Cutty Sark by Academy, 1/350 Scale

Mar 3, 2024

OK.... I was at my local Hobby Lobby picking up some supplies and I came across this plastic kit of the Cutty Sark. It's was at a discounted price and I caved in on purchasing this. I figured its a small easy build that I can work on while my main build of the King of the Mississippi drying or on pause (as if I didn't have enough to do around the house :D ).

I figured with this kit I can focus more on my detailed painting skills since the construction will mainly consist of just cementing plastic pieces together as oppose to working with wood. The included sails look very plasticy. Not to mention the rigging does not look very convincing. But what can we expect with a kit at this scale. In any case I have the feeling I am going to enjoy building this simple kit.


Included instructions not complicated.


Cementing together the two hull sections.

I am looking forward to see this project.
One question related to the hull segments:
Under the waterline are shown the copper plating / sheating, but what is shown there above the waterline? It is looking very irregular....
A nice, little first step to start into the hobby. Perchance looking at the models of Jim Baumann may be quite helpfull for your rigging experiments in this scale of 1/350 in the web. Have fun with your small witch and go foreward.
Thanks a lot for sharing!
I am looking forward to see this project.
One question related to the hull segments:
Under the waterline are shown the copper plating / sheating, but what is shown there above the waterline? It is looking very irregular....
The wood grain looks HUGE!!!!
