale 1:175
FearlessEttienneAirfix 1/600 HMS Fearless
EttienneAirfix 1/600 HMS Fearless
EttienneHMS Fearless - Airfix 1/600Page 2
FeluccaJavier Baron“Felucca with cadrega” 1759. Scale 1:170Page 2
ManatasN. S. Del Rosario / 1759 Felucca/ 1:36 building logPage 5
FifiemallacootaFifie - Scottish Fishing Boat POB by AmatiPage 4
mallacootaFifie Scottish motorised fishing boat.
FijiSZKUTNIKHMS FIJI - scratch model - scale 1:400 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Finis BellipebblewormPlotting a Finis Belli a ca. 1585 ironcladPage 2
FireflyRailandTieFirefly Houseboat 1:87
Fishing BoatCallMeKristy$10 Chinese Made Fishing Boat Kit, With a Few Mods
AldoZA traditional fishing boat of the eastern SicilyPage 4
Käptn AhabExperiment Oberfläche für Karton Schiffe Orient
rtibbsFife-Scottish Fishing Vessel, Amati_Victory Models 1:32Page 9
AginvictaIMMH Fishing Cutter
SylvainBLMallorca Longline Fishing Boat - Kit Constructo - 1/30ème
AER3393Need advice on rigging an antique fishing yawl
BastianHPalamós Fishing Boat - First Post, first model surely not the last :) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
NormaasenTrad. Fishing boat scale 1/10 from 1847 n.norway called fembøring 36 f. 6 room boat sqare sail. Logged 16 knots on a replica
NormaasenTraditional North Norwegian fishing boat from the 1950s scratch buildt klinker the teak on the pilothouse is from the tirpitz deck.
FlattieBarnegatBayChesapeake Bay Flattie
MikeCChesapeake Bay Flattie from Corel
IterumMidwest Chesapeake Flatty 1/32
BluebeardModel Expo "Chesapeak Bay Falttie" Scale 1/32Page 2
donfarrPainting with wood MIDWEST FLATIEPage 3
paulv1958Panart HMS Victory Life boat Scale 1:16Page 2
FlatttieBMTMidwest Chesapeake Bay Flattie - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:36 [COMPLETED BUILD]
FletcherStevedownunderRC Lindberg Fletcher.
PeterairfixRevell 1\144 Fletcher class destroyer platinum editionPage 2
benjiuss fletcher 1/144 revell
Mikey25252USS Fletcher DD-445, 1942 - Tamiya plastic kit of the USS Fletcher in 1/350 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Mikey25252USS Fletcher DD-445, 1942 This is a build log of the Tamiya plastic kit of the USS Fletcher in 1/350 scale
FleuronCRI-CRIFrench war-ship Fleuron 1729 - scale 1/72 - from Delacroix monograph
Huc BernardThe stern of the Fleuron in 3DPage 2
FlobartJavier BaronFlobart de Portel
FluitpolydocDutch Fluit form Hoving Plans
polydocDutch Fluit From Hoving Plans
FluteKolderstok17th century Fluytschip - flute Kolderstok
FluytMaartenA Dutch Fluyt in shell first, reconstructing the "Ghost ship" scale 1:36Page 41
janzwartKolderstok. Fluyt in oakPage 7
Flytonphil1960Build log H.M.S. Fly, Victory models.Page 2
Daniel20Build Log: HMS FlyPage 2
CAFmodelCAF-HMS FLY 1776 1:48Page 7
Daniel20H.M.S. Fly 1776Page 2
Bill MoseleyH.M.S. Fly 1776
JcobH.M.S. Fly by Amati 1:65 - Build log by JcobPage 5
tonphil1960H.M.S. Fly, Victory models.Page 2
AnobiumPunctatumHM Sloop Fly, 1776 - scale 1/36 by own reconstruction and the books from David AntscherlPage 6
Daniel20HMS Fly - Amati 1:64 - by Daniel20 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
CaptainsCabinHMS Fly – Start of 2nd Planking & 'row-ports'
RobertdHMS Fly (Amati) 1:64 Robertd [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
Allan.PHMS Fly 1/64th scale from Victory Models Build log
CaptainsCabinHMS Fly 1:64 - Amati/Victory Models by CaptainsCabinPage 9
NomadHMS Fly Build (Amati) 1:64 by NomadPage 36
KenHMS FLY, from a Victory Models Kit
MagellanSwan Class HMS FlyPage 2
TechTrekVictory Models HMS Fly 1/64 Diorama by TechTrekPage 6
Flying CloudPeter Gutterman"Flying Cloud " by Mamoli - kit bashPage 54
Seastreet"Flying Cloud" 1:96 Mamoli
modlerbobClassic Revell clipper ship Flying Cloud
shipbuilderFlying Cloud
Peter GuttermanFlying Cloud, American Clipper Ship 1851 - Scale 1:96, by MamoliPage 3
Peter GuttermanMamoli "Flying Cloud " kit bashPage 2
BhillMamoli Flying CloudPage 2
Dave TeelScientific kit Flying Cloud
Peter GuttermanScientific Models retro miniature "Flying Cloud"
Flying DutchmanDave Stevens (Lumberyard)FLYING DUTCHMANPage 7
lakedaisyFlying Dutchman, Occre, 1:50Page 5
Flying EnterprisemrshanksThread Worthiness
Flying Fishdsgoldman1Corel Flying FishPage 2
Dave TeelCorel/ Flying Fish
Flying fishClinkFLYING FISH
Flying FishJScolumFLYING FISH - 1:50 - Schooner 1860 - Corel
porkerFlying Fish - Corel
KorsanFlying Fish Schooner 1860 - Finally Finished
modlerbobMarket Schooner Flying Fish Corel 1:50
ClinkMy Build of The Flying Fish
Forban du BonoJavier BaronForban du Bono
Forell classIterumThe FORELL Quartett in four ScalesPage 2
FormidableneptuneSteam powered wooden Drifter trawler, Formidable LT100, 1/20 scale by neptunePage 27
StevedownunderWorking Steam powered wooden Drifter trawler, Formidable LT100, 1:24th scalePage 25
ForrestalmodlerbobUSS Forrestal CVA-59 1:600 by Heller
FortuneПотапычъBoat "Fortune ".
Framlington CourtshipbuilderFramlington Court
FranceChrisSCAirfix 1/600 SS FrancePage 2
Charles QCFrench Liner France Hachette publication 1/250Page 2
FranzJeronimoFranz. 18pdr. Ship Cannon 1779 by Jeronimo
JeronimoFranz. 64 Gun Ship 1729 by Jeronimo [one complete - next under Construction]Page 10
FrederickMavRickThe Frederick from the LumberyardPage 4
FreighterTJCampbellCanadian Century - Great Lakes freighter 1/192 scale
Friedrich WilhelmneptuneFreidrich Wilhelm Zu Perde 1/48 scale by Euro ModelPage 2
notawasagaFriedrich Wilhelm from Carta Augusto
notawasagaFriedrich Wilhelm from Carta Augusto
neptuneFriedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde 1/48 scale by Euro ModelPage 9
BillkentScratch build
BillkentScratch for the first time
Pat71Wilhelm zu pferdePage 3
Friese TjalkleysendBilling Boats - Friese Tjalk -398
FrieslandSeastreet"Friesland"/ Mamoli [COMPLETED BUILD]
MaartenBashed Mamoli Friesland
shota70Friesland - Mamoli scale 1:75Page 9
Johny - BAFRIESLAND by MamoliPage 2
FrigateIterum1/24 Part model of Chapman's Plate XLIII N°1
AllanKP6917th Century Frigate 1:64 scale Plank on BulkheadPage 3
wanderkipArtois class frigate preparatory work
polydocChapman Frigate
edrConcorde-class Frigate (using cardboard)Page 3
threebsFrigates Columbia and Raritan [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
FrisoPonytailPaper model: Frieslands statenjacht "Friso".
Froyadeepriver27Froya: An Important History and a Wonderful Kit
FubbsDematosdg1682 HMY FUBBS - 1:24 - Stern Section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 17
Canoe211682 HMY Fubbs 1:24 scalePage 23
BryianH.M.Y Fubbs 1/24 scale stern section by Bryian.
Mike41HMS Fubbs 1724
Mike41HMY Fubbs (1724)Page 11
Mike41HMY Fubbs 1682 by Mike41 - Weasel Works – Stern Section – 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
aewHMY Fubbs by AEW
MystRacingHMY Fubbs Stern Section 1720'sPage 3
lauckstreetHMY Fubbs, 1724Page 2
DocBlakeRoyal Yacht HMY Fubbs (1682-1781) – 1:24 Scale Stern Section by DocBlakePage 3

Back to Top


GalleonShort John BronzeHalfpenny Galleon
perigonoRevell Quick-Build Spanish Galleon
kirill4Spanish Galleon 1607 , LEE(IMAI) 1:100 May 2021 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
kirill4Spanish galleon 1607 LEE(IMAI) 1:100 completedPage 2
Steef66Spansk Galeon Billing Boats kit bashingPage 2
GalleyDave Stevens (Lumberyard)Adventure galleyPage 3
yancovitchmediterranean galleys
RagnarWhydah Galley 1715 scratch build research- RagnarPage 2
Galliotpolydoc17th Century Dutch Galliot [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
PonytailDutch Merchant ship, type Galjoot (Galliot)
Galway HookerneptuneGalway Hooker 1/12 scale, built by Patrick, renovated by neptunePage 4
Gambier BayWill @ TrilogyUSS Gambier Bay (CVE -73) 1/350 by Hasegawa with Hasegawa photo etch [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
Gannetpauls modelsHMS GANNETPage 2
GatoDougPFinally weathered my Gato
DougPPlastic 1/72 Revell Gato
peter6172PORT JACKSON by Modellers Shipyard
General HunterDave Stevens (Lumberyard)General HunterPage 2
GermantownthreebsUSS Germantown 1843 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Gertrude L. ThebaudMGYSOSGertrude L. Thebaud
GiuncaSeastreetGIUNCA cinese pirata / Amati 1:?? [COMPLETED BUILD]
GjoaOlivers Historic ShipyardGjoa 1/64 - Constructo
maurizioGjoa, Constructo 1:100, my first model [COMPLETED BUILD]
Glad TidingsDuncanGlad Tidings Pinky by DUncan - Model Shipways - 1:24 ScalePage 6
Peter GuttermanModel Shipways Pinky Schooner "Glad Tidings"
shipphotographer.comPinky schooner GLAD TIDINGS (1937) - Model Shipways - scale 1:24
shipphotographer.comPinky schooner GLAD TIDINGS (1937) - Model Shipways - scale 1:24Page 6
GlorieuxGerin CHeller 1/150 Glorieux
Glory of the SeasrwiederrichGlory of the Seas 1869 clipper, scratch 1/96 by rwiederrich [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
rwiederrichGlory of the Seas, medium clipper in 1/96 by rwiederrichPage 2
rwiederrichScratch built 1/96 Glory of the Seas ClipperPage 2
GneisenaukartonskipperArtillery training frigate F212 GNEISENAU ex HMS Oakley of the German Navy
Dave WardTamiya 1/700 Gneisenau [COMPLETED BUILD]
Goélette de grande pêcheBosco45Goélette de grande pêche - fishing schooner
GokstadLibertoNave vikinga de GokstadPage 2
Golden HindeSeastreet"Golden Hind"1:53 MamoliPage 2
aqiqia“Golden Hind” from the plan shipyard warped with wood
peterairfixAirfix 1\72 Golden Hind
swluskAirfix Golden Hind 1/96 - First REAL ship buildPage 2
kirill4Airfix Golden Hind 1:72 ... "very free" conversion to 345 tons Elizabethian galleon of 1:100 ??? just tryPage 2
ConcardiGolden Hind
MomcilGolden Hind - 1:60 - scratch from F.Gay plans
6lkl624Golden Hind - Constructo 1:55 first real build
Ron1767Golden Hind – Occre – Scale 1:85
shipmodelmakerGolden Hind by Occre
gibby_74GOLDEN HIND by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
HammerGolden Hind by Occre 1:85Page 2
Bosco45Golden Hind from Heller
Canoe21GOLDEN HINDE by Canoe21 { Lawrence } Harold A Underhill Plans, Scale 1:60Page 20
MoareinHMS Golden Hind - Airfix - 1/100 Scale
Hammer55Mamoli Golden Hind
Dave TeelMini Golden Hind
Dave TeelMini Golden Hind By Dave Teel
Mark FrazierMy Golden Hind , Corel 1:85 scale
HarrieOCCRE Golden Hind - beginner (have a few questions)Page 2
Dave TeelStarting on a restoration
Golden StarBryantesHMS Golden Star by Bryantes - FINISHED - Mantua - 1:150 [COMPLETED BUILD]
lakedaisyMantua Golden Star 1:150 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Golden YachtBluebeardImai Golden Yach 1/45 scale
GondolaGAStanGondola-Dumas Boats
Gorch Fockgibby_74GORCH FOCK by MantuaPage 15
keruj_JPGorch Fock od OcCre w skali 1:90
GotheborgJcobBilling Boats - East Indiaman Götheborg 1:100
Graf SpeeEttienneAirfix 1/600 Graf SpeePage 2
GranadaIgor TulaHMS Granado CAF
GranadoDocBlakeBomb Vessel Granado 1742 - Cross Section - 1:32 Scale - Scratch Build by DocBlake [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
Dubz Modelling WorldBomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit by Miniature ArtsPage 6
Alex RCAF 1:48 HMS Granado cross Section
SignetCAF Granado 1/48 PoF Bomb Vessel by SignetPage 8
ExpertenCAF Granado problem
AdiefenbachCAF HMS Granado 1:48 POFPage 7
ExpertenCAF HMS Granado by Experten
MozartmanCAF HMS Granado full kit
NietslimCalderCraft HM GranadoPage 5
ron0909First time Wooden Ship model - 1:64 HM GranadoPage 2
janosGranado CAF kit by Janos
Lucian29Granado section - CAF Models
BryianH.M.S Granado. Plank on frame 1/48 scale. CAF model.Page 9
Maksym KH.M.S. Granado Victory Models (late stages)Page 2
Francois de Saint NazaireHM GRANADO 1756 - bomb vessel- JoTiKa/Caldercraft - 1:64
UwekHMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by UwePage 92
UwekHMS GRANADO (1742) - midship section - POF by CAF in 1:48 - by UwePage 15
yuhong liHMS GRANADO (1742) - midship section - POF by CAF in 1:48 - by Yuhong
stan167HMS GRANADO (1742) - section - POF by CAF in 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
tedboatHMS Granado 1/48, POF, CAF modelsPage 3
muchiHMS Granado 1/48, POF, CAFmodelPage 3
KeefHMS GRANADO 1:48 scale PoF CAF Model by KeithPage 23
zoly99saskHms Granado 1:72 - Cross Section by Miniature ArtsPage 3
Olympic1911HMS Granado, Plank-on-Frame, 1/48 scale CAFModelPage 2
Great Britainpauls modelsSS GREAT BRITAIN
pauls modelsSS GREAT BRITAIN c.1860Page 3
paulmodelSS GREAT BRITAIN Finished Hull
paulmodelSS GREAT BRITAIN The Hull
paulmodelSS GREAT BRITAIN The Spar Deck
Great RepublicrwiederrichGreat Republic 1/128 scratch built
rwiederrichGreat Republic 1853, 1/128 Extreme Clipper Barque by Rwiederrich [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
NorgaleThe Great Republic 1:48Page 11
GrecianPeter GuttermanBaltimore Clipper "Grecian" 1812 Based on plans by Howard Chappell, utilizing some components of Model Shipways "Dapper tom and scratch built
Greek BiremeEdwardZAmati Greek Bireme 1:35 (Finished Model and Speed Build Video)
moreplovacBireme - Greek Warship, Amati, scale 1/35Page 6
mrmoon5764Bireme scratch build
yancovitchgreek bireme
Charles QCGreek Bireme 6Th Century B.C. 1/72 Dusek D001
LoracsGreek Bireme, Amati - Loracs
sidelinerGreek Bireme1:72 Daniel Dusek
moreplovacGreek Warship Bireme by Moreplovac
GretelSeastreet"Gretel"/ Mamoli
HenslowGretel 1/54 mamoli.Page 2
HenslowGretel Mamoli
EkisGretel, Swedish yacht 18th - 1/54 Mamoli
GreyhoundfukuiHMS GRAYHOUND - Corel
peter6172HMS GREYHOUND Rescue - Corel 1/100
Grimmershorn1275miniKrick grimmershorn
neptuneKrick Grimmershorn 1/20 scale Motor vessel built by neptunePage 8
GrimsbycaptaineddieBuild Log: HMS Grimsby
Sea BurdHMS Grimsby-Constructo 1:65Page 5
Gros VentreDaimlerСечение Le Gros VentrePage 3
DaimlerСечение Le Gros Ventre - section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
GrouperAlligatorUSS Grouper ss-214 (1:48 scale) R/C WWll era, Gato Class Submarine) 78" in length
Guadeloupejack.aubreyHMS Guadeloupe (ex french Le Nisus), Brick de 24 by Jack.Aubrey - 1:48 scalePage 8
Guide boatGilles KorentGuide boat
Gulf StreamshipbuilderIron barquePage 2
shipbuilderIron barque completedPage 2
shipbuilderSailing Ship Construction Video
GulnaraIgor TatarenkovSOS Gulnara - 1/50 KRICK
Gun-boatSulaireMantua Cannoniera Olandese no.2
GunsSignet1:20 Scale Victory & Constitution Gun Models by Signet [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Kurt Konrath32 Pound Long Gun Display
Charles QCNaval Smoothbore Guns Of History Model Shipways MS4005 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2

Back to Top


HackerGravmanHacker Craft [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
HalconFreakert1:100 Halcon 1840 SchoonerPage 3
The DonA Cherry poppin’ Halcon in 1/100
Martin555.Another Halcon 1:100 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
jackofalltradesAnother... Halcon - 1/100
MurfBuild Log for the infamous HMS Halcon
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSCheap Chinese Halcon speed build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 20
CivicvtiFirst build: Halcon 1:100Page 3
ResoianHalcon 1/100 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Panteg ModelsHalcon 1/100 first build attempt! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
AlgirdasHalcon 1:100
JTVHalcon 1:100 - My first builld
GhostHalcon 1:100 Build Log
Big DHalcon 1:100 Eventually finished.
remzibiHalcon 1:100 first attempt for wooden ship modelingPage 2
Capt RubioHalcon 1:100 Rookie way [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
PeterMichaelHALCON 1840 1/100
PeterMichaelHALCON 1840 1/100 scale
ottoHalcon Kit 1:100 - some comments and experiences
PonytailIntroducing Ponytail: another Halcon-build... [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Ajmitch51My First Wooden Ship Model, "Halcon, 1:100 scale"
JoeSNewbie forst wooden kit, a cheap HALCON (what else...)
AslanBNo-Brand Halcon $40 kit. Small, but interestingPage 2
VladimirSchooner Halcon 1840 1:100Page 2
Ajmitch51Second attempt at the HalconPage 2
modlerbobTopsail schooner Halcon 1:100 unbranded from China
Half MoonSeastreet"d'Halve Maen" ('Half Moon'/Corel)
lakedaisyHalf Moon (Corel) (SM18) 1:50 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 13
RonmedgeHalve Maen (Half Moon) 1:50 Corel kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
BrewbrarianHalve Maen (Half Moon), 1608 - Dutch VOC Vlieboot - Corel - 1:50 - Double-plank-on-bulkheadPage 4
BluebeardIMAI HALF MOON 1/40
BroadsidesModelling The Contemporary Dutch Explorer HALF MOON [COMPLETED BUILD]
HalifaxfukuiHALIFAX 1775
donfarrHalifax Build Log: LumberyardPage 16
MavRickHalifax from the lumberyardPage 2
KoreetsHalifax, colonial schooner. Unicorn, China. Scale 1:50Page 2
fukuiHMS HALIFAX 1775
MBchrdHMS Halifax scale 1/35 finished
Halve MaenJack JägerHalve Maen by Corel
HancockDave Stevens (Lumberyard)school for model ship building
BluestreekCustomsscratch buildingPage 2
HannahJANETBuild log: HANNA obtained from LumberyardPage 4
telemanColonial Schooner Hannah by Cap'n Rat Fink - 1/4" scale - semi scratch - MarioPage 8
MOGGetting started with keel up scratch buildingPage 2
JANETHANNA obtained from LumberyardPage 4
GventuraHannah 1/48 - LumberyardPage 12
DocBlakeHannah by DocBlake. 1:32 Scale - Scratch Built, Plank-on-Frame, Admiralty StylePage 10
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Hannah by Harold Hahn
shota70the Colonial Schooner Hannah in 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 29
Fred P.USS Hannah - 1:48 - ZHL Model by Fred P. with improvements
Happy HunterNMBROOKRo-marin Happy Hunter Tug-1/50-Multifunction RCPage 5
Happy ReturnCommanderChuffFolkestone Harbour Pier - Cornish Lugger Happy Return
Harbour DredgedonfarrHARBOR DREDGE/ KRIS SZKUTNIKPage 13
HarlingenIvan TrtanjYacht Harlingen, launched 1771 - scratch built by Ivan TrtanjPage 9
Harriet LanePeter GuttermanHarriet Lane Model Shipways Solid hull build log by Peter Gutterman [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
QuintModel Shipways Harriet Lane Steam Paddle Cutter 1857 - Scale 1/12"=1ft (1:144)
BMTUSCG Harriet Lane for the United States Navy 1859 - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:96Page 5
BMTUSCG Harriet Lane for the United States Navy 1859 - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:96 [COMPLETED Build]Page 5
The GavelUSRC Harriet Lane Model Shipways 1:96 scale circa 1863Page 33
HarveyPaul H1:60 Artesania Latina American Schooner Harvey by Paul Stevens
Sid BarrasBaltimore Clipper Ship "Harvey/1847" 1:50 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
GorhogBoston Schooner Harvey 1847 1:96Page 2
Sid BarrasBuild Log Baltimore Clipper Ship "Harvey/1847" 1:50 scalePage 3
Stu JessopBuild Log: Harvey (Artesania Latina Kit circa 1990's)Page 3
darnoldBuild Log: Harvey 1847 (Artesania Latina)Page 3
FelixHarvey 1847
CallMeKristyHarvey 1847
talismanHarvey 1847
FelixHarvey 1847 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Dcox1961Harvey 1847 1:50
kenblueRestoring and remodeling "Harvey" schooner kit
mondrasekThe "Chinese" HarveyPage 20
Hasselter AakJosé RuestaHasselter Aak - Barge - scale 1:60
José RuestaHasselter Aak - Esc 1:60 Scratch [Completed Build]
Havmagen 683Panteg ModelsSecond ever build Havmagen 683 from Billing Boats [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
HaylingTom of all tradesAnother Hayling 1760 buildPage 8
colin100Hayling 1760 - Model Ship Dockyard - PearPage 3
AndrisHayling 1760 (my first kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
OrnholtHayling 1760 1:48 from Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
NOVICHOKPOF Hayling 1760Page 5
Arne SchippersPOF Hayling Hoy 1760 Modelship DockyardPage 5
Hayling Hoypay2700Hayling Hoy
hammer80Hayling hoy [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
wangHayling Hoy 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Roger JHayling Hoy by Roger JPage 3
Roger JHayling Hoy help needed
GennaroHayling Hoy of 1759Page 12
glennb17Hayling Hoy: POF kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
SteveAThe Hayling Hoy 1759, 1:48 by Steve
Helen CraigshipbuilderCoasting steamer
shipbuilderHelen Craig
HellerPhoscarthe Spanish Galleon Heller .1/200
Heller Victory 1/100 by tjoenp FinlandjopeHeller Victory 1/100 by tjoenp Finland
HengstJavier BaronHengst
José RuestaHengst JAN KORNEEL, Scratch build, 1:36 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
Henriette MarieMike905603Billings Boats Henriette Marie
Henry Grace A DieuXbmaHenry grace a dieu.
HermioneRichard KleckerArtesania Latina L'Hermione 1:89
Charles QCArtesia Hermione Lafayette (the old kit)
Richard KleckerBuild Log: Artesania Latina L'Hermione 1:89
SylvainBLConstruction of the Hermione, Artesania Latina kit by SylvainPage 2
John GFrigate Hermione, Scale 1:89 , Artesania Latina kit, by John G [COMPLETED BUILD]
John GHermione Artesania Latina Just Completed
geowbreHermione by DISAR
PatrickHermione La Fayette
carpHermione La Fayette [COMPLETED BUILD]
FabianHermione la Fayette by Artesania Latina
HummervollHermione Lafayette
Charles QCHermione Lafayette (the old kit) - Artesania Latina
bikepunkHermione Lafayette by Artesania Latinia 1:89 ScalePage 3
MessisL' Hermione AL 1/89Page 7
WanderL’Hermione La Fayette 1:89 (New kit) - Artesania LatinaPage 3
SylvainBLThe HERMIONE, Scale 1/89, Artesania Latina
Herring busceestoornHerring bus
Herring DrifterJavier Baron“Lougre harenguier” of Fécamp. Scale 1:200Page 2
Hiate de SetúbalJavier BaronHiate de Setúbal
Hidden shipnekto1969Hidden ship of Efim Nikonov. 1750 model from scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Higaki KaisenSubmarinerblueHigaki Kaisen Finished
Rossc83Higaki Kaisen kit by Woody Joe.
catopowerWoody Joe's Higaki Kaisen 1/72nd scale kit
Higgins LCVPJosephHHiggins LCVPPage 2
HildegardJosé RuestaQuatze "Hildegard", Scratch, Scale 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]
HipperkartonskipperF214 HIPPER - training frigate of the German Navy from the early days - after final refit?
HMS Albatros (Occre)GlasetjHMS Albatros (Occre)
HMS Enterprise 1774 POF 1:48.GrantTylerHMS Enterprise 1774 POF 1:48.Page 5
HohenzollernmodellOlympic1911Hohenzollernmodell 1660-1670 Scale 1/21Page 5
Hollanda YatiTom of all tradesHollanda Yati 1670 1:80 (Part way thru build)
HoodCommander_Krill1/700 HMS Hood I Love Kit
EttienneAirfix 1/600 HMS HoodPage 4
GrimAirfix H.M.S Hood
Wedgie01HMS Hood - 1/200 (with Pontos PE) - Build LogPage 5
anttjaHMS HOOD first buildPage 4
PeterairfixHms Hood in miniature 1/2000 scale
Gerin CTrumpeter 1/200 H.M.S. HOOD May, 1941
JockTrumpeter 1/200 HMS Hood
HoogaarUrkVisserDutch Hoogaar Fishing VesselPage 2
HoppermanvscodeUSS Hopper in 1:700
HornetWolfman63Trumpeter 1/350 USS Hornet - Doolittle Raid [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
KenUSS Hornet. 1:200 By Merit
HousatonicSgt_BillUSS Housatonic 1862 - 1864
HoyalbertmaryHoy, 1760Page 5
HunterSeastreet"HUNTER" / Mamoli
HyltonshipbuilderMotor Tramp Hylton - 1937Page 2

Back to Top


Ictineo IIGuns286Attempt to scratch build Ictineo II (1864)
EkisIctineo II 1864 - 1:46 - WoodenKitPage 2
IdahoSigEp Ziggy1/350 USS Idaho BB-42 kit bashed from Hobby Boss USS Arizona with plans in Polish/EnglishPage 3
IgualaMontenegroGoleta "Iguala" 1822.
IlmarinenMoxisIlmarinen, the first steamboat in Finland [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
ImaraneptuneCaldercraft Steam Tug Imara 1/32nd scale by neptunePage 9
NMBROOKCaldercraft-Imara 1/32- RC with twin steam enginesPage 6
Imperial StarshipbuilderImperial Star
shipbuilderImperial Star
IndefatigableTiGGerDaveHMS INDEFATIGABLE 1794 - 1/64 - VANGUARD 1/64 featuring Mr "Hornblower" ;-)
IndependenceDocBlakeAL Colonial Schooner "Independence" by DocBlake - 5/16" scalePage 5
Jampacv71Continental Navy ship-Independence
José RuestaINDEPENDENCE 1775, Scale 1:35, Artesania Latina
gibby_74Independence by Artesania Latina.Page 2
IndianapolisWill @ TrilogyUSS Indianapolis CA-35 1/350 scale by Academy (Will @ Trilogy)Page 5
IngermanlandLwoodIngermanland 1:50
Viktor98Ingermanland 1715 (2014) * Shi Cheng * 1:50 ScalePage 12
InvestigatorneptuneHms Investigator, 1800, 1/48 scale built by neptune from plans by Robert Sexton.Page 5
InvinciblepolydocInvincible, a Texas Navy schooner
IowaCmb1:200 Trumpeter USS Iowa
Iron BarqueshipbuilderIron Barque - Circa mid 1880s
shipbuilderScratchbuilding - Making a Start
Iron DukeBryianH.M.S Iron Duke. Battleship 1-200 scale scratch build.
IroncladkpkndA couple of Ironclads
kpkndNashville class ironclad
Ironcladsgene1Civil War Ironclads - Plastic & ResinPage 2
kpkndDrama on the high seas
IsabelladeckapeBilling Boats Spanish Galleon ISABELLA
IsoldarickbIsolda 1:160
IzmaelMike41Russian schooner Izmael 1773 1:64Page 3

Back to Top


JabequeArtinJabeque by OccrePage 5
LologaditanoJabeque Cazador ,1/60 Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
ArtinOccre JabequePage 2
JacintheIterumSchooner JACINTHE, Kgdm. of France, 1825 Scratch 1/64Page 2
JalouseTed RobinsonHMS Jalouse - Caldercraft by TedPage 8
James CairdJohn ReidJames Caird
JnortonJames Caird - 1/24 scale - scratch builtPage 2
JanepolydocJane - A 26' Cabin Cruiser
JangadaEdmundBrazilian Jangada
JectNormaasenNorth Norwegian klinker built caro wessel called jekt from the 17 centhury scratch built of pine wood. Only a couple of old models exist in museum
JektNormaasenNorth Norwegian cargo wessel called jekt from the 17 centhury scratch buildt of pine wood
NormaasenNorth Norwegian jekt the build. Pine wood is used
JennyFrightForest Gump's Jenny - 1:60 Lindberg Shrimp Boat [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
FrightForest Gump's 'Jenny' - 1:60 Lindberg shrimp boat conversion
Jeremiah O'BrienGijsbertLibertyship Jeremiah O'Brien (Trumpeter/Eduard 1:350)Page 3
JimskyCutty Sark, Vintage Billing Boats BB564, 1:75.JimskyPage 22
John W CannonPeter GuttermanRiverboat John W Cannon
John W. BrownFrightSS John W. Brown - Liberty Ship 1/350 Trumpeter
Jolie BriseReneKJolie Brise
Jolly RogerJaydee37Jolly Roger
SigEp Ziggyla Flore by SigEp Ziggy, Lindberg Jolly Roger 1/133 scale model ship kit
SilentGhost310Lindberg 1/130 Jolly Roger/La Flore Plastic Kit Log
DonnieLindberg's Jolly Roger
IterumRevell JOLLY ROGER 1/72 as "DE ROODE BUL"
JuanitaBluebeardThe Juanita Sternwheeler 1/24Page 2
JuliashipbuilderJulia - Topsail schooner
tossedmanTopsail schooner Julia - with a digital twist.Page 2
Juliana MariaPeter GuttermanCompleted restored model of 18thc. Danish ship of the line Juliana Maria
Peter GuttermanJuliana Maria mid 20th c.Danish model of a 74 gun 3rd rate ship of the line ca1720-50
JunkRossc83Amati Chinese Junk
EdwardZAmati Chinese Pirate Junk Ship 1:100 Scale
swampdweller126Amati Junk
Jampacv71Chinese Junk
Henry xFive masted junk
EdwardZMy first youtube video of full building an inexpensive Chinese Junk Rigging Ship Model
SchraderQuanzhou Ship - Chinese Junk 13th Century 1:54 by SchraderPage 3
José RuestaVietnamese Junk, Scratch built, 1:75
José RuestaVietnamese Junk, Scratch built, Scale 1:75 [COMPLETED BUILD]

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K58fred 44corvette class flower au 1/72 .revell.

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kaagAb HovingMy small paper fleetPage 2

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KagaNathan L1/700 Fujimi Kaga building log
KaisowshipbuilderScrambled Images
shipbuilderVariety, boredom & Patience
Kalinin Bayrichie incidentShips of the Battle off SamarPage 2
KancabaşWalteroneKancabaş, a Marmara Sea boat (1:48, in fact 1:36)
KancabasiJavier BaronThe Marmara “kancabaşi”
Karel DoormanBacoKarel Doorman 1/100 scale
Kate CorycorsaroKate Cory Baleniera di Westport (Mass.) scala 1;48 Piani di Erik A.R. Ronnberg Whaling Museum, New Bedford Mass.
Katy of NorfolkJeff5115First build-Katy of Norfolk
Kearsargealross2USS KEARSARGE (1864)
Kerz AtaoKerz Atao F14800KERZ ATAO - 1/33Page 3
KetchBierSchluckerDas war mein erstes Modell aus Holz.
Khufus Royal boatrafaminiaturesKhufus Royal boat scale 1/350
King FisherStory1/72 1925 Rumrunner KING FISHER
King of PrussiashipahoyKing of Prussia
King of the MississippicarlosysBuild Log King Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [finished]
arneTBuild Log: "Norske Løve" by Billings BoatsPage 3
stevenKing of Mississippi
carlosysKing Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
carlosysKing Of Mississippi 1:80 AL [finished]
Bob ParkerKing of Mississippi riverboat - Artesania Latina 1/80 Scale
parnawacKing of the Mississippi
wim500King of the Mississippi
Charles QCKing of the Mississippi Artesia Latina kit #20505
Bobby K.King of the Mississippi Bobbyk.
mrjuanKing of the Mississippi by Artesania Latina 1:80 Scale
thegrindreKit-Bashing the King of the Mississippi Riverboat (7/21/20)Page 5
KingfisherdanielsjeBob Hunt's Kingfisher by Jim Daniels
D F McHMS Kingfisher
tedboatHMS Kingfisher/ King's Fisher - Tedboat [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
dockattnerKingfisher 1770 1:48 POFPage 195
KinkakujiWarrLightKinkakuji Japanese Temple by Woody Joe
KøbenhavnDartKøbenhavn, danish five-masted barquePage 2
Kofuku MaruLevent SuberkKofuku Maru Japanese WWII Fishing Trawler
KoreetsKoreetsKOREETS gun boat, Russian Imperial Navy. 1:75Page 2
KraitRossc83Modellers Shipyard MV Krait
KronprinzIterumS.M.S. KRONPRINZ 1867 & 1914 - 1/200
KulrunIevgueniKurun 1/60 Heller
KyreniaPT-2Ancient Phoenician Trade Boat 1500-1400 BC Build Log PT-2Page 5
PT-2Kyrenia Ship, 290 BCE Reconstruction POF Build Log PT-2 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 17

Back to Top


L' AmazoneJack JägerDusek /Mamoli L'Glorie / L'Amazone 1:96 ish scale
L´ArtesienMecanizadosL´ArtesienPage 13
La BelleGennaroAnother CAF's La Belle 1684Page 2
Thomas MarockeCAF La BellePage 3
yuhong liCAF Models 1/48 La Belle [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Mircea FlorescuLa Belle
Mircea FlorescuLa Belle
Thomas MarockeLa Belle - Caf Model 1:48 by Thomas Marocke [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 23
Tony PLa Belle - CAF Models - Pof by Tony P - Build logPage 2
jack.aubreyLa Belle - Hachette Partwork - 1/30 scalePage 6
Olivers Historic ShipyardLa Belle 1/36 - Plan by Jean Boudriot / myselfPage 26
SubmarinerblueLa Belle 1/48Page 3
IostoLa belle 1/48 scale
The SailorLa Belle 1/60, my latest effort. Shipyard style
CathberLa Belle 1682 1/48 Kit CAF par CathberPage 4
GennaroLa Belle 1684 - Caf Model 1:48 by GennaroPage 13
KoreetsLaBelle 1:48, chinese kit, another building logPage 3
La Belle Poulezoly99saskBelle Poule 1780 1:72 - Sail and Sail Model by zoly99saskPage 17
SAIL AND SAILLa Belle Poule 1/72 by Sail and SailPage 8
Thomas MarockeLa Belle Poule 1780 by ThomasPage 12
MirekLa Belle-Poule 1765 from Ancre's plans and monographs enlarged by 10%, By MirekPage 14
IterumLA BELLE-POULE in 1771
GearAdriftSchooner La Belle Poule (1932) - Dusek Ship Kits 1:50
La CandelariaAlan56La Candelaria - Occre Build logPage 9
dThomasLa Candelaria OcCre 1:85 - First buildPage 4
La CastorSquarebriggsFrench 8 pounder frigate La Castor, from Le Renommee draught by Jean Boudriot, Combination method, Bread and butter and plank on rib.Page 6
La CharpenteJeronimoFranz. 64 Gun Ship 1729 by Jeronimo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
La Couronneyancovitchla couronne
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSLa Couronne Corel/scratch 1:100 First build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 34
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSMy FIRST ship build: La Couronne Corel/scratchPage 20
La CréolearchjofoLa Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvettePage 43
La CurieusemaquinillaLa Curieuse [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
La CygneJampacv711:48 scale Le CygnePage 4
La DiligenteOlidiBerlinLa Diligente 1738-1761 di Oliver G ; in scala 1/36
La FleurFabio T.Galley La Fleur de Lis in scratch 1690 - Gérard Delacroix
La FleuronHoss6262Le Fleuron 1729 - 64 Gun Ship PoB Scratch Build in 1:48 - (Ancre Monograph-J. Boudriot/G. Delacroix)Page 25
La FloreGerin C1/130 Lindberg - La Flore / La VestalePage 2
Gerin C1/130 Lindberg La FlorePage 2
Alexisgm97La Flore by Constructo by AlexisPage 2
EkisLa Flore, french frigate 18th - 1/84 Constructo
La GemmaIterumligurian Tartane LA GEMMA becoming SIXTUS V. in 1/64Page 2
La JacintheKortes“La Jacinthe” Schooner France -1:42 scalePage 16
IostoLa Jacinthe 1/65
La Licornexander898La Licorne 1:72 (Hachette)
La NinaCRI-CRILa Niña 1492 scratch built 1/48 (2021)
La PalmeTobiasPOF La Palme (L'Amarante) Corvette 1744 1:36 (Ancre Monograph) by TobiasPage 43
TobiasPOF La Palme (L'Amarante) Corvette 1747 1:36 (Ancre Monograph) by TobiasPage 3
La PerleSeastreet"LA PERLE"
La ProvençaleModelsByBDFirst Build: Artesania Latina La Provençale
La RealSchmidt"La Reale" (Heller), converted for a Galley FestivalPage 3
MirekLa Real
SotterSpanish galley La Real - scale 1:150
dakyzwThe heart moves with the sail and sails together——la Real(心随帆动,一起远航——西班牙加莱浆船拉雷亚尔号)Page 2
dakyzwThe heart moves with the sail and sails together——la Real(心随帆动,一起远航——西班牙加莱浆船拉雷亚尔号)Page 2
La RenommeePaul132CAF La Renommee Gun Kit 1744
La RenomméePaul132CAF 1/48 Scale La Renommee 1744Page 17
Oktay YaylacıkoralFRENCH FRIGATE LA RENOMMEE 1744Page 8
PéjiLa Renommée - French Frigate 1744 (1/48) - Based on Monographie from J. BOUDRIOTPage 10
La SalamandretedboatBomb Vessel 'La Salamandre' - CAF Models by Ted Welding (Tedboat)
BigMikeCAF Models La Salamandre...1:48 My AttemptPage 8
kyoung do kimLa Salamandre - scale 1:96
Sergey PobozhyLa Salamandre 1/250Page 2
muchiLa Salamandre 1/96 by Miniature Arts [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Lucian29La Salamandre 1/96 Miniature Arts - shipyard display
xander898La Salamandre 1:96 - Miniature Arts by xander898Page 3
SaltyLa Salamandre 1752 1:48 (CAF) by SaltyPage 11
ADCLa Salamandre, 1752. CAFMODEL. 1/48 scalePage 6
UwekLA SALAMANDRE, bomb ketch - POF - (CAF-models, 1/48)Page 26
tugcnLA.SALAMANDRE 1:192 POF (Ship in bottle)
AndrisLe Salamandre 1:96 KIT
KoreetsOne more chinese kit of La Salamandre ))), now is being built in Russia [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 14
les621Shipyard on the table. The La salamandre 1752 a longitudinal section of a shipPage 4
JimmyThe Inspiration & Challenge of LA SALAMANDRE continues:Page 3
JimmyThe Inspiration & Challenge that is "La Salamandre"Page 2
JimmyThe Inspiration & Challenge that is "La Salamandre" 1:48Page 6
La ToulonnaiseRichieLa Toulonnaise 1823 - French schooner - Billing Boats 1:50Page 7
Jeff WLa Toulonnaise 1823 - French schooner Artesania Latina 1:70 by Jeff WPage 2
XbmaLa Toulonnaise AL
La ToulonnaissedoktorvokLa Toulonaisse
La VenusGiampy65La Venus - French frigate from 1782 - scale 1:96 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
La VolageLuangoLA VOLAGE 1693 1/24 ANCRE
MICHELE PADOANLA VOLAGE sezione prodiera e poppiera scala 1/24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Строев ВячеславLa Volage. ANCRE. 1:36.Page 3
LackawannachyltinDumas Lackawanna
Lady EleanortomsimonVanguard Lady Eleanor - First Build
Lady IsabellaWill @ TrilogyLady Isabella by Vanguard Models 1:64
Lady KathrinetelemanMamoli Black Prince to the "Lady Kathrine" 1:57 CompletedPage 2
telemanMamoli Black Prince to the "Lady Kathrine" 1:57 Kit Bash
Lady NelsonWayward ShipwrightAmati Lady Nelson - First Build Log
Lucian29Build log Lady Neldon Amati 1/64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Lucian29Build log Lady Neldon Amati 1/64 COMPLETEDPage 2
LevmillerFirst build, Lady Nelson
glbarlowHM Cutter Lady Nelson 1803 - Scale 1:64, Victory Models by GlbarlowPage 6
RobertdHM Cutter Lady Nelson scale 1:64-Victory (Amati) Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DonRobinsonLady Nelson - Amati 1:64Page 8
TangopapaLady Nelson - Amati 1:64 by Tangopapa - First time PoB Project [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
doktorvokLady Nelson by Amati
MikeMCLady Nelson by Mike MC
TangopapaLady Nelson, Cutter, by Amati -- built by Tim Morrison
Lake Léman boatJavier BaronLake Léman boat, scale 1:220
L'AmarantemarsalvL´Amarante 1:36 POFPage 9
Giampy65L'Amarante - French corvette from 1747 scale 1:30 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Bill-RL'Amarante 1747 from ANCRE monograph in 1:36 - by Bill-RPage 4
RolyL'Amarante Corvette 1747 by Roland VlahoviciPage 2
shota70POF L'Amarante Corvette de 12 canons 1744 1:36 (Ancre Monograph- Gérard Delacroix) By ShotaPage 46
L'AmbitieuxVinicioL'Ambitieux 1680 - scala 1/48Page 8
maxiL'Ambitieux scale 1/48 - Plans Jean Boudriot
Large tartane of 1789, scale 1:199Javier BaronLarge tartane of 1789, scale 1:200
L'ArtésienKerz Atao F14800L'Artésien - Vaisseau de 64 canons 1/48 scalePage 2
Laughing WhaleTincan SailorBuild Log; Laughing Whale Fantail Launch
Launchneptune1/48 scale Launch, plank on frame, by neptunePage 5
John ReidEnglish 17th-century launch.
morfaMid-West Fantail Launch 123B-B2 No plans - any one have some to share or buy?
Peter GuttermanModel Shipways Bounty Launch
StoryShip's Launch 1790-1820+ (1/96th scale)
ChrisPThe gentleman’s high speed launch that never was.
Le Cerfshipphotographer.comFrench cutter Le Cerf (1779-1780) - Scratch build 1:48 or just a DEER...Page 7
MoxisFrench cutter Le Cerf from Ancre drawings, scale 1/48Page 2
badras-khanSteam pinnace JanetPage 31
Le Commerce de MarseilleWojtasS118 Gun French three-decker - Le Commerce de Marseille / L'Ocean - scale 1:72Page 16
Francis JonetCOMMERCE de MARSEILLE - Model of an 118-Gun Ship in scale 1:72 / Modéle au 1/72 d'un vaisseau de 118 canons - by Francis JONETPage 4
RonaldLe Commerce de Marseille 1788 - 1801 scale 1:48 from Gerard DelacroixPage 15
BlockLe Commerce de Marseille 1788 scale 1/72
Le CoureurIterumLE COUREUR 1776 - Amati 1:75
VlaskoLe Coureur 1776 1:48Page 2
CAFmodelNEW KIT CAF-Le Coureur 1/48Page 4
Mr.DeepThe French lugger Le Coureur
Le CygneCAFmodelCAF-Le Cyclope-Le Cygne - scratch builtPage 2
Le FavoriKortesBrig Le FAVORI 1806 M1:55Page 17
Le FecampSylvainBLLe Fecamp - French fishing Boat - Kit Dikkar
Le FifieRevDomLe Fifie d'Amati
Le FleuronUwekfrench 64-gunner LE FLEURON in scale 1:48 by JoachimPage 25
wangLE FLEURON 1/48 POF by Wang - Modelship DockyardPage 6
Blue fin sailingLe Fleuron 1: 48 Deck gun construction log by Miniature ArtsPage 4
Randy HalterLE FLEURON 1729 1:48 scale - Randy Halter [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
KUDINLE FLEURON. 1729. 1\48. KUDIN ANDREY.(YouTube)Page 17
Le FrancoisthebodyaLe FrançoisPage 3
MichelLe François -1683 - scale 1/36 - Monography J.C. Lemineur.
José_BLE FRANÇOIS 1683, scale 1/48, by JoséPage 6
Le GriffonTomnbirdieLa Salle's Le Griffon
Le Gros VentreCLBLe Gros Ventre 1/36th Scale - Monograph by GDelarcoix
DaimlerLe Gros Ventre 1:48Page 3
Le HussardPeterairfixArtesania latina let hussard 1848
pianoforteLe Hussard 1840, Artesania latina, 1:50
Le Jolie BrisealexandreCotre pilote du Havre 1/12
Le MartegaouCaptain BLe Martegaou Billings boats 1:80
Le MercureLeMercureLe Mercure ANCRE PlansPage 10
Le MiragebicicletaLe Mirage
otrax01My First Model Le Mirage
Le Northumberlandrichie incidentFrench 74-gun ship "Le Northumberland" (1780) [COMPLETED BUILD]
Le PelicanTomnbirdieLe Pelican
Le PhenixSchmidtLitte Ships under the Big Sky
Le RedoutableOlivers Historic ShipyardLe Redoutable 1/48Page 21
Le RequinCharleslovesship1:48 Le Requin 1750 from Shicheng model kitPage 2
CAFmodelCAF-Le Requin Chebec version 1.0 1/48
CAFmodelCAF-Mediterranean merchant ship 1.0 1/48
LuciusChebec Le Requin 1751 1:48Page 2
kidsgaloreChebec Le Requin buildPage 11
CryptonLe Requin 1/48 ZHL model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
Forlani danielLe Requin 1750
danielsjeLE REQUIN 1750 Full Rib Scale 1/48, ZHL kit by Jim Daniels (Danielsje)
Alessandro63Le Requin by Zhl - MY FIRST POF MODELPage 9
BryianLe Requin Xebec ZHL plank on frame kit.Page 7
Alessandro63MY FIRST POF MODEL - Le Requin
CharleslovesshipRetro build log of 1:48 Le Requin 1750 from Shicheng model kitPage 2
CryptonXebec - Le Requin 1750 - ZHL model
Le RigelPendragonMy first attempt "Le Rigel"
Pepite 1/60Soclaine "Le Rigel"
Le Rochefortclogger1/36 Le Rochefort - scratchbuild - POF
clogger1/36 Le Rochefort to finishPage 2
ResmanLe RochefortPage 2
donfarrLE ROCHEFORTPage 43
JempiLe Rochefort schaal 1/36 Plannen G. DelacroixPage 5
Le Saint-PhilippeJosephH74 Gun Vasseau by Jean Boudriot from Ancre'Page 8
Giancarlo 60Le Saint Philippe 1693 1:48 piani Lemineur AncrePage 6
Le SeinekiventenLe Seine by Modelship Dockyard
Le SoleilTomnbirdieLe Soleil d'Afrique
Le Soleil RoyalPiotr Obrębski"Le Soleil Royal". Heller 1: 100.Page 2
paulb1/70 Soleil Royal by Paulb [COMPLETED]
Gilbertm1669 Soleil Royal - ZHL [Completed Build]
Gilbertm1669 Soleil Royal - ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 30
GregWArtesania Latinas Soleil RoyalPage 4
MurphBuild Log - Heller 1:100 Scale Le Soleil RoyalPage 3
paulbBuild Log for the ZHL Soleil Royal 1/90 Scale by PaulbPage 4
Mr.Deephull model of the legendary French ship 1669-1692 Le Soleil RoyalPage 2
aurélien wolffinitial Soleil royal using the heller 1/100 scale kit (post prepared in advance)Page 20
bandidoLa Soleil Royal 1:90 Scale (ZHL) A Bandido BuildPage 16
ArtinLatina .. Soleil Royal buildPage 2
dafiLe Soleil Royal
JockLe Soleil RoyalPage 4
MoareinLe Soleil Royal - Heller - 1/100
LandsmanLe Soleil Royal 1669-1692 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
janosLe Soleil Royal stern model by Janos [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
VfordyceLe Soleil Royal ZHL Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 91
jack.aubreyLe Soleil Royal, vaisseau de 104 - De Agostini - by Jack AubreyPage 11
GaryMLe Soleil Royal: kit bashed Mantua Sergal modelPage 2
Longlegs55Longlegs55 builds ZHL Soleil RoyalPage 10
ThomasMantua Sergal Soleil Royal - CutawayPage 2
GaryMMantua Sergal's Le Soleil RoyalPage 11
joerom1Mantua Soleil Royale build
JScolumSolei Royal 1:64
efraimrofizsoleil royal
Rob. T.SOLEIL ROYAL - HELLER 1/100 (side project)Page 3
DfolgadoSoleil Royal - Heller 1/100 Back to work!Page 18
paulbSoleil Royal - ZHL 1/90 Scale by Paulb [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 27
El CapiSoleil Royal 1: 72 from Altaya/ D'Agostini
JScolumSoleil Royal 1:64
GuyMSoleil Royal 1671 modified Heller kitPage 6
JGOSoleil Royal 1693 — Heller 1:100
Le CapitaineSoleil Royal attempt.Page 8
koedecSoleil Royal by Artesania LatinaPage 2
GregWSoleil Royal by Artesania LatinaPage 6
Hubac’s HistorianSoleil Royal by Heller - an Extensive Modification and Partial Scratch-Build by Hubac’s HistorianPage 53
Helder-dutraSoleil Royal by PlanetaDeAgostini
yancovitchsoleil royal hellerPage 3
NMBROOKSoleil Royal- Re-engineering Artesania Latina's New Kit by NMBROOKPage 57
BigMikeSoleil Royal ZHL kit 1:90 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
AiDiSoleil Royal, DeAgostini kit by AiDi
paulbZHL 1/70 Soleil Royal - Finished
dagarmorphZhl Le soleil royal
JayZHL Le Soleil RoyalPage 30
nunfriedZHL Soleil RoyalPage 7
BrentonVVZHL Soleil Royal - with some additionsPage 2
paulbZHL Soleil Royal 1/90 Scale by PaulbPage 16
dantist sovereignСолей Рояль - Soleil RoyalPage 10
Le TonnantAndrey T.Le Tonnant 1793 - Corel 1:50 Build Log
L'EgyptienneGventura1/48 L'Egyptienne FrigatePage 4
Mic_NaoFrigate L'Egyptienne 1799 - Scale 1/48 by Mic_Nao
LempiMoxisLempi, a steam powered half open launch built in 1877 in Warkaus, FinlandPage 6
Leonardo da Vincinekto1969Draga kavafango Leonardo da VinciPage 2
LeopardIterum1:100 HMS LEOPARD to EXPERIMENT (Oriel)
The DocCross Section - HMS Leopard 4th Rate 1790 - 1:44Page 5
The DocH.M.S. Leopard 1790 1:80 Scratch
The DocHMS Leopard; 50 Gun 4th Rate; 1790 - Scratch build 1:80Page 2
Lettie G. HowardJosé RuestaSchooner LETTIE G. HOWARD, 1893, Scratch - Scale 1/70 [Completed Build]
El CapiFew words about Kits.
donfarrLEUDOPage 2
craftysailorLeudo - Falkonet 1:48Page 2
WalteroneLeudo by Falkonet with an open hatch
0SeahorseLeudo vinaccere 1:72 scratch (test building)Page 2
0SeahorseLeudo vinacciere 1:72 cardboard kit.
IterumSeahorse LEUDO VINACCIERE 1/72
Tuco RamiresZHL 1:48 Leudo trade boat
LeutDidaLeut, traditional Croatian shipPage 3
Lexingtonfj3131030Lexington - 172 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
SparkyLexington American Brig - Wood Plank-On-Frame - Scale 1/100 Mamoli MV48
donfarrLexington kit by Lumberyard
Liberty ShipkiwibobSomewhere 1950's
LifeboatAginvicta75mm Lifeboat-Master KorabelPage 3
AginvictaMaster Korabel 75mm Lifeboat 1:72 Scale
VirtakuonoMaster Korabel Lifeboat
BradNSWShortest and Cheapest Build Log Ever?
LightningMM2CVS9EJ's Lightning sailboatPage 3
Lightning shipBMTNavio Rayo Puesto de Combate by BMT - Disarmodel (Spain) - 1:32 - NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft)
Lilla DanubjsLilla Dan, Billing Boats, scale 1:50
Lille Bæltrichie incidentDanish 22-gun Light Frigate "Lille Bælt" (1801) [COMPLETED BUILD]
LindbergmodlerbobTexas War of Independence Topsail Schooner Lindberg 1:79th scale
LitchfieldAllanKP69HMS Litchfield (48) 1695 1:64 scalePage 2
Live Fish transporterIterumFish transport vessel after af Chapman LX N°4 in 1/48
LivelyBryianThe Lively by the Lumberyard. 1/48 plank on bulkhead.
Lobster BoatPathfinder65Bluejacket Shipworks Lobster Boat 5/8” = 1’Page 5
DuncanBuild Log Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
LordNelsonSrLobster boat in a bottle
Barry1Maine Lobster Boat by Midwest
GaryMMaine Lobster boat fiasco - the Phylly C.
JohnRMuscongus Bay Lobster Smack (Model Shipways 1:24) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
modlerbobMuscongus Bay lobster smack Midwest Models 1:24 scale
Lobster SmackBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Lobster Smack
BMTLobster Smack
Peter GuttermanMidwest Models Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack
priority_aces1Model Shipways #3 Muscongus Bay lobster smack!Page 4
EdwardZModel Shipways Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 Scale (Full Build Video)
RoscoeMuscongus Bay Lobster Smack (Model Shipways) 1:24 by RoscoePage 2
priority_aces1One of my first boat building ventures!
Loch TorridonshipbuilderBuilding the four-masted barque Loch Torridon
shipbuilderLoch Torridon
LofotenVirtakuonoCactus model Q1 plus mini tug - converted into a norwegian fishing boat
LongbeachdeckapeREVELL 1958 USS LONGBEACH
Longboatmaltbyguy1/48 Longboat
Steven B18th Century Longboat - Model Shipways 1:64 Bashed by StevenPage 2
JohnR18th Century Longboat (Model Shipways; 1:48) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Geraldo18th Century Longboat- First build
Rob44418th Century Longboat Model Expo 1:48Page 8
STGCS18th Century Smoothbore by Model ShipwaysPage 5
DonnieAncre: (preliminaries) Armed Longboat 1834 Monograph 1/36Page 2
SparkyBuild Log: 18th Century Longboat 1750-1760 by Model ShipwaysPage 3
Masters MateBuild Log: 18th Century Longboat for HMS Medea project. 1:48 scale. Model Shipways kit.Page 2
AncientmodellerBuild Log: Endeavour's Longboat (Artesania Latina 1:50)
MarkSH01Endeavour's Longboat, Artesania Latina by MarkSH01
yuhong liKit by CAF, La Renommee Long Boat, Scale 1:48
UwekLONGBOAT for La Salamandre in 1:48 (CAF)
Raven89Longboat of "Le Requin" - ZHL kit - 1/48
donfarrM/S armed long boat 1460Page 2
SparkyMissing Items in a Kit
JnortonPitcairn Island 1930's-era wooden longboat 1/24 scale
Mike41Ships Longboat 1680 – 1780 scale 1:32 Ancre’s monograph by Jean Claude LemineurPage 3
Angel60Spanish Longboat of 1752 (Falúa) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
GventuraThe ships Longboat 1/48Page 2
RickNoyesThe ships longboat 1680-1780Page 2
Longshipmiguel92gomSlavic Longship - Falkonet
Lord RiponshipbuilderBritish 4-masted barque Lord Ripon - 32'=1"
MichelL'ORIENT scale 1/64 by Michel
LososIterumYG-models Torpedoboats LOSOS' and FOREL 1898
Lotus 72Dean62Pocher 1/8 scale Lotus 72
LucyEdmundHarbour Tug "LUCY" - Revell 1/118 scale
Lusitaniadeckape1977 ENTEX RMS LUSITANIA 1/350
ChrisSCGunze Sangyo 1/350 LusitaniaPage 4
LutzoxEttienneKriegsmarine - my first ship
Lynxgibby_74Lynx by PanartPage 5
gibby_74Lynx by Panart [Completed Build]Page 7
gibby_74Lynx by Panart [Completed Build]Page 7
Alex BellingerPrivateer Lynx

Back to Top


Mackerel DriverJavier BaronMackerel driver
MagentaBluemaxoneMagentaPage 2
Maiden VoyagepwbindeMaiden Voyage -- A Scratch Built of My Own Design.
Mainealross2USS MAINE (ACR-1)
Maine PeapodRob444Maine Peapod 1:14 Model Expo Build log. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
mrjuanMaine Peapod by Midwest, 1:10 - mrjuan
MaŁz IIRC ModelBucket dredger MAŁŻ II
Mamoli CatalinaBarnegatBayBuild Log: Mamoli Catalina
Mamoli Catalina MV50CryptonMamoli Catalina MV51
Man of warRob. T.Revell 1/96 "English Man O'war" modified.
MarcilianaJavier BaronMarciliana
Mare NostrumCallMeKristyArtesania Latina Mare Nostrum
PatrickSMare Nostrum
MariaBMTMARIA HF31 fishing Ewer Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Javier BaronMaria, Fischenewer of Finkenweder
MoareinThe Boat :)
Marie JeanneJcobMarie Jeanne 1:50 by Artesania Latina Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
CaptginoMarie Jeanne by Captgino - Artesania Latina
Marinaeric61A.L. Marina II ContinuationPage 2
Marina IIpay2700Marina II
JeddMarina II - Completed model
MariquitaSIBBuilderMariquita Ship in Bottle 1:300
Marjory GlenshipbuilderSteel barque Marjory Glen, 1892. 32'=1"
MarmaraelmirzeMarmara Trade Boat (ZHL Model) 1/48Page 2
DematosdgMARMARA trade boat 1:48
Marmara Trade BoatDematosdgMarmara Trade Boat, 1:48 , SC brandPage 18
MarseilleBilal ZEYBEKOĞLUMarseille 1764
MHegaziMarseille 1764 from Mamoli by Mo.
elder-dutraSchooner Marseille 1764
MartiganaJavier BaronMartigana
MarySeastreetMary' / Mamoli 1;54
Mary AnnHupluni1st build Billing Boats Mary Ann
Mary AnneMike Dowling"Yatch Mary 1646"
Montenegro"Yatch Mary 1646"
pete_5Build Log: Billing 472 - Mary AnnPage 2
pete_5Mary Ann by Billing Boats 472 - Build logPage 7
CrackerMary Anne - Billings Boats
Mary CelestePeso PeteBuilding and Coverting Matthew Turner kit to the Mary Celeste
shipbuilderMary Celeste
Peso PeteMary Celeste build from the Matthew Turner kitPage 2
Peso PeteThe Mary Celeste
Mary RosemallacootaCaldercraft Mary Rose 1:80 by Mallacoota
Short John BronzeMary Rose - Caldercraft 1:80
ikecurranMary Rose - Caldercraft Build log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
mallacootaMary Rose 1512-1545 from Caldercraft [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
GrahamThe Mary RosePage 19
KageecanuckThe Mary Rose by Caldercraft [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Mary SinclairshipbuilderHand tools for scratchbuilding
Mary TaylorMikeCBluejacket Mary Taylor NY pilot schooner
MatabeleSZKUTNIKHMS MATABELE - scale 1-400
MataropolydocThe Catalan Ship (Mataro Model)
MatthewMike41Matthew 1497 1:48 scale by Mike 41 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 18
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)planking the MatthewPage 2
donfarrTHE MATTHEW / LumberyardPage 5
Mauretaniadesignck1:600 Mauretania, with added PE details...Page 2
peterairfixAirfix 1\600 RMS Mauritania
aurélien wolffRepairing a airfix 1/600 scale Mauretania kit
manvscodeRMS Mauretania in 1:600Page 2
Mayapebb1/350 Aoshima Takao class Maya!
MayflowercarpAmati Mayflower
hmgouldAttaching Staysail to Bowstay
lauckstreetChinese Mayflower POF KitPage 2
Jaroslav VAlouchCONSTRUCTO Mayflower 1620 1:65 kit
DerryFirst wood build Mayflower (Billings)
Charles QCMay Flower from Constructo
BruceIvesMayflower - Graupner Build logPage 2
Barry1Mayflower - Model Shipways- 5/32 scalePage 2
DavidDMayflower 1/64 - Billing BoatsPage 3
JervdbMayflower 1620
JohnRMayflower Build (1st time wooden model builder)Page 2
spyromaniaMayflower by Mamoli in 1:70 scale
RobertUKMayflower DartmouthPage 2
CaptginoMayflower Model Shipways 5/32 scale
eric67Mayflower ModelShipways MS2020
DanStroMS Mayflower question from newbie
WolvenwoodMy first stab: Artisania Latina's MayflowerPage 3
Paul LThe Mayflower by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
JnortonThe Mayflower shallop
Bobby K.The Mayflower-Amati- 1:50
Big JakeTrumpter Mayflower in 1/60th.Page 2
MaylanddeckapeUSS MARYLAND BB46 1941 1/350
ME 109Richard OAL Messerschmitt 109G complete
MedeaMasters MateHMS Medea (28) (1778) 1/48 scratch buildPage 20
Meermann0Seahorse"Meermann" or "Wodnik" 1627 (1:100, scratch) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MellumLachezar DragostinovMultipurpose vessel Mellum by HMV, skale 1:250 [COMPLETED BUILD]
MercedesVelacheroFragata Mercedes
Mercuryward"Mercury" Russian Bric
Alexander74Brig "Mercury" from Amati, scale 1:64Page 3
Mr.DeepBrig Mercury
Igor Tatarenkovbrig MercuryPage 4
WinterBrig Mercury, Kit by Eskadra, Russia [COMPLETED BUILD]
AtaminiHMS Mercury 1/72, Shipyard modelsPage 5
Piotr ObrębskiHMS MERCURY 1779 1:72 ShipyardPage 5
JosHMS Mercury 1797 Shipyard 1:72Page 3
BondenHMS Mercury, 1:72, Shipyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
MérihobusCharles QCTrimaran Mérihobus by UGEARS
Merrimackthreebs!/72 scale USS Merrimack 1855 before conversion to CSS Virginia
threebsUSS Merrimack 1855 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Mighty MiteIGRMighty Mite [COMPLETED BUILD]
Barry1Mighty Mite Steam Powered Harbor Tugboat
BluebeardNauticurso Mighty Mite 1:64 Scale
BMTNauticurso Mighty Mite Steam Powered Harbor Tug- Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:64
MimiMenneHMS Mimi
MinervaBryianH.M.S Minerva plank on frame 1/48 scale - Prototype Pilot ModelPage 16
BryianH.M.S Minerva plank on frame 1/48 scale.Page 4
donfarrMinerva Stern Section 1:48, Da Hai Model by DonfarPage 3
MinesweeperJack JägerRound Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48 Built from the Calder Craft kit Sir Kay.Page 8
Minnie SimsGuestCutter Minnie Sims Scale 1/48 1/4inch = 1 foot
neptuneMinnie Sims Fishing Cutter 1/48 scalePage 2
Miss BehaveGramanMiss Behave [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Miss MorrisshipbuilderMiss MorrisPage 3
Mississippi River BoatMOGMississippi River Boat by MOG – OcCre 1:80 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
martijnonderwaterOcCre Mississippi 1:80 [Completed Build]Page 2
martijnonderwaterOcCre Mississippi 1:80 [Completed Build]Page 2
Mississippi SteamboatRichieMississippi Steamboat Cardboard - CubicFun 1/100
MissouripaulbMy Build Log of the Trumpeter 1/200 USS Missouri
Jim LauserTrumpeter 1/200 Missouri buildPage 11
tigerdvrUSS Missouri 1/350 Joy-Yard + various aftermarket
MisticqueJohn 2018ZHL MisticquePage 8
MogamiWill @ TrilogyIJN Mogami, Aircraft Carrier Heavy Cruiser, Tamiya 1/350Page 2
Will @ TrilogyIJN Mogami, Aircraft Carrier Heavy Cruiser, Tamiya 1/350 [Completed Build]Page 2
Will @ TrilogyIJN Mogami, Aircraft Carrier Heavy Cruiser, Tamiya 1/350 [Completed Build]Page 2
Will @ TrilogyIJN Mogami, Aircraft Carrier Heavy Cruiser, Tamiya 1/350 [Completed Build]Page 2
Molly AidaJosé Ruesta"Molly Aida", the Peruvian ship in the film "Fitzcarrald" by Herzog. Scratch Esc 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]
José RuestaMolly Aida, ship from film "Fitzcarrald" by Herzog. Esc 1:100 (COMPLETED)
MonitorvariflemanHP 1/700 Monitor HMS Lord Clive 1918
kpkndLittle Monitors
Charles QCMonitor BlueJacket kit K1035 1/16’’ = 1 foot
kpkndMy little Monitors need something to do
MontanesRobp1025Montanes 1:70 by OcCrePage 11
ScottolaMontanes by OcCre 1:70Page 13
gene438Montanes by OcCre Build LogPage 5
Bilal ZEYBEKOĞLUMontañes by Occre Build LogPage 8
MirekMontanes OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
El CapiMontanes_iginet83. new member.
MontañéssevishMontañés by Sevish - OcCre kitPage 8
MordauntDocBlake17th Century Battle Station - HMS Mordaunt, 1:32 - DocBlakePage 10
MorelrtibbsMorel-Master Korabel-1:36 [COMPLETED BUILD]
MorrispolydocRevenue Cutter Morris
Mortar ShipCAFmodelCAF-French mortar ship 1/48Page 4
MoskvaBovineSinking of the Moskva
MountwoodMikeBerMV Mountwood
MTBGrandpa1/35 Italeri Vosper MTB 77
Muleta do TejoJosé RuestaMULETA DO TEJO, Portuguese fishing boat, Scale 1:50, Scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]
Myrtle CoreyTheDonMIMyrtle Corey steam paddlewheel towboat (Dumas), 1/20, by The DonMI
MysteryJnortonMounts Bay lugger “Mystery” 1/32 scale, Scratch built
MystiqueMr.DeepPolacca-Sciabecco franceze Mistique [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4

Back to Top


N/ot a shipSubmarinerblueStephenson’s Rocket
Nanhu BoatDematosdgNANHU RED BOAT , Shicheng Model, 1:50 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Nantucket Lightshipdeckape1959 Pyro NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP 1/96 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
FrightNANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP - 1:95 scale by LINDBERGPage 5
NanuchkaEttienneSoviet Nanuchka Class Missile Corvettes 1/700 [COMPLETED BUILD]
NaomineptuneNaomi South Australian Fishing Boat 1/24 scal2 by neptunePage 2
NapoleonRablokVaisseau Napoleon M1:75
NarcopebblewormNarco Sub! From Chinese laser cut fishing boat kit
NassauBryianSMS Nassau ,German dreadnought 1/200Page 2
NastojchivyjvaseaDestroyer "Nastojchivyj" 1х200
NatterertedboatNatterer - A Lake Windermere (England) Steam LaunchPage 4
NauticursoBluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 5
BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 5
BluebeardBuilding Log for the Nauticurso U.S. AV-SC96 Sub Chaser 1:32 [Completed Build]Page 4
NCCBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) disar modle Junco Chino (Chinese Junk)
Neeltje JacobamartijnonderwaterNeeltje Jacoba, Dutch vessel of type 'Vollenhovense Bol' [COMPLETED BUILD]
NeilsonshipbuilderMiniature Plank on Frame
NelsonAER33931/700 Tamiya HMS Nelson build [COMPLETED BUILD]
glbarlowHM Nelson
AER3393Need crew for my ship
NeptuneJimbo57HMS Neptune from Corel Scale 1.90
New JerseyFMFDoc821/350 USS New Jersey Revell Platinum EditionPage 3
New MexicoSZKUTNIKUSS "NEW MEXICO" (BB-40) - scratch model - scale 1:200 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
New YorkthreebsUSS New York 74 gun ship of the line [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
threebsUSS New York in 1/72 scale
NewportSteef66Clipper Newport Mamoli 1:57Page 5
NiagaraJimDCompleted my US BRIG NIAGARA
mwromanModel Shipways 1/64 USS Niagara
ScubaThe USS Niagara
Buffalo JackUSS NiagaraPage 2
Nikitin OsbergBillfishDrakkar Osberg Pavel Nikitin
RussFOseberg - Ver. 3 - Pavel Nikitin - 1:25Page 4
NikonovJneweyNIKONOV sub build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
NimitzJGuardCVN 69
The SailorCVN-68 NIMITZ 1/350 Trumpeter - 2020's
NinaMontenegro"LA NIÑA" Carabela
DicasAn Experiment with card - "La Niña" (The Little Girl)
viriatoAnother Niña - from scratch
HutchArtesania is La Niña buildPage 3
Dave boatswainCaravel "La Niña" XV century
mleoncCaravele "La Niña" scale 1/50Page 2
Bosco45Caravelle La Nina
Clair GCFShipModel 1/150th NinaPage 6
ConsNZLa Nina - Artesania Latina - my first Wooden ship model.Page 3
ItsMatty123La Nina 1:65 - AmatiPage 2
SigEp ZiggyLindberg's Columbus Ship Nina in 1/144 by Sig Ep ZiggyPage 2
Dave boatswainMy first model - caravel "La Niña" 1:72 scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
OlegRudMy La Nina 1:65 - Amati by Oleg
TararasikNina - Heller 1:75
itwblueyNina approaching launch…
Short John BronzeNina by Amati
NonsuchMirek77Nonsuch 1:36
NordenMikeMCBillings Boats: Norden
CarlerooNORDEN, 1:30 by Billing Boats
NorderneymodlerbobS.S. Norderney pre WWII german freighter 1:200
modlerbobSS Norderney Schreiber scale 1:200
NordlandNormaasenMotoråttring nordlandsbåt converted to motor propultion 1930s originaly sqare sail rigged
NordlandjagtJavier BaronNorwegian Nordlandjagt (storebat), 1881
NordlandsbaadenVirtakuonoNordlandsbåt - Billing Boats
EkisNordlandsBoat -1:20 - Billing Boats [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
VirtakuonoWisløff modellbygg NordlandsbåtPage 3
Nordlsandsjektdeepriver27NordlandsJekt, a build from a kit from Wisloff.Page 2
Norfolkpeter6172NORFOLK Colonial Sloop - 1/64 scale
Norman CourtshipbuilderMini Ship
NormandieChrisSCBlue Ridge 1/700 SS NormandiePage 2
JohnMSS Normandie Ocean Liner, 1:350 Scale Model Kit, by JohnMPage 2
Norske LoveSaltyBearFixing the "Norske Løve"Page 2
OldPaBELorske love from 'Billing Boats'
Dean62NORSKE LOVE - Billing Boats 1:75 scalePage 119
Dean62Norske Love - Billing Boats 1:75 scalePage 2
Mickey-63Norske Love by Billing Boats
Krister_LNorske Løve, Billing Boats, Scale 1:75Page 9
RodneyBNorwegian Sailing Pram - (Modelshipways)Page 3
Noël LucThe Norske Love" by Noël Luc Build logPage 5
Nossa Senhora da ConceiçãolandoroNossa Senhora da Conceição
NovgorodAginvictaNovgorod 1/350 scale by Ropos
NovilaraDonRobinsonLiburnian Novilara - MarisStella by Don RobinsonPage 2
Nuestra SenioraJScolumNuestra Señora de Guadalupe 1703
Nuestra SenoraPhilskiNuestra Senora del Pilar by Occre - Build logPage 35
Nuestra SeñoraPhilskiBuild Log: OcCre Nuestra Senora del PilarPage 33
DicasOCCRE Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza - Manila Galleon at 1/46Page 5

Back to Top


O Class DestroyerDave WardTamiya 1/700 'O' Class Destroyer
OceanicWolleRestoration of my OCEANIC [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
maywiyjScratchbuilt 1:144 scale Oceanic cruise liner
Odysseusodysseusships of scale
OlegMr.DeepRussian sailing-screw frigate "Oleg" 1860.Scale 1:100Page 8
Olimprichie incidentRussian 20-gun brig "Olimp" (ru "Олимпъ") 1817 1:78
BondenRussian brig Olimp, 1817, kit of the company ShipWorks, 1:96Page 2
Oliver CromwelljanosCompletion of Oliver CromwellPage 6
Canoe21Oliver Cromwell, POF ,Scale 1:48 by Lawrence [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 65
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)the Oliver Cromwell by Harold Hahn
Oliver Hazard PerryWill @ TrilogyUSS Oliver Hazard Perry FFG 7 by Academy with Eduards 1:350Page 2
Will @ TrilogyUSS Oliver Hazard Perry FFG 7 by Academy with Pontos 1:350Page 12
OlympicPeterairfix1/250 Rms Olympic 1930s
OlympusFred P.Yacht Olympus - 1929 (scratch 1/33°) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Fred P.Yacht Olympus 1929 - 1:33 - Scratch from photos

Back to Top


Ömhetenrichie incidentSwedish 62-gun ship HM "Ömheten" (1783) [COMPLETED BUILD]

Back to Top


OneidaMavRickOneida from dlumberyardPage 4
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Oneida war of 1812 brigPage 3
OntarioMike41H.M.S. Ontario Cross Section 2.0Page 12
DonRobinsonHMS Ontario - MarisStella 1:48 by Don RobinsonPage 4
hammer80Hms Ontario 1780 by Marisstella build log
Mike41HMS Ontario 1780 Cross Section scale 1:32 1.0(Version 1)Page 16
zoly99saskHMS Ontario 1780 scale 1:32 POB full versionPage 54
JagpilotMaris Stella HMS Ontario in 1/48 scalePage 3
Mike41PROTOTYPE - H.M.S. Ontario Cross Section 2.0 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 13
Orcaalexandre1/9 scale Orca build
DCN1/9th scale Jaws Orca for NECA action figures
wesmaineOrca and crew from Amity Island
Oretha F SpinneyPeter GuttermanOretha F Spinney
OrianaNavy51P & O liner Oriana
OsebergOrnholtBuild Log, Drakar "OSEBERG" from Pavel Nikitin 1:25 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
norsemanBuild Log: Billing Boats "Oseberg" 720 Scale 1:25Page 2
OrnholtDrakar "OSEBERG" from Pavel Nikitin 1:25 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
The SailorOSEBERG 1/25 scale by Billing Boats
jlvikingOseberg Ship
shipphotographer.comOSEBERG ship - Ships of Pavel Nikitin (Ukraine) - Scale 1:25 (15/32" = 1') - Length: 865 mm ( 34 3/34 inch)Page 4
Pavel NikitinViking ship ‘Oseberg’ version 3. Production "Ships of Pavel Nikitin"Page 2
OselvarVirtakuonoModell-Tec Oselvar
Ottoman trade boatConcardiOttoman Coastal Trade Ship
Oyster SharpieDocBlakeGeneric East Coast late 19th Century Oyster SharpieCirca 1880 - 1890 - 1/16 scalePage 2

Back to Top


Javier BaronPailebote, scale 1:220
Påjama BrynhildaJosé RuestaPÅJAMA BRYNHILDA (1775) – Swedish gunboat - Esc 1:75 [COMPLETED]
PalamosBMTBuild Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) OcCre Palamos 1:45 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
Palma NovaNorwayPalma Nova
PandoraRoger JHMS Pandora - Modelship Dockyard - Build logPage 5
HeinrichHMS PANDORA 1:72 - Modelship DockyardPage 18
dakyzwHMS Pandora 1779 潘多拉1月72日建造日志 , Scale 1:72 by dakyzwPage 2
dakyzwHMS Pandora 潘多拉1月72日建造日志 HMS Pandora, Scale 1:72 by dakyzw
panpanHMS Pandora 潘多拉的建造过程 Hms Pandora's construction processPage 4
martin111Pandora by Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
panpan潘多拉的建造过程 Pandora's construction process
PantaloonIterumPANTALOON tender to Royal George yacht 1/200 Oriel card kit
PapanuishipbuilderSS Papanui
PapegojanJeancoPapegojan 1626
mati.nPapegojan 1627 - 1:48 - mati.n
mati.nPinnace Papegojan 1627 - 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
BondenSwedish pinass-ship Papegojan (1627) at the Dockyard - from Shipyard, 1:96
ParanzaJavier BaronParanza di Trani
PareggiaJavier BaronPareggia
ParlapaMorghy"PARLAPA" Grand Duchy of Bergamo ShipPage 2
PasarabarbaCroatian pasara
Pass of BrandershipbuilderFelt Like A ChangePage 2
PatapscoPeter GuttermanBaltimore Clipper Patapsco
Patrol BoatGeorgi GrigorovAssault Support Patrol Boat, 1/72, by Georgi
benedictusFast patroll boat
Oldgoat 88RCMP Artic Patrol Boat
Ted smithWanted plans
PegasusGiampy65H.M.S. PEGASUS - Swan Class by David Antscherl & Greg Herbert Scale 1:36Page 36
Buffalo JackHMS Pegasus
STGCSHMS Pegasus - by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 18
shipphotographer.comHMS PEGASUS (1776) - Amati - Scale 1:64Page 8
RolyHms Pegasus (Swan class) 1776Page 2
Buffalo JackHMS Pegasus 1/64 Amati by Buffalo Jack
Olympic1911HMS Pegasus 1:24th scale
mallacootaHMS Pegasus 1776 Amati Victory seriesPage 2
rdsaplalaHMS Pegasus, 1/64 VM/Amati
SteemftrHMS Pegasus, 1:64 scale, Victory Models by Amati
OlegMInglorious adventures of my Pegasus [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Buffalo JackSail installation of a HMS Pegasus 1/64 Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]
DematosdgStatenjacht PEGASUS circa 1700
DematosdgStatenjacht PEGASUS circa 1700 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 24
PeterMUtrecht Pegasus
PeleusshipbuilderHalf Model
PennsylvaniaMike41USS Pennsylvania (1837) Cross Section Scale: 1:64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
threebsUSS Pennsylvania 1837 second build.
PenteconterMessisBuilding Odysseus ship (A penteconter)Page 5
PercassaneptunePercassa Motor Torpedo Boat 1/24 scale by neptunePage 5
PeterhofDartLugger "Peterhof"
PevenseyRossc83PS Pevensey
EdmundRAF Air Sea Rescue Launch - 1:72 AIRFIX No. 5281
PhantomSulaireBillings 'Phantom' scale 1:15
JamesNBillings St.Roch Build Log
ottoHull - plank on frame or better plank on bulkhead ?
sidelinerPhantom New York Pilot Boat Model Shipways 1/8in = 1Ft
Kurt KonrathPhantom Restoration by Kurt
martijnonderwaterPilar, Constructo, 1:27 [COMPLETED BUILD]
PhiladelphiaJohnRGunboat Philadelphia (Model Shipways; 1:24)Page 2
donfarrM/S Gun Boat Philadelphia [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
fj3131030Make HMS enterprise 1:48 CAFmodelPage 2
Phoenecian Trading BoatsPT-2Ancient Phoenecian Trading Boats - Build log by PT-2Page 3
PhoenixpaulbAnother Brigantine Phoenix by Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Short John BronzeBrigantine Phoenix
paulbBrigantine Phoenix - Master Korabel - 1:72
Sergey PobozhyBrigantine Phoenix (Master Korabel 1/72)Page 2
moreplovacBrigantine Phoenix, by Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 25
moreplovacBrigantine Phoenix, Master Korabel, by moreplovac
AlgirdasPlastic sailsPage 2
AlgirdasPlastic sails - Brigantine Phoenix [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Picket BoatmrshanksUSN Civil War Picket Boat
a49kidUSN Picket Boat - Model Shipways 1:24 Scale - a49kid - Wayne
PicklemaltbyguyCaldercraft H.M.Schooner Pickle [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
mtbediz1HMS Pickle 1800Page 9
Picotboat man toobit off more than i can chew
PicoteeJack JägerK63 HMS Picotee 1941 1/48 scale early short forecastle Flower Class CorvettePage 9
Piet HeinMarquiniusD805 Piet Hein, ex HMS Serapis, WW2 S class destroyerPage 5
Pilot BoatDevildocBuild Log: Virginia Swift Pilot Boat 1805
Pilot boatRoyHeitPilot boat
Pilot BoatCaptginoPilot Boat by Captgino - Constructo
PinasAb HovingA 17th century Dutch armed trader – scratch built from card [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
pingu57Cross-section of a 17th-century Pinas by PeterPage 10
matthiasnobackDesigning a kit - 17th Century Pinas Cross-Section (Kolderstok) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Pinco LigureRoberto70Pinco Ligure
PinkyJavier BaronPinky Schooner 1:125
stevenPinky Schooner by Model Shipways
Pinnancecolin100Panart HMS Victory Pinnance
PintaMontenegro"La Pinta" Carabela de Colón !!
ConsNZBuild Log Artesania Latina "La Pinta" - [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
Tim from AdelaideBuild Log for La Pinta
shipphotographer.comCaravella PINTA (1492) - Amati - scale 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Bosco45Caravelle la Pinta
José RuestaLA PINTA , my version esc 1:50 (Completed)
IevgueniLa Pinta 1/75 by Heller
Mike41Pinta 1492 by Mike 41 – 1:32 scale CaravelPage 8
lakedaisyPinta Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Igor TatarenkovPINTA for a friend [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Igor TatarenkovPinta, on a friend's birthday [COMPLETED BUILD]
Piorunwieslaw_Polish destroyer ORP "Piorun" 1/200 - paper and 3D print
PiranhaStevedownunderRC Cabin cruiser
Pirate ShipCaptainRicGarcesAmati Adventure :: Pirate Sloop :: 1/60 :: First Build
syhobbsAmati Pirate Junk Build Log
almoiseyBuccaneer Pirate Ship from OCCREPage 3
dgiossiBuild Log Revell 1/72 Pirate Ship
eric67Cardboard Pirate Ship
JohnRChinese Pirate Junk (Amati; 1:100) - 2nd BuildPage 2
Peter GuttermanMidwest Models "skipjack Pirate"
RichiePirate Ship
MurphRevell 1/72 Scale Pirate Ship
modlerbobRevell 1/72 scale pirate ship
Pirate shipwreckJohn ReidShipwreck on the beach.Page 2
John ReidShipwreck on the Beach.Page 2
PisternemiMHoMV PISTERNIEMI - a wooden pleasure craft from 1938Page 2
Plank Board ShipNa Daeyong's ApprenticeThe Mighty Panokseon (Plank Board Ship)Page 2
PlymouthramonolivenzaHMY PLYMOUTH. YACHT renamed "Poca Sangre"
threebsUSS Plymouth 1844 Sloop of War [COMPLETED BUILD]
Poca SangreramonolivenzaHMY PLYMOUTH, renamed "POCA SANGRE"Page 4
Pojamarichie incidentSwedish Pojama (1770)
PolarisMikkoBuild Log: OcCre Polaris - first build ever
XmtrdudeFirst Build - Polaris by OcCre, 1:50 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
MinalanOccre - Polaris 12007. First time builder.
mapooOccre Polaris already halfway done [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Zzyzx01Polaris (Occre) by Zzyzx01Page 2
Marty HopeyPolaris by Occre - First buildPage 3
RedlibrarianPolaris by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]
TheDonMIPolaris sailing ship--OcCre
Polotsksideliner"Polotsk" Schooner 1:72 Master Korabel
PoltavaMr.DeepPoltava - Russian 54-gun sailing battleship of the 4th rank - in scale 1:72Page 2
Port JacksonBringoPort Jackson 1803 - by BringoPage 4
Port Jackson Schoonerpeter6172Build Log: Colonial Schooner PORT JACKSON
ToleoluBuild Log: Port Jackson SchoonerPage 5
Rossc83First build, Modellers Shipyard Schooner for Port Jackson
LawriePort Jackson Schooner
RichiePort Jackson Schooner - First BuildPage 2
PoseidonAussie048Triton Poseidon Cross Section POF Scale 1:48Page 2
PospeshniyDemetriPospeshniy 1845, russian tender 19th-ShipWorks
PostiljonAb HovingPostiljon, a Dutch frigate (1661-1678)Page 3
Pot Belly StoveshipbuilderPot Belly Stove
PotemkinBluemaxoneKniaz Potemkin Tavrecevski 1905
Kosmonaut22Pre-Dreadnought Battleship 'Potemkin' (1900) in 1/100Page 2
PotosishipbuilderPotosi - German five-masted barque
PramVirtakuonoModel Shipways Norwegian sailing pram
BruceIvesModel Shipways Pram
Big EnusModel Shipways Sailing Pram
EdwardZModel Shipways, Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 Scale
priority_aces1Newb builds a Norwegian Sailing Pram, Phase 2 of the learning process! [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
RoscoeNorwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 by Roscoe [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
RoscoeNorwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 by Roscoe Build logPage 3
Rob444Norwegian Sailing Pram from Model Expo
Rob444Norwegian Sailing Pram from Model Shipways Building LogPage 3
PremudaDidaPassenger motor ship "Premuda"Page 3
PresidentJ w rogersMantua Sergal President frigate 1:60 build log.Page 5
XmtrdudeMantua/Sergal President MA792 1:60
Ondras71President - Sergal - Art. 792
PreussenshipbuilderThe ultimate sailing ship model
Pride of BaltimoreJerryToddBaltimore Clipper Schooner Pride of Baltimore 1981 (1:20 scale radio-controlled sailing model)Page 2
SloopJohnBPride of Baltimore II 1:24 scale scratch build
David LesterPride of Baltimore II by David Lester - Model Shipways, 1:64 scalePage 3
JDS73Prins Willem V.O.C 1651 from Corel.Page 5
Pride of Baltimore IIBrewerpaulBuild log; Pride of Baltimore II, Model Shipways
PrinceBroadsidesAirfix H.M.S. Prince c.1670 -Trilogy Finale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
neptuneGeneric model of The Prince scratch built from plans by Amati, built by neptune.
BroadsidesH.M.S. Prince c.1670 -Completing The Airfix TrilogyPage 2
BroadsidesH.M.S. Prince c.1670 -Completing The Airfix Trilogy/ Part Two
BroadsidesH.M.S. Prince c.1670 -Completing The Airfix Trilogy/Part Three
yancovitchHms Prince
VpirozziHMS Prince - Amati 1:64 by Vince P. Original 1978 VersionPage 5
Webber007HMS Prince 1670 1:48Page 9
CRI-CRIHMS Prince 1670 Constructo 1/64 (2018)
Wilhelm ThümlerHMS Prince in scale 1/600
Michele PadoanHMS PRINCE scala 1:60
mariumHMS PRINCE. Basata sui piani di costruzione Amati.Page 2
Prince de NeufchatelDicasConstructo Prince de Neufchâtel - My first experiment in POF
DicasConstructo Prince de Neufchâtel - My first POB shipPage 3
tommygPrince de Neufchatel
Prins van OranjeBaco60 gun frigate Prins van Oranje
Prins WillemMirek77Prins Willem
André de R.Prins Willem, a VOC spiegelretourshipPage 3
Steef66VOC ship The Prins Willem (scale 1:75) Year 1651Page 49
Printz FriderichkallibootPRINTZ FRIDERICH (1761 - 1780) - danish 70-gun Ship of the Line - 1:48 by Karl I. Malcha
Printz FriedrichUwekPRINTZ FRIDERICH (1761 - 1780) - danish 70-gun Ship of the Line - 1:48 by Karl I. MalchaPage 17
Prison HulkshipbuilderPrison Hulk Diorama
PrivateerGilles Korent18th century Privateer - POF - 1:48 (1/4-inch) scalePage 2
Proud MaryLlaut MallorquinPROUD MARY
ProvincienHermanDE 7 PROVINCIËN (1665) 1:50Page 36
PT 109modlerbobOld Revell 1963 PT 109
EdmundREVELL's 1/72 - PT 109
PT 588EdmundREVELL's 1/72 - PT 588Page 2
PT BoatMOGDumas PT Boat (PT105) 1:30 scale by MOG [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
PuritanSeastreet"Puritan" Mamoli 1:50Page 2

Back to Top


QE2ChrisSC1/450 Gunze Sanygo QE2Page 2
BeauQE2 1/450 Gunze Sangyo
designckQueen Elizabeth 2 finished just in time to pay tribute to her namesake
QueenHobbysrfunThe Queen
Queen AnneJpR62Queen Anne Barge - Syren Ship Model - 1:24Page 5
Peter GuttermanQueen Anne Royal Barge Syren Models
Queen ElizabethPeterairfixAirfix 1 /600 rms queen Elizabeth
ChrisSCAirfix 1/600 RMS Queen Elizabeth by ChrisSCPage 3
Queen Elizabeth 2ChrisSCAirfix 1/600 RMS Queen Elizabeth 2
Queen MaryCommanderChuffQueen Mary - modelled model
PeterairfixRevell 1/570 Queen Mary
Navy51RMS Queen Mary - Scale 1/570
JhoanorRMS Queen Mary (Scale 1:1250)
Queen Mary 2ChrisSC1/600 Queen Mary 2
Queen of ThanetAginvictaHMS Queen of Thanet-1/700-AJM Models
Queen of the IslesmodlerbobMS Queen of the Isles Ferry GB, 1965 1:250

Back to Top


RabeloJosé RuestaRABELO DE OPORTO, Scratch, Scale 1:60 (Complete build)
RacehorseSylvainBLHms Race Horse - Kit Sergal - 1/47th scale
RadfordmodlerbobTamiya 1:350 scale Fletcher class destroyer USS Radford
RaftBierSchluckerMy adventure raft is now on YouTube
BierSchluckerMy third project
José RuestaTANGAROA RAFT, scale 1:50, Scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]
Ragusian Carrackjack.aubreyRagusian Carrack by jack.aubrey - Marisstella - 1:59 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
shipphotographer.comRagusian Carrack XVI c (MarisStella) - Scale 1:59 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
s.solajicRagusian Carrack, 15-16th century, Restoration / reconstructionPage 2
Ragusian CogChakotayBuild Log: MarisStella Ragusian CogPage 6
BluebeardMarisstella Cog 1:48Page 10
Ragusian GalleyDonRobinsonRagusian Galley by Don Robinson - MarisStellaPage 5
RainbowmojaveFirst Build: Amati Rainbow (J-Class)
CBeetsmaRainbow 1935
Barry1Rainbow J Class 1934 America’s Cup Defender - Amati - 1:80 Scale by Barry1Page 2
JKvalvaagRainbow, J-Class America's Cup 1934 - Amati - 1:80, by JKvalvaag
EdwardZShe is over 2 feet tall. Will she TIP OVER in the water? Amati J-Class Rainbow Plastic Hull 1:80
RamilliesMenneHMS Ramillies, 1:500 scale.Page 2
Ramon de LarrinagashipbuilderBuilding a Motor Tramp (Video)
Rangeley BoatPete LeachRangeley Boat
RattlesnakeTKAMBuild log: USS RattlesnakePage 15
PGNModel Shipways Massachusetts Privateer RattlesnakePage 20
MOGModel shipways Privateer Rattlesnake 1:64 POB by MOGPage 3
CurtisWModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE 1:64 POB by CurtisWPage 2
CurtisWModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE 1:64 POB by CurtisW
STGCSModel Shipways RATTLESNAKE Build LogPage 3
paulbMy Build Log of the Model Shipways Privateer Rattlesnake
Big DMy build of Halcon Western Boat
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Rattlesnake
TiGGerDaveRattlesnake - Lumberyard
NorwayRattlesnake 1/48 - Harold M HahnPage 15
CaptginoRattlesnake 1780 - 1/4" scale (1/48) - Harold Hahn Method
guillermorRattlesnake by Harold Hahn 1/4´´
TKAMRattlesnake by Model Shipways
TKAMRattlesnake by MSPage 34
janosRattlesnake from Lumberyard timbering set
lakedaisyShipyard HMS Rattlesnake 1776 Scale 1:72Page 2
TKAMUSS RattlesnakePage 19
Scott TottenUSS Rattlesnake 1\64 scale Model Shipways versionPage 3
Reale De FranceIgor TatarenkovReale De France - Corel - 1:60Page 4
Igor TatarenkovReale De France - Corel - 1:60 by Igor Tatarenkov
Red DragonEdwardZArtesania Latina Red Dragon 1/60 Build Photo Montage Video (Build finished in 2020)
seadeepChinese Junk “Red Dragon” 紅龍
shipmodelmakerRed Dragon Artesania Latina
KorsanRed Dragon -Artesania Latina
KorsanRed Dragon-Artesania
DematosdgThe Red Dragon -Artesania Latina-Page 2
RedoubtableEttienneHeller 1/400 Redoubtable
Reine des FleursJosé Ruesta“Reine des Fleurs”, Villerville platte. Scratch build 1:40 [COMPLETED BUILD]
José RuestaReine des Fleurs, Villerville platte (Summary)
RenownCharles QCHMS Renown Billing Boats kit #604 (Build 2013
ResolutionKarenRESOLUTION 1667 1:48Page 4
RevengeDARIVS ARCHITECTVSBought the OcCre HMS Revenge on Sale at Model Expo HALF OFF.Page 2
mallacootaHMS Revenge 1577 by Amati , Victory Models [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
mallacootaHMS Revenge Amati Victory Series
frankiegHMS Revenge Occre buildPage 3
Jim NunnI told you soPage 2
RichieOccre - HMS Revenge 1577 - scale 1/85, 2nd build and whyPage 13
GravinaProgreso del Revenge de OccrePage 2
DenisRRevenge 1577Page 5
StargazerRevenge 1577 1/64 Victory Models/AmatiPage 6
Short John BronzeRevenge by OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
rafaminiaturesRevenge scale 1/350
rafaminiaturesRevenge scale 1/350
danielsjeVictory Models Kit Revenge 1577 Race Built Galleon scale 1/64Page 9
Revenue Cutter0Seahorse31-tonn revenue cutter (scratch & test model, 1:72 of Seahorse)
Rhode Islandvarifleman1/700 USS Rhode Island, HMS Monmouth, HMS Queen
Rice BoatHenry xBurmese rice boatPage 4
RitaalexandreBoat RITA 1/10ème
alexandreCreature from the black lagoon boat RITA
Riva AquaramaKenAmati Riva Aquarama by Ken [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
DPTrainerAmati Riva Aquarama for use on water.Page 5
BirdRiva Aquarama (Amati 1608)
mallacootaRiva Aquarama 1970 by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
mallacootaRiva Aquarama by Mallacoota
River BoatJampacv71River boat from Kentucky, the home of river boating.
River QueenWarbird99RIver Queen 1:80 Scale River boat Build Log
RiverboatkaikaluaModelo de barco de vapor de rueda trasera
RobbeStevolution2024Happy Hunter Salvage Tug Boat 1:50 (Robbe)Page 3
Robert E. LeeHammer55Amati Robert E Lee
Peter VoogtPaddle Steamer Robert E. Lee, scale 1:96, scratch build by the Alan L. Bates drawings [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
RocketRoger JStephenson’s Rocket occre
RodneyJockHMS RodneyPage 2
Roman BirememodelibrodovaFirst time scratch build - POB Birema romana - Mantua blueprints
Roman MerchantmanpolydocThird Century Roman Merchantman
Roman WarshipEdmundRoman Warship - Academy 1/72 scale
RopetfcobraHand made rope
Rose-en-SoleilMimileSteam launch "Rose-en-Soleil"Page 2
Roter LoweGlennRichMamoli - Roter LowePage 2
DSoldanoMamoli 1/93 USS Constitution Cross-SectionPage 2
ValmikiRoter Löwe - Red Lion - Mamoli 1:55 - Restoration by Valmiki [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Ondras71Roter Löwe 1597 by Ondras71 - scala 1/60Page 34
Roter Löwe - Red Lion - Restoration by ValmikiValmikiRoter Löwe - Red Lion - Restoration by ValmikiPage 3
Royal CarolineAnchor1/30 HMS Royal Caroline 1749 Build
modelshipbuilder651/30 HMS Royal Caroline BuildPage 30
ir3Choice of Royal Caroline KitsPage 2
LidongHMS Royal Caroline 1/30,My second ship
Sergey PobozhyHMS Royal Caroline 1/72
CRI-CRIHMS Royal Caroline 1749 Panart 1/48 (2016)
MaartenHMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30Page 68
Alex THMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30 (Following the Maarten's RC)Page 16
ElelidHMY Royal Caroline (1749) - 1/47 Panart
Jampacv71New project, first build log- Royal Yacht Caroline
Short John BronzePanart Royal Caroline
Jampacv71Royal Caroline
DolphinRoyal Caroline
PeterMRoyal Caroline
Mike DowlingRoyal Caroline - Mantua kit 1:47 - Mike Dowling's attempt!
Johny - BAROYAL CAROLINE - Panart 1:47
Luigi BalestrieriRoyal Caroline - scratch - 1:50
manning16Royal Caroline 1/30 build
NMBROOKRoyal Caroline 1/47 Panart bashed by NMBrookPage 3
MessisRoyal Caroline 1/47 Panart by Messis [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
PeglegregROYAL CAROLINE 1:30 by Zhl my version, by PeglegregPage 19
WarrLightRoyal Caroline 1:50 YuanQing/ZHL [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
JeronimoROYAL CAROLINE 1749 M: 1/48 by Jeronimo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
LologaditanoRoyal Caroline 1749, 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
neptuneRoyal Caroline Box wood edition 1/30 scale modified to fit carvings, build by neptune,Page 4
bandidoThe Royal Caroline / ZHLPage 3
PeglegregZHL 1:30, ROYAL CAROLINE; my version, by PeglegregPage 19
lauckstreetZHL Royal CarolinePage 6
neptuneZHL Royal Caroline Kit, scale 1/30Page 45
Royal ClipperpaulmodelRoyal Clipper
Royal GalleyramonolivenzaGALERA REAL de DON JUAN DE AUSTRIAPage 4
Royal GeorgeGeorge IRoyal George 1714 1:48Page 8
Royal JamesDave Stevens (Lumberyard)Royal James sloopPage 9
Royal LouisRob. T.1759 ROYAL LOUIS - HELLER 1/200
terrymamoli royal louis
martijnonderwaterMamoli Royal Louis 1780 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
terrymamoli royal louis scratch build
WojtasSRoyal Louis 1/200 HellerPage 3
xander898Royal Louis 1:90 Altaya
Rob. T.ROYAL LOUIS 1772 - Heller 1/200 scale.Page 2
nono318Royal Louis 1780 MamoliPage 8
Charles QCRoyal Louis 1780 Mamoli kit MV40 code 4006 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
terryroyal louis build log
martijnonderwaterRoyal Louise (Heller) [completed build]
martijnonderwaterRoyal Louise (Heller) [completed build]
Royal Navy Ship 3rd RateDocBlakeRoyal Navy Ship of the Line Cross Section by DocBlake - (Mamoli's "Constitution") - 1:93 scalePage 7
Royal SovereignBroadsidesAirfix ROYAL SOVEREIGN 1:168 -ModifiedPage 3
wadeAIRFIX Royal Sovereign build
Royal WilliamOlegMHMS Royal William 1719 1:55 by OlegMPage 35
KeithWHMS Royal William 1719, Euromodel, 1:72Page 4
neptuneRe: Royal William 1/48 scalePage 37
calt4Royal William , Scale 1:72 , Euromodel by Calt4Page 2
dadiROYAL WILLIAM 1:72 by Dadi
VpirozziRoyal William by Vince P. - Euromodel 1:78 Greatly Enhanced
DenisRRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Denis RPage 4
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Vince P.Page 14
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:72 by Vince P. -- FINISHEDPage 15
VpirozziRoyal William Euromodel 1:78 by Vince P.Page 5
KenRoyal William from a Euromodel kitPage 2
KenRoyal William, Euromodel, a retro logPage 3
Royal YachtJimskyCharles Royal Yacht, 1674, Scale 1:64, by Woody Joe (Japan)Page 22
RustyPawleyDumas "Rusty" Shrimp Boat

Back to Top


SacolevaJavier BaronSacoleva
SacramentoJosé RuestaPailebote "SACRAMENTO" 1821, First ship of the Peruvian fleet. Scratch, scale 1:75 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Sadi CarnotJavier BaronSadi Carnot, Dundée of Port-Louis
SageTony WThames Barge 'SAGE'
Sail BoatpolydocA 25' Sail Boat
SailboatCommanderChuffFolkestone Harbour pier - model of a model sailing boat
kevinocallNew member - built a scratch model sailboat - no plans - all eyeballed.
Sam ChanThe production process of the Macau fishing boat modelPage 2
Sailing BargescratchbuildUK East Coast sailing craft
scratchbuildUK Thames Sailing Barge (UK East Coast sailing craft)
Sailing PrammwromanModel Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram Build
HHIGNorwegian Sailing Pram
bimmerboyNorwegian Sailing Pram
bimmerboyNorwegian Sailing Pram
Saint AlbansUwekHMS Saint Albans (1764) - 64-guns - scale 1:72 - POB scratch built by Peter Bauer
FoxtrottSaint Albans 1687 in Navy Board Style - 1 : 48 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 16
Saint LouisBroadsidesAirfix 1:144 Scale Saint Louis c.1626 -The ModificationPage 3
Saint PatrickJosé Ruesta"Saint Patrick" Galway Hooker, scratch, 1:40 scale, [COMPLETED BUILD]
José RuestaSaint Patrick, Húicéir (irish) o Galway Hooker
Saint PhilippeCRI-CRIFrench war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 69
IterumSAINT PHILIPPE 1693 based on the Heller SR 1:92Page 2
CRI-CRISaint Philippe 1693 by Lemineur (Ancre ed) 1/72Page 2
IterumSAINT PHILIPPE 1693 in 1/64 PoB by IterumPage 6
CRI-CRISaint-Philipp Scale 1/72 (Plans Lemineur from A.N.C.R.E.) by CRI-CRI
NMBROOKSaint-Philippe 1693-POF to the Monograph by Jean-Claude Lemineur by NMBrook-1/36Page 34
CRI-CRISaint-Philippe by CRI-CRI scale 1/72 (Plans Lemineur /© A.N.C.R.E.)
SalamandreCAFmodelLa SalamandrePage 3
SampanHeinrichChinese Sampan 1:20 Scale Pear Wood Unicorn ModelsPage 3
IevgueniSampang 1/60 Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
IevgueniShampang 1/60 AmatiPage 2
San BartolomePathfinder65Nikitin San Bartolome 1584 A.D. (Kit #35)Page 54
JagpilotPavel Nikitin San BartolomePage 18
otsoaSan Bartolomé - Pavel Nikitin [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
sleepyfishSan Bartolome - Pavel Nikitin ship modelPage 3
John MaguireSan Bartolome - Port Ludlow
neilmSan Bartolome kit No. 00132 Build.Page 6
neilmSan Bartolome kit No. 00132 Build.
CAThompsonSan Bartolome kit# 104Page 2
lakedaisySan Bartolome, Pavel Nikitin 1:48
San Felipebandido1/50 scale San Felipe
fred 44le san philipe au 1/50
Dave TeelPanart / San Felipe
DonniePanart: San Felipe 1:75 Scale Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 41
Nogurosan felipe
ReneKSan FelipePage 5
roandadSan Felipe - ZHL
yancovitchsan felipe (yuanqing)+pear carvingsPage 2
ManFredSan Felipe (ZHL) 1:50Page 3
Jaroslav VAlouchSan Felipe 1:75 PanartPage 2
Johny - BASAN FELIPE 1:75 Panart
carlosysSan Felipe 1690 - PanartPage 3
Scott ShillingSan Felipe 1690 from ZHLPage 10
Pat71San felipe 1690 zhl kit 1:50Page 16
DarkNightSan Felipe Panart 1:75 DarkNight Build Log
Строев ВячеславSan Felipe. Француз 1696. 1:72. A.N.C.R.E.
George B.ZHL. SAN FELIPEPage 3
Flying22lowZHL-San Felipe 1690 Build Log 1:50 scalePage 6
San FranciscoAlexisgm97Artesania Latina's San Francisco Cross-Section Completed Build
MontenegroMi primer modelo "Galeón San Francisco" de Artesanía latina.
GaétanSail Installation
miguel92gomSan Francisco AL build logPage 5
LisaDouglasSan Francisco by AmatiPage 2
sidelinerSan Francisco cross section [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
NaramSan Francisco cross section Artesania latinaPage 2
GixliSan Francisco Cross Section by Artesania Latina 1/50
AdrySan Francisco cross section, by AdryPage 2
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
EdwardZSan Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]
San Francisco IICallMeKristyArtesania Latina San Francisco II
mtbediz1San Francisco IIPage 6
Umb80San Francisco II - Artesania Latina 1:90
Jeff TSan Francisco II Cross Section - AL 1:50 by JeffTPage 3
CallMeKristySan Francisco II, Artesania LatinaPage 2
CallMeKristySan Francisco II, Artesania Latina [Completed Build]Page 3
San Giovanni Battistashipphotographer.comMy first ship model - galleon San Giovanni Battista from patchwork of DeАgostiniPage 2
San IldefonsoshelkSan Ildefonso by shelkPage 2
San JuanMike ArrrA hull lot of work - San Juan Nepomuceno
Fish&ChipBuild log : San Juan Galleon XVIs - Artesiana Latina by Fish&ChipPage 2
Fish&ChipSan Juan Galleon XVIs - Artesiana Latina by Fish&ChipPage 2
julien from saint maloSan Juan Nepomuceno 1765 1/90 scale Artesania LatinaPage 4
Jaime RSan Juan Nepomuceno. 74c ship of the line 1766 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
EstisSan Juan Spanish Galleon by Artesania
Mike ArrrSpanish Galleon San Juan Nepomuceno
San Juan BautistafukuiSAN・JUAN・BAUTISTA - サン・ファン・バウティスタ Page 5
San MartinSotterSan Martin galleon - 1:192 scale - Navy board style
San MateoLorenzoGaleon San Mateo. Kit Constructo.
Roberto70Galleon San Matteo
San MiguelJScolumCaracca Atlantica Sao Miguel 1:54 Mamoli - restoration
San SalvadorCaptainSan Salvador
JosSan Salvador 1:100 Maritime Museum San Diego
SansonLlaut MallorquinSANSON [COMPLETED BUILD]
Santa AnaOlivers Historic ShipyardSanta Ana 1:84
paulv1958Santa Ana 1784 AL by PaulVPage 11
NMBROOKSanta Ana 1784-Artesania Latina-1/84 bashedPage 4
Santa Catarina do Monte SinaiRob. T.SANTA CATARINA DO MONTE SINAI - PYRO 1:144 SCALE.Page 2
Rob. T.SANTA CATARINA DO MONTE SINAI 1520 - 1/144 Scale Pyro (Modified)
Santa LeocadiaBigKeith95Shipyard 1/96 Santa Leocadia paper model buildPage 2
Santa LuciaSulairePanart Santa Lucia, Sicilian cargo boat
SulairePanart Santa Lucia, Sicilian cargo boat 1/30 scalePage 2
tommygSanta Lucia
SulaireSanta Lucia - Panart, Sicilian cargo boat 1/30 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Fred P.Santa Lucia - Sicilian Leudo - 1:30 - Panart kit by Fred P. with improvement
Santa MariaMontenegro"Nao Santa María" 1492
Pavel Nikitin"Santa Maria" 1492 a.d. Kit from "Ships by Pavel Nikitin"Page 5
ConsNZAL< Santa Maria - still to be finished.
ray111Build Log: Santa Maria Mamoli 1:60 by ray111
moreplovacColumbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta, kit by Amati... [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
Craig CFollow up to Santa Marie
epicdoomLatina 1/65 Carabela Santa Maria build logPage 2
Bosco45Santa Maria
mtbediz1Santa Maria
SylvainBLSanta Maria - kit Mantua -1/50ème
zoly99saskSanta Maria - Mantua - scale 1:50 modified kit semi scratchPage 13
zoly99saskSanta Maria - Mantua - scale 1:50 modified kit semi scratch and dioramaPage 21
CzesiekSanta Maria 1/75, Heller [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
ShipmodelIdeasSanta Maria 1:65 based on Amati kitPage 3
PtèrSanta Maria 1492 - Artesania Latina - scale 1:65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Tony1955Santa Maria by Amati
Short John BronzeSanta Maria by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]
piter56Santa Maria M 1:50Page 3
GusarSanta Maria Nao - 1:100
Craig CSanta Maria produced by Pavel NikitinPage 5
mtbediz1Santa Maria, Mantua 1:50Page 4
Dave boatswainSanta Maria, Scale 1:250Page 2
GAStanSantiago de Compostela-Disar Model 1:72Page 8
SgtmikSpanish Caravel Santa Maria Amati 1:200 ScalePage 2
rtibbsSPEEL-JACHT 1640 - Kolderstok 1:50 ScalePage 7
Alex RSsepping's round stern
Santa MariaD]GusarSanta Maria as a Nao 1:100 (anatomy of the ship book) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Santiago de CompostelaMike41Santiago De Compostela 1540 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
pauloportuguesSpanish Galleon Santiago de Compostela scale 1/72
Santisima TrinidadNMBROOKArtesania Latina Santisima Trinidad 1/84Page 8
RobertkBuild log: Art Lat Trinidad
Alan ClarkBuild Log: Santisima Trinidad (Occre 1:90 Scale Kit)Page 9
ValgaavBuild Log: Santisima Trinidad / OcCre kitPage 2
BeekyBuilt Model of the Santisima Trinidad
donlongDon's Santisima Trinidad by OcCrePage 11
jongr90Galleon: Santísima Trinidad (1751) 1:200
LibertoLa Santísima Trinidad 1797 / 1805Page 8
DonnieOcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log (Completed w/pics)Page 31
Jim LauserOcCre Santisima Trinidad Build with Reverse RiggingPage 3
DonnieSantisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log (Completed w/pics)Page 31
DonnieSantisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 32
jack.aubreySantìsima Trinidad (Cross Section) by Jack.Aubrey - De Agostini Partwork- Scale 1:90Page 6
MateuszGSantisima Trinidad / OcCre kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
shelkSantisima Trinidad [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 30
Billyboy47Santisima Trinidad 1:84 from Artesania LatinaPage 2
IanGSantisima Trinidad 1:90 Occre
ubjsSantisima Trinidad 1:90, cross section, Occre
martijnonderwaterSantisima Trinidad Cross Section - OcCre
shelkSantisima Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
md1400csSantisima Trinidad cross section Occre - bashed [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
Kurt KonrathSantisima Trinidad Cross-Section 1:90 Kit BuildPage 9
dj56Santisima Trinidad Occre 1/90 scalePage 8
AnguirelSantissima Trinidade 1:90 Scale OcCrePage 5
smellySmelly,s Santisima Trinidad Occre 1:90Page 5
smellySmelly,s Santissima Trinidad Occre 1:90Page 3
Pat71Victory. Trinidad and wilhelm zu pferde.Page 4
Santísima TrinidadLorenzoNuestra Señora de la Santísima TrinidadPage 6
The Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 - Ocio Creativo - by PieroPage 2
sevishSantísima Trinidad by OCCRE [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
Sao Gabriel0SeahorseSao Gabriel 1/100 scratchPage 2
Säo MiguelCharles QCSäo Miguel XVI Century Armed Portugese Merchantman Kit Mamoli MV 21Page 2
SAR VesselsfourseasCanada Coast Guard SAR Vessels
Saturn VHoffyDragons 1/72 Saturn V Apollo 11 Delivery Vehihicle
SaucyPeterairfixRevell 1/72 flower class corvette uss saucy
PeterairfixRevell Flower class corvette use saucy
Saucy JackFenStrangerSaucy Jack - Barking Well Smack - Vanguard ModelsPage 3
SavannahNavy51N/S Savannah
SaveiroJavier BaronSaveiro perua
TheDonMISC-1 Class Submarine Chaser - 1/35 scale Dumas kit
SC -1 Sub ChaserLEGION 12Dumas SC -1 Sub Chaser 1/35Page 2
Scharnhorstboris279S.M.S. Scharnhorst 1/100 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Schifetto CarlofortinoIostoSchifetto CarlofortinoPage 3
IostoSchifetto Carlofortino - in scale 1:20Page 3
SchmackJavier BaronSchmack
SchnellbootMousemuffinsSchnellboot S-38/42 1:72 Fore Hobby
SchoonerAlessandroROMA1/60 scale RC model of a schooner, loosely based on a gunboat steamship from the second half of the 19th century.Page 13
MCPWilkA Schooner for Port Jackson, c.1803
Stuart LittleAmerican Schooner - scratch build.
MamasheeBanking Schooner
Alf in IowaFreelance gaff schooner yacht in the manner of America 1851
rtibbsPort Jackson Schooner-POF & POB kit by Miniature Arts in 1:36Page 2
DarrenRSchooner for Port Jackson 1/50 by Modeller's Shipyard
Stuart LittleScratch build of American schooner
ScientificIronrod60Build log; Scientific, Charles W. Morgan
Scottish MaidshipbuilderMy Last plank on frame model
RDN1954Scottish Maid Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
dvlp47Scottish Maid by Artesania Latina
Matthias1231Scottish Maid, Aberdeen 1839, 1/50, Artesania Latina
John RSOS Build Artesania Latina Scottish Maid 1839: Build Piper
Sea MaidGravmanCentury Sea Maid [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Sea of Galilee BoatVfordyceGalilee Boat 16” [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
VfordyceGalilee Boat kit from Scott Miller [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
VfordyceGalilee Boat, adaptation of kit from Scott Miller
LyleK1Sea of Galilee boat - 1:24 scalePage 3
GAStanSea of Galilee Boat-Scott Miller 26" [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
BluebeardThe Galilee Boat Circa 40-50 BC Scale 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
Sea SkiffGramanSea Skiff
Sea WitchchefharleySea witch
Alex RSepping's round stern
SeagullSeagull ShipwrightSEAGULL - POF in 1:48Page 3
Sebastion GumaramonolivenzaSEBASTIÁN GUMÁ. Restore and clean
See Historical forumNormaasenHot rod made of wood. Static display
mrshanksModel Trailways Stagecoach
SeefalkeGijsbertSeefalke, Lappland, Scheelenkuhlen, 1:250 HMV
SeguinBluebeardModel Expo New "The Seguin" Stream TugboatPage 2
AnchormanSeguin Steam Tug by Bluejacket & Dumb Barge [COMPLETED BUILD]
RamzTugsSEGUIN TUGBOAT - About to Plank ...
SepSjokaptenPolish Submarine Sep
SequinPathfinder65Bluejacket Tug Seguin 1/4" scale
Pathfinder65Bluejacket Tug Sequin 1/4” scalePage 12
Electric TomSequin Tugboat
SerapisBradNSWHMS Serapis - Scratch Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
SestroretskIterumСестрорецк [Sestroretsk] Scratchbuild scale 1/64 Russ. torpedo boat 1894
SevastopolIterumOriel IRN SEVASTOPOL 1899 - Oriel
ShallopGuyHBuild Log: Capt. John Smith's shallop kit by Pavel Nikitin
KramerCapt. John Smith Shallop by Pavel Nikitin 1/32Page 2
tomspCapt. John Smith’s Shallop - finish
KramerCapt. John Smith's Shallop by Pavel Nikitin 1/32 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
GuyHCapt. John Smith's shallop kit by Pavel Nikitin [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
shipphotographer.comCaptain John Smith’s shallop (1608) - scale 1:32 - KIT made in UkrainePage 3
blickwerCaptain John Smith's Shallop by Pavel Nikitin - Build log
LuciusJohn Smith's ShallopPage 2
LuciusJohn Smith's Shallop [COMPLETED BUILD]
Shamrock VUlysse_bShamrock V in a bottle
SharkFrançoisModified shark 24 1/16 scale scratch build [COMPLETED BUILD]
SharpiePawley18 Inch SharpiePage 4
SparkySharpie Schooner by Midwest 1:32 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]
Sheer VesselDarrenRSheer Vessel of 1812, scratch built
Shelly FossJhueyShelly Foss by Dumas
Shenandoah2milimetraSHENANDOAH - American Cutter 1804
2milimetraSHENANDOAH CUTTER 1864
SherborneAntonio Fangueiro1:64 cutter SHERBORNE, 1763 [COMPLETED BUILD]
BradSGPBradSGP 1/64 HMS Sherbourne by Vanguard Models
ShineshipahoyHMS Shine from a Mantua kit
Ship in a bottleRpopeShip in a bottle
Ship Of The LineFelix ship builderShip Of The Line
Ship's BoatAllanKP69Building a Ship's BoatPage 4
Brian077CAF models ships boat kit.Page 2
KkonrathMaster Korabel Ships Boat
dantist sovereignMaster Shipbuilder Tender "Avos". Project from Russia 2021.
Matt KassebaumMatt Kassebaum H.M.S. Victory
JimmyShip's Boats Made with Pantyhose FabricPage 2
Dubz Modelling WorldTen-oared boat 25 feet, Scale 1:72 by FalconetPage 4
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSTiny Ship's Boat from Cheap Chinese Kit Super FAST Build Log
ShtandartAlexander74Imperial yacht " Shtandart"
SiJack JägerThe Fifie sailing drifter Si, (she),from the Vanguard Models kit, [Completed Build]Page 2
SicilyshipbuilderBuilding the brig Sicily - Slide show
shipbuilderCollier brig 1809 - 1875
SilboatCallMeKristySmall Sailboat, Unknown Manufacturer
Silent MaryBryantesSilent Mary - Scale: 1:98 by Bryantes - Mellpapa drawings
mellpapaSilent Mary by MellpapaPage 25
Sinar KumalaJosé RuestaIndonesian Pinisi SINAR KUMALA, scratch build, scale 1:75 (COMPLETED)
José RuestaIndonesian Pinisi SINAR KUMALA, scratch build, scale 1:75 [COMPLETED BUILD]
Sir GarethMarquiniusT227 Sir Gareth naval trawler 3D design and print
MarquiniusT227 Sir Gareth, round table class trawler, 1:48 scale, 3D print and scratch build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Sir GeraintDougalSir Geraint, from the Caldercraft Sir Kay
Sir KayJack JägerRound Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48Built from the Calder Craft kit Sir Kay [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10
Jack JägerSir Kay Round Table class Minesweeping Trawler 1942/45 Scale 1:48 .
SirenshipbuilderWool clipper Siren - of 1881
SirenaBilal ZEYBEKOĞLUSirena-58, Scale : 1/40, LOA : 46 cm, POB by Bilal
SiriusSeastreetSide-wheel steamer "Sirius"
SkiffBluebeardModel Expo "THE SKIFF", Scale 1"=1' [COMPLETED BUILD]
SkipjackDanno71Build Log: "Skipjack" by MidwestPage 3
Kurt KonrathMidwest Products SkipjackPage 3
glennb17Willie Bennett Skipjack circa '30s build log- warts and allPage 3
Sky DragonBierSchluckerFantasy airship "Sky Dragon"Page 2
Sky LanternmrshanksChinese Sky Lantern - 1:1 - Creatov
SloopDocBlakeGaff-Rigged Sloop, 1/4 Scale (3" = 1')Page 2
polydocHudson River Sloop First Effort
BluebeardLaughing Whale 1:12 Friendship Sloop
Alex BellingerOrnament models for the season.
SmackscratchbuildColchester Fishing Smack
Colin BColchester SmackPage 5
scratchbuildColchester Smack scratch build [COMPLETED BUILD]
scratchbuildColchester Smack scratch build update
Smit NederlandmodlerbobSmit Nederland by Modlerbob 1:200 scale Imai
SMS BeowulfLachezar DragostinovGerman coastal armored ship "SMS Beowulf", scale 1:250 [COMPLETED BUILD]
SnakeAlex RAlex R pictures of some previous builds
GrahamBuild Log: HMS SnakePage 9
JwebBuild log: HMS Surprise 1:48 based on a kit from ZHL
Alex RCaldercraft HMS Snake started 10 yrs ago- on dry dock again re-fitting
BenDHMS Snake - Caldercraft - 1:64 - by BenDPage 2
Tommy BowlerHMS Snake - Stays
GrahamHMS Snake (Caldercraft)
PanexpoguyHMS Snake Caldercraft Build LogPage 2
SnowberryIevgueniHMCS Snowberry 1/144 Revell
KenHMS Snowberry, Revell
SofalapaulbHeller 1/100 HMS Victory
paulbHeller 1/100 HMS Victory
South CarolinaSgt_BillSouth Carolina circa 1778
Sovereign of the Seasjuancho142Airfix Sovereign of the Seas 1:168Page 2
GKIPBuild Log - Sovereign of the Seas - DeAgostini Customised
likenewGlutton for punishment
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSHMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable BoundariesPage 114
GaryMMantua Sergal's Sovereign of SeasPage 10
janosMantua Sovereign of the Seas 1:78 bashed to death kit from JanosPage 9
lintonSergal Sovereign of the Seas. 1/78 Scale Kit Build.Page 3
BirdSovereign of the seas
MaartenSovereign of the SeasPage 3
VpirozziSovereign of the Seas - Mantua, Greatly Enhanced by Vince P. Kit Version 2008
oldflyerSovereign of the Seas - Sergal 1:78 (with hopefully many added details)Page 33
Nj0rdrSovereign of the Seas (Mantua) by Nj0rdrPage 11
SparrowSovereign Of The Seas 1:78Page 3
modelshipwrightSovereign of The Seas 1637 - Heavily modified Mantua kitPage 15
lintonSovereign of the Seas by Sergal - 1/78 Scale Kit Build.Page 8
VpirozziSovereign of the Seas Mantua 1:78 Greatly Enhanced - Vince P. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 11
VpirozziSovereign of the Seas Mantua 1:78 Greatly Enhanced - Vince P. FINISHEDPage 11
chriswiSovereign of the Seas- Mantua 1:78 scalePage 2
KOCHSovereign of the Seas Sergal 1:78 by Terry
WcnewbySovereign of the seas vintage model build.
MaartenSovereign of the Seas, a reconstructionPage 7
MaartenSovereign of the Seas, a reconstruction based on Sheldon O3 designPage 9
NMBROOKSovereign of the Seas-Deagostini Partwork-1/84 TOTALLY ReworkedPage 4
SoyajohngrHasegawa SOYA 1/350 - Antarctica Observation Ship - 1st CORPS
Spanish CocaMichiel de RuyterMedieval Spanish Coca - AMATI 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
SpeedyDST07Cutter Speedy 1/300
Jack JägerHM 14-gun brig sloop SPEEDY
Jack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit [Completed Build]Page 4
Jack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit [Completed Build]Page 4
Jack JägerHM Brig Sloop Speedy Vanguard Models kit.Page 3
shipphotographer.comHMS SPEEDY (1782) - MarisStella - Scale 1:48 - by ship photographer.comPage 2
Speeljacht0SeahorseSpeeljacht 1:50 (new project of "Seahorse")
SperonaraJavier BaronSperonara, maltese boat 1/150
SperwerKortesFriech Boeir Yacht "SPERWER" by Kortes -1:30 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 17
Spirit of BrisbaneGramanSpirit of Brisbane [COMPLETED BUILD]
SplitRolyJRM razarač SPLIT - Yugoslav frigate Split - by Roland Vlahovic
SprayNovaScotiaBuilderJoshua Slocum's Spray - Laughing Whale (BlueJacket) - Scale 3/8" to 1' [COMPLETED BUILD]
polydocSpray, the first boat sailed single handed around the world
The SailorThe Spray of Joshua Slocum - scale ?? - by The Sailor
José RuestaYatch "Spray" - scale 1:35 [COMPLETED BUILD]
St. Albansoleg153HMS St Albans (1687) model in scale 1:48Page 3
St. CanuteRichardTSt. Canute by Richard
St. CaterinaSchraderSt. Caterina by Schrader – Small Ship - 1/12 Monography by Franco Fissore - Plans by AncrePage 4
St. GabrielDragdoniusDeck boat St. Gabriel
shipphotographer.comMaster Korabel kit of Explorer Vitus Bering's vessel St. Gabriel (Scale 1:72)
LuciusSloop St. Gabriel 1728 Scale 1:72
AginvictaSt. Gabriel Master Korabel 1:72 scalePage 3
St. GildasNamabiiruGallic fishing boat St GildasPage 2
Pepite 1/60Soclaine Saint Gildas
St. HelenashipbuilderRMS St. Helena
St. John the BaptistbarbaSt. John the Baptist , DeAgostiniPage 3
St. LawrenceJohn ReidHMS ST. LawrencePage 5
St. RochSteven BBillings St Roch RCMP Arctic Patrol Boat 1/72Page 3
Panteg ModelsBillings St. Roch - 605 RCMP Arctic Patrol boatPage 4
DiggerBuild Log, RCMP St RochPage 2
AnchormanBuild Log: MV St. Roch - Billing Boats 605 1:72Page 2
JohnRBuild Log: Norwegian Sailing Pram - Model Shipways - 1:12 [COMPLETED BUILD]
BruceIvesBuild Log: RCMP St. Roch [COMPLETED BUILD]
CarlerooBuild Log: RCMP St. Roch [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
AnchormanMV St. Roch - Billing Boats 605 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DiggerRCMP St Roch - Build logPage 2
RogerDRCMP St. RochPage 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 3
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
RogerDRCMP St. Roch background and my finished build [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 2
EdwardZRCMP St. Roch Billing Boats BB605 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]
EdwardZRCMP St. Roch Billing Boats BB605 1:72 Build Log
CarlerooRCMP St. Roch, Billings BoatsPage 2
BruceIvesSt. Roch Bruce IvesPage 2
JohansenSt.Roch Billing boats by Johansen 1:72
Stadt von BremenJZDPrediStadt von Bremen- remade to Utrecht Statenjacht 1746 1/50Page 5
StagecoachmrshanksSanson Tug
StaghoundrwiederrichStaghound...Extreme clipper 1850 by rwiederrich 1/96Page 16
Star of IndiaDave TeelScratch build Star of India
Star Of IndiaDave TeelScratch built "Star Of India" By Dave Teel
Star of IndiaDave TeelStar of IndiaPage 2
Dave TeelStar of India, Scratch build
StatenjachtSchmidtDutch State Yacht by Billing Boats rebuiltPage 3
syhobbsDutch Statenjacht
syhobbsDutch Statenjacht
shipahoydutch statenjacht
JeronimoDUTCH STATENYACHT 1767 by JeronimoPage 6
Henry xDutch yacht ___Prince of orange____RestorationPage 2
rtibbsStatenjacht 1678-Kolderstok 1:50Page 9
syhobbsStatenjacht Completed Model
donfarrStatenjacht Utrecht by Dusek
Steam boatCarleroo1880s Nile Steamboat 1:32 scalePage 3
KoreetsSteam boat in 1:24 from Russian mfg Piroscaf.Page 10
Steam CutterKoreetsThe 26 feet steam cutter as of 1876- slightly modified kit from Russian mfg Piriscaf. 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Steam LaunchIterumRussian Steam Launch
MoxisSteam launch in 1/6 scale
Steam ShipkpkndAn early model
Stefano a MarisDonRobinsonBarque Stefano a MarisStella kit - by Don RobinsonPage 4
SterlyadIterumScratch 1/64 STERLYAD Russ. Gunboat 1855
Stern WheelerkaikaluaRear wheel river steamer - Esta vez es un Vapor de río de rueda trasera [COMPLETED BUILD]
SternwheelerSubmarinerblueCanadian Sternwheeler Completed
Steve IrwinFelix ship builderSea Shepherd "Steve Irwin"
StrohgbovLachezar DragostinovSteam tug STROHGBOV - 1:100 scale, own development.Page 2
SubmarineRossc83AE 2 Australian submarine 1913. (POB kit by Modellers Shipyard.)
OrsoTwo Swedish WW2 submarines
SultanDSoldano"Sultan" Arab Dhow
SultanaDudleyArtesania Latina 'Sultan'. Arab dhowPage 2
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)Colonial Schooner SultanaPage 12
Peter GuttermanModel Shipways "Sultana" satrted1966, finished 2006
msullyModel Shipways Sultana
DonnieModel Shipways Sultana Schooner Build LogPage 2
Jaroslav VAlouchSultan Arab Dhow 1:60 - Artesanía Latina
moreplovacSultana - Colonial Schooner, 1767 - by MS, Scale 1:64 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 19
Sailor_edSultana Schooner by Model Shipways
FrightSultana Steamboat (Robert E. Lee) by Lindberg 1:163 scale
Super Vitamikegr1/700 Super Vita
SuperbeFred P.Le Superbe - 1:75 - Mantua by Fred P. with improvementsPage 2
BmcmlaLego Titanic
SurpriseAwkwardBuild Log - HMS Surprise 1:75th Scale MamoliPage 2
Le CapitaineDeAgaostini/AL HMS SurprisePage 4
RegWH.M.S. Surprise by Artesania Latina - Build logPage 7
PapaRonnHMS Surprise - Mamoli 1:75 BuildPage 2
neptuneHMS Surprise 1/48 scale built by neptunePage 6
smonsmaHMS Surprise 1:48 (DeAgostini/AL)
Chris SayersHms Surprise 1:75 MamoliPage 3
MirekHMS Surprise 1769
fj3131030HMS Surprise 1801 1:72scale Shicheng Model [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
TKAMHMS Surprise by MamoliPage 22
LordKarstarkHMS Surprise by Mamoli - Build logPage 2
hipexecHMS Surprise Chinese kitPage 2
ratskissHMS Surprise, Artesania Latina 1/48
cloggerLt Thomas pullings, 1805, on deck of HMS ‘Surprise’
SusanpolydocSusan - A 30' Schooner
Dale WittSusan Constant which kit
SussexKarenHMS Sussex 1693Page 4
Vitaly MakhorskyHMS Sussex 1693 - 1:48 - based on Monographie from Gilbert McArdle [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
AndrisHMS Sussex Crosssection 1: 48
BirdSussex 1693 navy board modelPage 8
BirdSussex 1693 navy board model
SvaerdstadshipbuilderSlide Show For Building a Miniature Norwegian Barque
shipbuilderU Tube Build Log. Barque Svaerdstad
SwallowAlexander74Schooner "Swallow" Ласточка (Ru), 1:72 from AlexanderPage 2
Swan ClassstugloSwan Class – ¼” Scale - Stuglo [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 28
SwiftseadeepArtesania Latina "Swift - 1805" - 40th Anniversary of Purchase Build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
priority_aces1Artesania Latina SWIFT Virginia Pilot Boat/1805Page 3
ItsMatty123Artesenia Latina - Swift 1805 Build - First Wood Ship ModelPage 2
BobWillisBuild Log: Artesania Latina 1805 Swift Virginia Pilot Boat
SunstormerBuild log: Swift 1805 artesania latinaPage 2
DocBlakePilot Boat Swift - AL - 1:50 scale
TheBronzeDragonSwift 1805 - Artesania Latina - 1/50
Barry1Swift 1805 - Artesania Latina - 1/50 Scale by Barry1 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
buffieSwift 1805 (Art Latina)
SunstormerSwift 1805 Artesania latinaPage 2
CallMeKristySwift, Artesania Latina
DevildocVirginia Swift Pilot Boat 1805
SwordfishBig JakeSwordfish 1851 Restoration
SyrenTKAMBuild log: Syren by PassaroPage 5
rtibbsBuild log: U.S.S. monitor, Blue Jacket ship Models, 1:16
NovaStormBuild Log: US Brig Syren MS: # 2260Page 8
JLReevesModel Shipways - Syren
CaptginoModel Shipways Syren by CaptginoPage 2
AipearsonModel Shipways US Brig Syren
Robert SandefurModel Shipways USS Niagara 1/64Page 2
Will @ TrilogySyren 1803 (Model Shipways) 1:64, by Will @ TrilogyPage 3
RogerDSyren 1803 1:64 Model ShipwaysPage 39
JimDThe Brig Syren Completed 4 -22-23Page 2
MisterCAUS Brig Syren 1:64 Model Shipways
Charles QCUS Brig Syren 1803 Model Shipways MS 2260Page 2
TKAMUS Brig Syren by PassaroPage 6
NovaStormUS Brig Syren MS: # 2260 by NovaStormPage 9
TKAMUSS Syren, Model Shipways

Back to Top


TartanaJavier BaronTartana de Liguria, scale 1:200Page 3
TartaneJosé RuestaCHIOGGIOTTA TARTANE (1882)
José RuestaCHIOGGIOTTA TARTANE OR TARTANA from 1882), Scratch build, 1:50 Scale, [COMPLETED BUILD]
Tea ClippershipbuilderLook - No knots!
TecumsethDave Stevens (Lumberyard)Tecumseth 1815Page 15
TerpsichoreP&O PeteTerpsichore
Denis GailleTerpsichore 1818-1827 Greek armed schoonerPage 2
Terrorterencebuild the terror by terence 8-3-24
terencebuilding the terror
terenceBuilding the terror
MontenegroHMS TERROR
GlasetjHMS Terror
Peso PeteHMS Terror
JohncookHMS Terror
shipahoyHms Terror 1:65 Occre
Peso PeteHMS Terror 2023
JohncookHMS Terror by Johncook
gibby_74Hms TERROR by occre. My second wooden ship [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
John ReidHMS Terror Occre
LeftyMitch75HMS TERROR OCCRE. 12/23.
George B.Hms terror,almost done.
LeftyMitch75HMS Terror...first build.
KlamahaOCCRE Terror with little upgrade
John ReidTerror OcCre
TexasBluemaxoneUSS Texas (1892) PredreadnoughtPage 3
The Glory of CatherineMr.DeepThe Glory of Catherine, 66-gun sailing ship, by Mr.Deep [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
The Queen Anne´s RevengeAntonio FangueiroThe Queen Anne´s Revenge 1710, 1:64
The ShowGrandpaSchooner “ The Show”
The SmasherCaptginoThe Smasher, 42 pounder carronade
The WraithspacedHMS- As yet unamed, maybe The Wraith, or Harbinger not sure yet.Page 3
ThermopylaeJimmieBuild Log: Mantua Thermopylae 1:124 Scale
epicdoomMy 2nd Ship Build Restoration Help
Dave TeelScientific Thermopylae
ThetisRackSMS Thetis 1856 scale 1:48
Thomas A. EdisonPawleyScratch Built Thomas A. Edison Steamboat
ThornKevinkHMS Thorn. Scratch build Swan class following the books written by David Antscherl and Greg HerbertPage 9
Thundererpeter6172HMS THUNDERER - 1:48 CAF Bellona kitPage 2
Tim S DoolTJCampbellTim S Dool - 1/192 scratch build
Tirpitzpeterairfix"Pocket Battleship"1\2000 Tirpitz
TitanicWedgie011/200 RMS Titanic - Build LogPage 4
Builder 1001/200 Titanic
Beau1/200 Titanic hull paintedPage 5
DrKellog1/200 Trumpeter Titanic Arrives Yesterday!!!
AER33931/400 Academy Titanic buildPage 2
AER33931/400 RMS Titanic build completed
Mulberry1:350 Minicraft Titanic Wood Decks
DrKellogA few random pics 1/200 Titanic kit.
Eddie1966Acadamy Titanic with LED, wooden deck en PE
PeterairfixAcademy 1/400 RMS Titanic (Fully lit)
PeterairfixAcademy 1/400 titanic refurbishment completed
PeterairfixAirfix 1/400 RMS Titanic
peterairfixAmati 1\250 RMS TitanicPage 4
PeterairfixBillings boats titanic 1/144
Wedgie01Build Log - 1/200 RMS TitanicPage 3
grey wolfBuild Log, RMS Titanic Academy 1/400 (with added internals)
BMJones52Build Log: 1/200 Titanic (Trumpeter)
CcolvinBuild Log: Trumpeter 1:200 Scale RMS TitanicPage 2
ChrisSCFirst build Minicraft 1/350 Titanic (11320)Page 7
PeterairfixHachette /amati 1/250 titanic part work
peterairfixHachette build the Titanic
Samuraiwarrior1976Hachette Build the Titanic help
CurlymerlinHachette Titanic ( first version)
peterairfixHacttete build the Titanic 1\250 scale
dr.philMinicraft 1/350 Titanic video
PeterairfixMinicraft 1\350 RMS TitanicPage 2
GaryMR.M.S.Titanic by Billing'sPage 2
Felix ship builderRed Star Line...…TITANIC"
PeterairfixRefurbishing the academy 1/400 titanic
aurélien wolffRestauring a revell 1/570 titanic
SigEp ZiggyRevell 1/570 RMS Titanic built as the wreck discovered in 1986Page 2
Peso PeteRMS Titanic
torrezani21RMS TITANIC - SCALE 1/400 ACADEMY WITH LIGHTS * Update 01 *
WinnieRMS Titanic - Trumpeter 1/200Page 2
AtaminiRMS Titanic 1/200 Trumpeter
someCO_OLguyRMS Titanic 1:100
David LesterRMS Titanic Lifeboat by David Lester - Artesania Latina, 1:35 scale
KenRMS Titanic. Trumpeter
neptuneRoyal Caroline 1/30 Boxwood Edition by neptunePage 2
peterairfixSchreiber-Bogen 1\200 RMS TitanicPage 2
PeterairfixTitanic - Billing Boats 1/144Page 3
PeterairfixTitanic - Hachette by PeterairfxPage 2
dmaceTitanic 1/200 lights
BooboisieTitanic 1/350 MiniCraft Kit buildPage 11
Tom B.Titanic 1/350 Minicraft Model
Levent SuberkTitanic LifeboatPage 3
Levent SuberkTitanic Lifeboat [COMPLETED BUILD}Page 4
roger pech ayilTitanic Trumpeter 1/200 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
InkMotTitanic Trumpeter 1/200 by InkMotPage 2
PeterairfixTroopship Titanic a what if.
peterairfixTroopship Titanic a what if.
PeterairfixTrumpeter 1/200 RMS Titanic
mahenkeTrumpeter 1:200 TitanicPage 5
TjalkJavier BaronTjalk
SeastreetTjalk/Authentic Models Amsterdam
TjisadaneshipbuilderTjisadane, Dutch Passenger Liner
Tön 12WolleShrimp cutter "Tön 12"
TorborgVirtakuonoTorborg - Billing Boats 1:20Page 3
ToulonnaiseRufusCorel Toulonnaise Build LogPage 2
Toy BoatsLorenzosmall models
TrabaccoloKilroy1988Adriatic Trabaccolo by Amati
DonRobinsonMarisStella-Trabaccolo 1/32 scale by Don RobinsonPage 3
Javier BaronTrabaccolo, 1:185
Trade BoatZHLmodelMarmara Trade Boat 17‘’ 1:48 Unassembly Wood Model Ship Kit ,Deluxe version DisplayPage 2
TrainSignetOcre Adler Locomotive with Coaches, by Signet
TrawlerAncientmodellerNorth Sea Trawler - Revell 1:142
TrebuchetIGRScratch build Trebuchet
TrinksteindafiSMS Trinkstein by dafi - SOS - Stone on Soil - Flush deck frigate of the Austrian Mountain Navy 1:72
TritonUwekHMS Triton - Section - 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Sgt_BillHMS Triton Build LogPage 2
DocBlakeHMS Triton Cross Section by DocBlake - 1/24 scalePage 2
AnobiumPunctatumHMS Triton, 1771 - scale 1/36Page 2
AnobiumPunctatumHMS Triton, 1771 - scale 1/48Page 3
TrotamaresSparkyTrotamares 1:43 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
MousemuffinsType VII u-boat 1/56 Design in MDF and Card... wood I guess?
TrumpeterBig JakeLooking for Deadeye rings
PeterairfixTrumpeter 1/200 TitanicPage 2
Henk LiebreTrumpeter 1/200 Titanic from LiebrePage 4
TsernikiJavier Baron“Tserniki” of Mykonos
Javier Baron“Tserniki” of Mytilene with sprit sail
Javier Baron“Tserniki” with gunter rig
TsernikoperamaJavier BaronTsernikoperama
TugAndyA36' TugboatPage 2
bkempinsAmerican Civil War era Tug Boat circa 1863 - [COMPLETED BUILD]
KenAnteo Harbour Tug. Panart [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
DgrahamAnteo Tug Boat- Kit build by Panart Italian version.
bwmarksbmcsCanadian "Ville Class" Tug
badras-khaninteresting to see
EdmundRevell's Harbour Tug in 1:108 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
William and IngerScratch-built generic tug.Page 2
RamzTugsSeguin Tug; BlueJacket Shipcrafters - WIP (1st thread, ever 02/07/2023 )
GrandpaVille Class Tugboat
JeroenWorld of Paperships newest paper model: 3 New York tugboats scale 1: 250
Turgut ReisOktay YaylacıkoralTURGUT REİS ZIRHLISI (BATTLESHIP) 1890 ( SMS Weißenburg 1890) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Turkish Marmaradakyzw心随帆动,一起远航——土耳其马尔马拉贸易船
Turtle ShipTB2Bushnell’s Turtle (1776)
MousemuffinsBushnell’s Turtle. Revolutionary war submersible. 1:35 3D design and printPage 5
DematosdgGeobukseon -- Turtle ship --
DematosdgGeobukseon Known as Turtle ship (a Korean battle ship)Page 11
DematosdgGeobukseon Known as Turtle ship (a Korean battleship) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 12
wim500Korean Turtle War Ship - Young Modeler - 1/65 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
TuscaloosashipbuilderCSS Tuscaloosa
Twelve ApostlesWalteroneLaunch of the ship "Twelve Apostles" in 1:48, Master Korabel [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
TygreIterumHMS TYGRE IIIb - Trial of conversion in 1:100
TyphoonEttienneHobby Boss 1/700 Typhoon Submarine - Completed

Back to Top


U Boatfred 44kiosque u boot au 1/38.andréa model.
marter1229Submarine spotted!
U lisesa49kidUlises Tugboat 1:30 by OcCre - a49kid – Wayne
U-2540Swabbie1/144 XXI U-2540 Submarine. Another one?!Page 4
IevgueniU-2540 German submarine type XXI
U-552Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48Page 8
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 14
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 14
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 14
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 13
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 12
Henk LiebreConstruction U-552 Type VIIc Trumpeter 1:48 [ COMPLETED BUILD ]Page 12
Iain CTrumpeter 1/48 DKM U-Boat Type VIIC U-552 Full Build and DioramaPage 4
Jim LauserTrumpeter DKM U-Boat Type VIIC U-552Page 4
U-81OrsoU-81, U-boot Type VIIC from Revellortfolio
U-96FuzznogginTrumpeter 1:48 U-Boat Completed build as U-96Page 2
FuzznogginTrumpeter 1:48 U-Boat Completed build as U-96Page 2
FuzznogginTrumpeter 1:48 U-Boat Completed build as U-96Page 2
UFOJim JJust for Fun - A Ship of a different color.Page 3
UlisesTheDonMII don't like :ghost boats"
TheDonMIMy take on the OcCre Ulises tugboatPage 3
MisterCATug Ulises OcCre (Completed)
Bill L-CUlises - Occre by Bill CPage 6
paulv1958Ulises Steam Tugboat, by Occre Scale 1:30Page 4
Vince samUlises tug boat [COMPLETED BUILD]
CarlerooUlisses by Occre
MousemuffinsUnicorn models 1/160 HMS ENTERPRISE 1774 Stern section
UnicornTony HCorel HMS Unicorn - 1/75 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
MaximeHMS Unicorn 1748
rtwpsom2Unicorn 1/48th scale Bonhomme Richard (Swiss Pear)Page 4
UnitéLuiz B. F. GrassiL'Unité - 1:48 - French Frigate - 1794 - under buildPage 5
United StatesthreebsFrigate USS United States 1789 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
Navy51Revell 1/600 scale ss United States
threebsUSS United States 1798
UnknownGraman28ft Hacker from the 20’s
itwblueyAncient Weapons
JanFChris Craft 1938 Triple Cockpit Barrelback
BradNSWInput on next build
popeye46need help
EdwardZOcCre San Francisco Cable Car 1:24 [Full Build Video]
kohlndkScratch build
BillkentScratch for a beginner
kpkndSmall scratch built ship finished
Un-namedAb HovingShip in troublePage 4
GuzzijohnWrong forum??
UraniaBacoCorvette Urania 1830
BacoTraining ship Urania
USS Constitution Cross Section - Model Shipways MS20245 - 1:76 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Jeff TUSS Constitution Cross Section - Model Shipways MS20245 - 1:76 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
UvalenNamabiiruBuild Log: Falconet 1:48 Imperial Yacht UvalenPage 2
WalteroneImperial yacht Uvalen by Falconet in 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 10

Back to Top


VanguardMcNemo1:64 Vanguard H.M Cutter Alert - My first wood build
Kamil's dockyardAnother Amati HMS Vanguard
SnowyBuild log hms vanguardPage 2
Antonio LucentiH.M.S. Vanguard 1787 - Amati - 1:72 scale by ALucentiPage 4
WinterHMS Vanguard - Amati - scale 1:72 - FotoPage 11
aewHMS Vanguard - Victory Models by AEW
aewHMS Vanguard 1787 - Victory Models - 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 9
SnowyHms Vanguard 1787 1:72 - Victory Models/AmatiPage 13
ChestcutterHMS Vanguard 1787 1:72 a Victory Models kitPage 16
ADoyonHMS Vanguard 1787 1:72 scale by ADoyon - First BuildPage 13
Varca ri conzuJavier BaronVarca ri conzu
Dave TeelVasa by David Teel
VarinoJavier BaronVarino
VariousshipbuilderA Facebook Backwater of Model Shipbuilding
rickbA Few of my models.
tonyvou13A few of my projects
alexandreall my models
Peter GuttermanCameo models
Wilhelm ThümlerFive-master
Tony1955four more for the gallery
mikegrFRAM IIIPage 3
IsmaeleHere are some of my works
dmt50000Igor Zaharenko models
Angel60Kit's Collection from Angel60
dpcdvmModel Expo Shipright Series
El Capimy builds over 60 years of wooden kits and with plastic.
Jack SparrowMy completed ship models
JohncookMy fleet so far
DolphinMy hallway with the ships I builtPage 2
José RuestaMy Models summary
Wilhelm ThümlerNew Paper Models 1/1250
yancovitchOlder models
Ghostly-SailorORCA & Rita (Creature from Black Lagoon Boat)
Wilhelm ThümlerPaper models in scale 1/1250
jimkrauzlisPaper Ship Models in 1/600 scale
Ciciak35Pirate ship Revell 1/72, H.M.S. Victory Revell and Cuty Shark - all my older plastic production
TadeuszPresentations " How it was built"
Peter GuttermanRainbow ,Endeavour, Shamrock from Amati kits
Angel60Scratch/plans Collection by Angel60
shipbuilderSome of my model shipsPage 6
SandekusSome of my models
Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)state of the art model ship buildingPage 3
Various MiniaturesneptuneJust for Bob.
shipbuilderSimple Drawing
VeerschuitjeSeastreetVeerschuitje (ferryboat)/Authentic Models Amsterdam
VelocitasmartijnonderwaterRestoring the yacht Velocitas
Venezianadooder85Polacca Veneziana del 1750 1/150 scale
richie incidentVeneziano Galleazza 1650
VictoriaJoao FradeNao Victoria
Victorian HearseTony1955Model Trailways Victorian Hearse
VictoryStevedownunder1/100 Heller HMS Victory by StevedownunderPage 2
bismarck1/180 scale airfix victoryPage 2
PeterairfixAirfix 1/180 HMS Victory
mallacootaAmati Victory Model HMS Revenge 1577
Peter Ranother Heller VictoryPage 3
neilmArtesania HMS Victory cross section build.
AlanOESArtesania Latina Anatomy of Lord Nelson’s HMS Victory 1805Page 3
RmazdraArtesania Latina HMS Victory (1765)
JagpilotArtesania Latina HMS Victory Cross Section
tfcobraBlocks-Scratch building.
PeterGBuild Log - HMS Victory - Caldercraft-Jotika - 1/72Page 4
Steve BeckleyBuild Log HMS Victory Constructo 1:94
paulbBuild Log of My Heller 1/100 HMS Victory
StefandeGoedeBuild Log: HMS Victory - Panart art. 738Page 2
Denzil BazleyBuild Log: HMS Victory (de Agostini)
IsmaeleBuild Log: Mantua Panart HMS Victory 1:78
terencebuild the Victory 1: 100 (delPrado) week by weekPage 3
Tony HCaldercraft HMS Victory 1:72 TonyHPage 4
GregWCaldercraft Hms Victory- Build LogPage 2
traumadocCaldercraft Victory Build LogPage 8
GuzzijohnCLIFFS VICTORY Great Lakes bulk cargo carrier(Oar Boat)
PatrickConstructo HMS Victory
modlerbobConstructo topsail schooner Virginia
Dave TeelCorel H.M.S. Victory
EdwardZCorel HMS Victory Cross Section 1:98 Scale [Full Build Video]
peterairfixD’Agostini build HMS Victory
WalteroneDagmar, Russian Imperial steam boat by Falkonet, 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
IGRDeAgostini HMS Victory
MikeYDeAgostini HMS Victory build by Mike Y
neptuneDeAgostini Sovereign of the Sea's 1/84 scale, by neptunePage 2
oldstampmanDeagostini Victory Cross SectionPage 2
PeterairfixDelprado build the hms victory
BazzgGluePage 2
rdluceH.M.S. Victory Bow Section Panart 1:78Page 2
team118H.M.S. Victory by Caldercraft - Build LogPage 23
Wooden Ship CraftsH.M.S. Victory Constructo - by Wooden Ship CraftsPage 8
Wooden Ship CraftsH.M.S. Victory Constructo Build Log - by Wooden Ship CraftsPage 6
martijnonderwaterH.M.S. Victory cross section by Corel [COMPLETED BUILD]
paulmodelH.M.S. VICTORY open deck view
paulbHeller 1/100 HMS Victory
peterairfixHeller 1\100 HMS Victory
Kevin the LubberHeller Victory 1:100 with resin printed enhancementsPage 3
Alan SmithHeller Victory Quarter Gallery Missing
ChelseafanHMS VictoryPage 2
DbarHMS Victory
MoareinHMS Victory - 1/100 Heller [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 15
Ajmitch51HMS Victory - 1:98 scale. Mantua ModelPage 4
Mark FrazierHMS Victory - by Mantua Sergal - 1:78 scalePage 7
StratomonkeyHMS Victory - Caldercraft / JoTiKa 1/72 Scale - First proper wood ship buildPage 3
paulv1958HMS Victory - CalderCraft 1:72Page 7
PeterGHMS Victory - Caldercraft-Jotika - 1/72. Build logPage 9
Steve BeckleyHMS Victory - Constructo 1:94 by Steve Beckley
Pale riderHms Victory - Constructo by Pale riderPage 2
uncchainsHMS Victory - Corel - Cross sectionPage 2
jopeHms Victory - Heller 1/100 by tjoenp Finland [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
Larry AmatoHMS Victory - Heller by LarryPage 2
DbarHMS Victory - Mamoli in scale 1:90
RhoadesyHMS Victory - Mamoli, Scale 1:90, by RhoadesyPage 2
John buildsHMS VICTORY - My YouTube channelPage 3
MudlarkHMS Victory - Scale 1:100 by DelPrado -Build Log
RmazdraHMS Victory (1765) - Artesania Latina [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
JonBHMS Victory (POB)Page 2
serikoffHMS Victory [1805] 1:79 by serikoff. Started with Mantua -> Upgraded with John McKay's Anatomy.Page 26
arntoshms Victory 1/100
arntoshms victory 1/100
BazzgHms victory 1/200 Build
BazzgHms Victory 1/200 Mantuna Build
BazzgHms Victory 1/200 Mantuna Build, Planking
nick-edwHMS Victory 1/72 CaldercraftPage 4
IoannisKHMS Victory 1/96 by ShipyardPage 2
BazzgHms Victory 1/96 on Shipyard
NietslimHms Victory 1:200 midsection (Nidale) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
John ReidHMS Victory 1:72 Diorama build.Page 2
IsmaeleHMS Victory 1:78 by Mantua ,Panart - Build logPage 4
RZ FlyerHMS Victory 1:78 by RZ Flyer
paullippoHMS Victory 1:78 scale scratch built from Mantua plans
cvvergaraHMS Victory 1:90 build log (mamoli)Page 2
ParagrafHMS Victory 1:96 based on ShipyardPage 4
myavid76HMS Victory 1:98 Corel.Page 2
cap'nTallonHMS Victory 1759 1:200 scalePage 2
Sgt_HoserHMS Victory 1765 kit 1:200Page 5
pauls modelsHMS VICTORY 7 Decks
HMS victory bow sectionerHms victory bow section
SparkyHMS Victory Bow section Panart- Scale 1:78Page 2
DaliabHMS Victory build - Mantua/Panart 738 by Daliab - [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
DaliabHMS Victory build - Mantua/Panart 738 by Daliab - FINISHEDPage 5
Dickiiee44HMS Victory Build #776 1:98 scalePage 10
traumadocHms Victory by Caldercraft - Build LogPage 10
ENJAY49Hms Victory by D'Agostini
Peter RHms Victory by HellerPage 4
CirdanHMS Victory by Manfred Burkert, Scale 1:57Page 6
JulianHMS Victory by Occre build logPage 13
Y.T.HMS Victory by Y.T.- Mamoli - 1:90 scalePage 61
NcseniorgolferHMS Victory- CaldercraftPage 3
DARIVS ARCHITECTVSHMS Victory carved from . . . HMS Victory!
Brad ShannonHMS Victory Cross Section - 1:98 - Corel Build
Galley SlaveHMS Victory cross section (De'Agostini)Page 8
WalteroneHMS Victory cross section 1:75 by DeAgostini (but with a lot of improvements)
ziled68HMS Victory Cross Section, POF ,Scale 1:48 by Raymond DelizPage 8
JockHMS Victory Heller 1/100Page 2
Bwb1cdnHMS Victory Launch build logPage 2
GrantTylerHMS Victory Mantua 1:78 (first build) by Grant TylerPage 141
ResoianHMS Victory mid section 1/200
DbarHMS Victory model
Johann HHMS Victory my first buildPage 2
CryptonHMS Victory Occre 225 - build logPage 2
ScheepshoornHMS Victory of Caldercraft by WilPage 3
BazzgHMS VICTORY on 1/96 Shipyard Build
GorhogHMS Victory Scale 1:150 (another construction project) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
paullippoHMS Victory scratch build from Mantua plans 1;78 scale
paulv1958HMS Victory Sloop 1/16' - Panart [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
pauls modelsHMS VICTORY The Hold
paulmodelHMS VICTORY the Lower Gun Deck
paulmodelHMS VICTORY the Middle Gun DeckPage 2
paulmodelHMS VICTORY The Orlop Deck
paulmodelHMS VICTORY The Quarterdeck
paulmodelHMS VICTORY The Upper Gun Deck
RenAshbelleHMS Victory, 1:50
Jasta11aceHMS Victory, 1:64 scale by Steve Anderson, aka, Jasta11ace.Page 5
Attila RHMS Victory, 104-gun First-rate ship, Scale 1:72, by AttilaPage 5
KenHMS Victory, CaldercraftPage 2
janzwartHMS Victory, Inside outPage 5
Spider999HMS Victory, Mamoli 1:90 scale by Spider999Page 4
Jesus ReinaHms Victory, plans by Vicenso Lusci
newmansa01HMS Victory: 1:98 Mantua POB kit, circa 1980Page 2
BruceIvesHMS Victory-Mamoli 1:90 Bruce Ives Build logPage 7
trussbenHMS Winchelsea 1764, 32 gun Frigate 1:48, Syren Ship model by TrussbenPage 17
terencejust about finished the hull
ken sMamoli Victory 1/90
BazzgMantua 1/200 Hms Victory BuildPage 3
BazzgMantuna 1/200 Hms Victory Build
BazzgMantuna 1/200- Hms Victory- Planking- Help
Jolley RogerMarie Jeanne - Billing Boats - 1/50Page 3
ronald305model space Victory builds
Alexander74Model VICTORY by Deagostini, scale 1/84Page 54
DbarMore progress on Victory
stoney71My Heller 1/100th Victory
Martin555.My little VictoryPage 9
AdiefenbachMy Swing at Caldercraft HMS VictoryPage 5
JulianOccre - HMS Victory build logPage 6
neilmOcCre limited edition HMS Victory build.Page 9
tullins2004Serial HMS Victory
epicdoomShipyard HMS Victory 1:96 build
uncchainsShot locker
ronald305stern planking problem Model space Victory
shipphotographer.comThe model of Admiral Nelson's flagship HMS VICTORY - 1765 (DeAgostini, Scale 1:84)Page 3
dafiTo victory and beyond ...Page 12
tomgancTom's HMS Victory build 1:84 DeAgostini
Troy250Troy's Heller HMS Victory
JulianVictory - A comparison between the Occre and Caldercraft modelsPage 2
EkisVictory 1737 - 1/84Page 7
EkisVictory 1737 - 1:84 scalePage 14
ken sVictory by mamoli
xander898Victory Cross Section - Deagostini
oldstampmanVictory Cross Section - DeagostiniPage 2
SignetVictory Model Carved Entirely from Victory Oak
Tarasмодель HMS VICTORY (от Де Агустини 1/84)
Victotybf2019Caldercraft HMS Victory BuildPage 2
uncchainsHMS VICTORY side entries
VikingEttienneICM Viking in 1/16 Hey it is still maritime related!!
AtaMy first Build Viking by Artesania latina
Viking Long BoatFelix ship builder1/700 scale Viking Long Boat
Viking LongboatEdwardZBilling Boats BB720 Oseberg Viking Longboat 1:25 [Full Build Video]
Viking LongshipRossc83Amati Viking Longship
shipmodelmakerArtesania Latina # 19000-N Viking
jack.aubreyGokstad Viking Ship by jack.aubrey - Dusek Ship Kits - 1:35 ScalePage 4
QuintModel Shipways Kate Cory Whaling Brig
DanBArtRevell 1/50 viking ship by DanBArt
plattsmillViking Longship Plans
Viking ShipsirdrakeSlavic Ladja / Viking Ship 1:72 from Falkonet
MoareinViking Boat - 1/50 - Revell
ViperJosephHPrivateer Viper 1/24th ScalePage 8
VirginiaJim JAristo-Craft Pinnace Virginia
Charles QCCSS Virginia kit K1041 BlueJacket Model 1/16 '' = 1feet
catopowerTosa Wasen - 1/10 scale 20' Japanese Boat from Thermal Studio
PatrickVirginia 1819. First build.
Virginia SwiftTed Robinson1805 Virginia Swift by ALPage 3
Vistula Barge0SeahorseSzkuta wiślana (Vistula barge) 1:100, scratch [COMPLETED BUILD]
VOC shipAb HovingA 160-feet VOC-retourschip from 1697

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Wacht am RheinDeep DiverWacht am Rhein
Wagon03WalkalotCivil War Wagon
WahineRichardHDunnTEV Wahine 1/35 Large Scale RC buildPage 3
WairoashipbuilderWool clipper Wairoa
Wappen der HercogeAndrisDas Wappen der Hercoge fon Kurland 1:48
Wappen Von HamburgPtèrThe convoy ship Wappen von Hamburg 1669 - Corel SM28, scale 1:50Page 5
Jaydee37Wappen von Hamburg
Rolf P.Wappen von Hamburg - Corel - Scale 1:50 by RolfP Build LogPage 2
Bounty1787Wappen von Hamburg I - 1667, Scale 1/50Page 3
KenWappen Von Hamburg, Corel, a sort of log [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 6
AlgirdasWappen Von Hamburg. COREL kitPage 2
WardmanvscodeUSS Ward in 1:700
Warriorfj3131030BILING BOATS build HMS Warrior 1:100Page 6
paulmodelH.M.S. Warrior
JohncookHMS Warrior
JohncookHMS Warrior 1/100th scale
WarspiteAncientmodellerBuild Log: H.M.S. Warspite (Academy 1:350)
WasaFelix ship builder1/700 scale Ship Vasa
ABBY01Build log Billings Wasa 1:75
jvalanBuild Log for Mamoli cross section of the USS Constitution
LCBBuild Log: Corel Wasa SM13
MeonscaleBuilding "VASA" (1628) a Dutch designed ship built in Sweden: now again in The Netherlands....Page 2
md1400csCorel Vasa - a problem and a fix - I think
md1400csCorel Vasa - bashedPage 2
Dave TeelCorel Wasa
uncchainsCorel WASA (VASA)
BrewbrarianCorel Wasa (Vasa), 1628 - Swedish Royal Warship of 64 guns, 1:75Page 2
uncchainsCorel WASA problems
SparsDE Agostini Vasa build by SparsPage 2
FrankbergeDeagostini Wasa 1:65
ABBY01First build Billings Wasa 490 1:75
FifeModelsHMS Victory Cross section by Artesenia Latina - 1/72
Paul132IAMI Wasa Cross Section
BroadsidesModified Airfix 1:144 Scale Classic Series WASA c.1628Page 2
dockattnerVasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 206
CAFmodelVASA 1/60
JhoanorVasa 1:150 Revell
nisse80VASA 1:75 - BILLING BOATSPage 4
Robp1025Vasa 1:75 - Billing Boats by Robp1025Page 3
LuciusVASA 1628 (De Agostini)Page 9
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75Page 55
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 60
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 60
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
Daniel20VASA 490 Build Log - Billing Boats, 1:75 [Completed Build]Page 59
PeterGVasa Build Log - Billing Boats - Scale 1/75 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 22
Short John BronzeVasa Build log.
Short John BronzeVasa build of Corel kit [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
SnxzVasa from Corel
SparrowWasa Billing Boats 1:75Page 2
mgoveyWasa buildPage 4
KageecanuckWasa by CorelPage 4
IGRWasa Sectional Build
shipshobbyistWasa, a Swedish Galeon 1628
TarasГотовая мдель WASA 1:75
WasenjanosLe Canot Imperial, scratch built by Janos 1:25
WashingtonBill-RContinental Galley Washington - By Bill RPage 3
benjigalley washington 1776Page 2
Waverleypauls modelsPS Waverley
WendyTony W1901 Cutter 'Wendy'
Whaleboatlesterpalifka1/12 Beetle Whale Boat-Mystic Seaport PlansPage 2
wabbidwabbit1/16 New Bedford Whaleboat MS 2033
Rossc8318th Century whale boat
Iterum28ft Whaling boat 1/64
roadrunneramati whaleboat
morfaMorgan's Whaleboat 1:25 288mm
telemanNEW BEDFORD WHALE BOAT by Mario 1/16 scale scratch build [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 5
Jeff TNew Bedford Whaleboat - Model Shipways - 1/16 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 7
Will86New Bedford Whaleboat 1/16 by Model Shipways
knurmiNew Bedford Whaleboat 1:12 and boat builder's shop
knurmiNew Bedford Whaleboat 1:20
DevildocProvidence Whale Boat by Devildoc - Artesania Latina - 1:25 Scale - First Wood Ship Model Build
BramoProvidence Whaleboat 1:25 Artesanía Latina
Juanluis10Whaling boat, made from plans by Juaniuis10
WhalerCharles QC(Lancia Baleniera) from Panart
IterumAGATE of Provincetown 1855, Whaling Schooner 1/64Page 2
BuddaShip Log Essex Whale Ship by OCCREPage 2
WolleWhaler RAU IX 1 : 45 - Graupner [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 8
WherrySpree ThreeNorfolk Wherry - scratch build
White EagleAndrisHvide Ørn - White Eagle 1711
Wianno SeniorGrandpaWianno Senior RC Scratch Built
Will EverardEdwardZBilling Boats BB601 Will Everard 1:67 Build Log Videos
Willem BarentszHeinrichHIGH HOPES, WILD MEN AND THE DEVIL’S JAW - Willem Barentsz Kolderstok 1:50Page 341
Pathfinder65Kolderstok Willem Barentsz, AD 1596Page 51
Pathfinder65Willem Barentsz by Kolderstok AD 1596Page 65
Willem RuysAndré de R.Willem Ruys 1:250, cardboard of ScaldisPage 2
MBJWillem Ruys 1:500 waterline model from scratch
WilliammrshanksBuild Log: Caldercraft HM Gunboat William 1795 1:32 ScalePage 2
Willie L. BennettHughLoBuild Log; Model Shipways 1:32 Willie Bennett Skipjack
WorkboatsModel Shipways Skipjack Willie L. Bennett 1/32nd scale
WilmingtonTheSpoonkoschCSS Wilmington - an Ironclad of the civil war that was never finished
Winchester CastleshipbuilderA Lost Art
Winston ChurchillEdwardZBilling Boats BB706 Winston Churchill 1:75 scale wooden ship model speed build YouTube
manvscodeSir Winston Churchill
WolfSubmarinerblueHMS Wolf 1752
Woody JoeEkisHigaki Kaisen (WoodyJoe 1:72) by Ekis
EkisHigaki kaïsen 1:72 (Woody Joe) byEkis [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
WyomingshipbuilderAnd for American ship modellers!
HannibalApóstol Felipe (OcCre) 1:60, Finished
shipbuilderThe mighty "Wyoming"
alross2WYOMING is now on display

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XebecRossc83Amati Xebec
EdwardZAmati Xebec 1753 1:60 Scale (Full Build Video)
syhobbsAmati Xebec Completed
Dean62Cazador Xebec 1:60 by Occre
PtèrCazador Xebec 1750 - OcCre - scale 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 34
GrantTylerGrants Xebec 1:60 (using Jabeque Cazador Occre1:60 kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 99
Neophyte ShipwrightINDISCRET Xebec- Aeropiccola-1/40 : by Neophyte ShipwrightPage 2
barbaxebec le requinPage 3
José Catela PequenoXebec. An Amati modelPage 3
Mike DowlingXebec. An Amati model by Mike Dowling [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3

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YachtEdwardZAmati Dutch Golden Yacht in a Bottle 1:300 Finished
DomCeeDansk Jagt/Sweden Yacht - (A.k.a Baltic “Hunt” Ship) - Yuanqing, 1:50. Project No. 4. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 3
DomCeeDansk Jagt/Sweden Yacht - Yuanqing, 1:50. Completed Build with Summary
That MikeMamoli's Britannia racing yacht by That Mike
Capt CrunchSports fisherman yachtPage 2
DemetriThe Dutch yacht 18th century [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 2
alross2Yacht models
YamatoCharleslovesship1/350 Tamiya Yamato battleship
MomcilHasegawa 1/450 Yamato + PontosPage 2
Scarecrow325Nichimo 1/200 Yamato
YAVARIJosé RuestaM/N YAVARI 1870, Scratch, Scale 1:100 [COMPLETED BUILD]
YawlBenD19th Century Four-Oared Yawl by BenD - Falkonet - 1:24 scale
RickNoyes26' Yawl circa early 1800. Scratch built by Rick Noyes
EdwardZBilling Boats FD 10 Yawl BB701
Dubz Modelling WorldRussian "Four-oared Yawl" | Scale 1:24 | FalkonetPage 4
Yellow LionJScolumYellow Lion 1:40 Polish Ship 1622
YMS-326 MinesweeperKilroy1988YMS-326 Minesweeper (Aleutians, 1944) - from Orlik 1/100
YorkschifferlbauerHMS York 70 gun ship 1680
neptuneTrumpeter HMS York 1/350 scale,
YorktownCriplr702New Trumpeter 1/200 Enterprise and YorktownPage 2
Young AmericaPeter GuttermanClipper ship "Young America" from a 1950s Model Shipways kit, finished "dockyard" style By Peter Gutterman1:192 (1/16") scale
OrnholtYoung America 1853 1:72Page 7

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Zeehaenflying_dutchman2ZEEHAEN 1639, 1:37.5, Dutch fluit from Dutch Explorer Abel J. Tasman by MarcusPage 11
ZeekoeIterumZEEKOE a Dutch 74ft Katt in Scratch 1/66Page 2
ZeesenbootJavier BaronZeesenboot
ZenaTony WTippecanoe T37 “Zena”
Zeven ProvincienBondenDe Zeven Provincien 1665 - 1.100, Fa. Seahorse (Tomasz Weremko)Page 2
ZeyljagtIvan Trtanj von BanatZEYLJAGT (geschrieben auf Alt-Niederländisch) - Ivan TrtanjPage 2
ZobolIterumZOBOL' a might have been 1890 torpedo ship
ZuluJavier BaronZuluPage 2
ZulusJack JägerZulus, Scottish herring drifters circa. 1890. [COMPLETED BUILD]Page 4
Zwarte ZeeWolleOcean-going tug "Zwarte Zee"
André de R.Zwarte Zee, a sea-going tugboat from 1933Page 2


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If you have any comments or require any corrections or amendments to this index, please post them here