Artesania Latina Bounty Jolly Boat

Mar 28, 2024

Hi All this is my first attempt to build a Kit form model of a boat/ship.
I felt the model could have been designed better and more information included.
In the instructions, once you got to rigging the sails AL said everything else was simple to do. Maybe if you have a dinghy with a sail, you stand a chance to build this model to complete. Luckily for me, I did have a boat, well a skiff which I was familiar with at one time, and the grey matter had to go back to the time I had one, about 40-odd years ago! lol
Be free to make comments.
So when I go into the Bounty build I have to learn my way around the ship, I guess very passionately and think like I am the original builder of her. I think that's the part I like as I will need to think absolutely 100% what she was about......20240420_105134.jpg
Al version of the Jolly Boat from The Bounty. It was about halfway through the build I decided to go find out if this was the boat the mutineers placed Bligh and his castaways on!?
I was dismayed when I found out it is not the boat 20240420_105201.jpgthat was used. This was according to some prominent people on the Bounty History and I have also seen what boat was used. Just surprises me how people think up different ideas how actually in this case. a boat was used and designed. However, a bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bush, and enjoyed my journey building it.
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I had to make my Cleats and Clews for the Sheets to pass through. It was a bit late at the end of the build with sails and other gear fitted as my mind went into overdrive many years early to the real thing to carry on doing the proper fits!
Scared to even think about what could have happened with super glue touching the sails! Ouch!
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Actually what got me "sucked in nicely" is when it came to fitting the strates on the boat. I had watched a build on the net to see how the builder went about it and It made so much sense how I had to fit the strates - I must add nothing like AL assumed it needed to be done. Not bad job I think by myself I think. :cool: ;) :)
BTW I think the rope material AL supplied was rubbish! Tell me is that a standard type of string/rope to use on a model static build?
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I did make a few changes here and the first was the Mainsheet positioning. In AL plans the positioning is very close to the Aft of the boat. I was glad that position on my skiff was not here as I would have to fight the position of the sail, the mainsheet, and the rudder in the real thing. I don't think Bligh was that good, so I moved forward to the Bulkhead along further forward. * Note also on AL "N" Later Version of the Jolly Boat which used sign language to get the message over, they still made the same mistake.
Here, you will see I made a wooden handle and then I dyed it too dark and it really looked like a rubber handle:mad:. I made that handle out of a 3mm bamboo skewer and I did get a spot on the middle drill hole! Happy about that as I used my Ryobi 1/2 Drill to achieve this! You win some and lose others!
Ok so we move onto the mast or actually where the sails are attached, I think this is called the topmast, then AL wants you to tie the sheets ropes or whatever you want to call them as I have here with a bit of super glue. Well, I tell you now my mind was thinking no way as the build-up of the string would look horrific, need I say more?
AL supplies only one deadeye hole for two sheets, so I had to make another one with two outlets for the Jib sheets.
Moving onto the deck. AL says to cut to length all deck planks and fit, but hang on! where they want to fit the deck there is no end support for the planks at the bulkheads and so if in a real build the ends of the deck would not be supported. Maybe AL wanted me to think about the build and rectify it. I kept on asking the question and thinking "yeah maybe" as to get the builder thinking. What do you think?
In this photo, the rudder looks a little off-center but it is not. This photo is about what I painted and varnished the whole boat with.
The Paints are Acrylic and the varnish is not varnish as I don't have patience with varnish as I find using Shellac much better and easier to apply as it's quick to dry and I am the owner of the intensity of the coatings.
What I mean by intensity is by applying shellac you can build up layers or not and so that gives you the ultimate feeling of what you desire to make the model appear to look like i.e. like it has been used - as in traveled through 6000 KLms of the ocean or just freshly painted on the Bounty.
I hope you have enjoyed my build and my experience building it.