Lion faces for gun port lids are here!

Jan 1, 2018

Ramsey, Minnesota, USA
Hello everyone!

Anyone interested in finding brass lion faces for adorning gun port lids? I found some affordable 8mm wide stamped brass lion faces on at the following link for $4.85 for 10 pieces. Just cut and file off the rings at the top, and there you go. These are perfect for HMS Sovereign of the Seas (you'll need 70 of them). Apply a wash of diluted black paint to bring out the details and they will look even better.

Brass Lion Faces at Etsy

am from Italy hello. Can you help me translate? /rardor
Here you go @rardbopsy

Ciao a tutti! Qualcuno interessato a trovare facce di leone in ottone per adornare i coperchi delle porte delle pistole? Ho trovato alcune facce di leone in ottone stampate larghe 8mm a prezzi accessibili su al seguente link per $ 4,85 per 10 pezzi. Basta tagliare e limare gli anelli in alto, e il gioco è fatto. Questi sono perfetti per HMS Sovereign of the Seas (ne avrai bisogno di 70). Applicare un lavaggio di vernice nera diluita per mettere in risalto i dettagli e avranno un aspetto ancora migliore. Volti di leone d'ottone a Etsy
DARVIS ARCHITECTVS: lion faces for adorning gun port lids????? You know that there is no problem to do it as a resin cast in the same price. What size do you need? For your information design 3D "Tudor rose" for cannons are ready and waiting :)
DARVIS ARCHITECTVS: lion faces for adorning gun port lids????? You know that there is no problem to do it as a resin cast in the same price. What size do you need? For your information design 3D "Tudor rose" for cannons are ready and waiting :)
I have lion heads, but when I start building the Deagostini SotS, I will be looking at your tudor cannon barrels. It will be about two years, since I have to finish La Couronne first.