Am I crazy or what?

Oct 30, 2023

Baton Rouge, LA
OK, just joined the forum a few days ago and I have started my first build. You can check it out in the build forum.

Here is the crazy part....I'm a few days into my first build, with probably months to go and now I have already bought my 2nd kit, the OcCre HMS Montanes. I couldn't help it. I have always seen this kit at around $759 but I caught it on sale for $499 and pulled the trigger even though I will not touch it for 6 months.

Is this normal behavior? LOL....does everyone feel the excitement of opening a new kit? Needless to say, I think I'm hooked.
I would say your perfectly normal for most any hobbyist.

My wife often asks why have so many projects on the shelf, and my normal answer is now a days I got a great deal for either new limited edition kit, or a used kit the original owner was selling at very good cost.

There is a term used often among those with a serious hobby. SABLE, which I have been told = Stash Above and Beyond Life Expectancy.:eek:

You will see many of the members here who have multiple kits in various stages. You can only work on sails and rigging so much before getting finger cramps, then you turn to a kit in early stages of hull work where you can use other muscles and brain cells. :D
Nope, not nuts. As a scale model builder for better than 40 years, I have more than enough kits in the stash to well exceed life expectancy. Now that I’ve started into my first ship build, and am enjoying it, I’m looking at what I seriously want to sell off because now I really know most of them will never be touched.
Soon you will have several models, none of them have been started and you will wonder again what to buy next for the project. First, my wife says "you're sick, what's wrong with you", and next then she comes back after some time and happily watches what's being done... such a sick hobby. And most importantly - we don't mention prices, it's always a sale ROTF
Just watch where you put them…I have heard that they can breed in dark places, and soon you will find smaller kits you do not remember buying. In time, they will turn larger and larger and then you are stuck with a third generation of kits…IT NEVER ENDS, GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU CAN!!!
Just watch where you put them…I have heard that they can breed in dark places, and soon you will find smaller kits you do not remember buying. In time, they will turn larger and larger and then you are stuck with a third generation of kits…IT NEVER ENDS, GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU CAN!!!
You are nuts in the normal, outside world. For the most part you are very normal here at SoS! :rolleyes: I may be the only SoS member that does not have a kit in a box waiting for me to build. You, Sir, having only 1 extra kit is almost as rare.

In some cases, I venture to say some SoS members' hobby is not building model ships, but their hobby is collecting model ship kits! ROTF There are a few posts out there showing closets filled with unboxed kits. I distinctly remember thinking when I saw one of those photos, hmm there's 2 years of membership dues at my golf club. ;)
around $759 but I caught it on sale for $499 and pulled the trigger even though I will not touch it for 6 months.
Six months?
If that were me, I would call that "extreme ambition" and I would seek help.

Let me explain:
I have a mix of more than two dozen Bluejacket, Model Shipways, Marine Models and other kits not counting scores of plastic kits including aircraft and ships that I will have to take with me, un-built, into the next world. If I can smuggle my collection of solvent-based Floquil paints past Pearly Gates TSA, I would be happy.

And here you are, wondering if you are crazy or what.
Nah, you're good. :)
completely normal behaviour - I think you got the modeling and collecting virus .... to be found very often
I guess 99% of our members got it already - and most of the time for the rest of the life
OK, just joined the forum a few days ago and I have started my first build. You can check it out in the build forum.

Here is the crazy part....I'm a few days into my first build, with probably months to go and now I have already bought my 2nd kit, the OcCre HMS Montanes. I couldn't help it. I have always seen this kit at around $759 but I caught it on sale for $499 and pulled the trigger even though I will not touch it for 6 months.

Is this normal behavior? LOL....does everyone feel the excitement of opening a new kit? Needless to say, I think I'm hooked.
WELCOME TO THE ABYSS - Now shssss, just let it happen...