Books on rigging HMS Victory.

Sep 3, 2018

Toronto, Canada
Victory rigging is going extremely difficult for me. My problem is I cannot do something I do not understand. It takes sometimes weeks for me to understand where and how some line starts and ends and their function. Comprehensive one source for Victory rigging doesn’t exist. I obtained and use 4 books to decipher each single part of rigging at a time. Most of the times what is shown in one book is obscure for understanding. Then I must use other three to finally exclaim “eureka , I got it”. Here’s an example. I struggled to understand a bowsprit standing rigging. I was looking for hours at great picture in McGowan book (most valuable book I have for this purpose by the way) and couldn’t get it. I read the verbal description of it in Longridge book about 20 times (this is the most obscure reading I ever had as it also goes with no pictures most of the time). Then I was looking onto diagrams in McKay book intermittently. Well I finally got it.







This one , the fourth one I use, is not describing the Victory rigging in particular but is very helpful as a general rigging design reference on English battleship at that time.

I have to mention I bought one more book influenced by some people opinions. See picture below. This one is very academic monograph on the history of rigging. It is of little practical help for rigging the Victory. I enjoy leafing through it sometimes though.

Hi, Moderators. Maybe it is a good idea to move this thread to models rigging section. Maybe It could be most helpful there?
I have to mention I bought one more book influenced by some people opinions. See picture below. This one is very academic monograph on the history of rigging. It is of little practical help for rigging the Victory. I enjoy leafing through it sometimes though.

I have all these books, too, Yuri, in readiness for my Victory build, but at present I'm experiencing the same problems as you, with my Le Superbe. Typically French, they have to be different from others ;)with the rigging, I'm using several books for reference, that all differ in some way. One shows a dolphin striker, where another doesn't. The kit plans are difficult to understand, with some mistakes. Even J.Boudriot is not without errors. I am now thinking of using the plans from my Montanés.