Authentic rigging?

Feb 19, 2021

My wife ordered some bead cord to make her jewelry from and I noticed that it was made of 100% eco-friendly hemp. I contacted the manufacturer and talked with him and he said there would be sizes available for rigging as well as left and right wound cordage for stays. I'm looking to find out if there would be any interest in this. I see many references to "authentic" ship models. Would this be a nice addition to ship models if the rigging was made of hemp? After all, in the age of sail, hemp was required to be grown just for this purpose. What do people think?
Interesting. How fine is this hemp processed? What is the company's name?
They have every thing from .2 mm all the way up to actual rope. Although I'm not representing the company per se, he wanted me to do the exploration into a possible market. He doesn't have anything made up yet but we want to see what interest there is in what would be a niche market. Would manufacturers be interested in this cordage for their models?