Devotional The Shipbuilders Devotional #17: Staying Focused

Shipbuilder Devotionals
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Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
Staying Focused !

that goes hand in hand (no pun intended) with ship modeling and any modeling as far as that goes. How often are we being distracted - at least I get distracted a lot. I have found that it is good to work on my model(s) when it is nice and quiet in a house that does not have much activity going on. However, everyone is different - some might love the busy activity going on in the house or shop when you are working on your model. We are all different in that regard.

There are many things that come along in life that can take us away into a "place" that is not good. It can be health, the passing of a loved one, grieving, marital problems, or anything that is related to our well-being. Yes, I am including these things and no point in putting a bag over our heads. These are real-life problems and circumstances that we all face - its life - things can not be avoided.

It is not my intention to be negative - no. I guess my intention is that lately, I have been hit with some things that push me in all manner of directions (some of which are not in a good direction) - such as worry and anxiety. So, you are thinking by now, so, who are you to be writing devotionals - aren't you supposed to be this spiritual person? Well, we all have cracks in our vessel - just like a ship that has to have a pump to get the water out and to go down below deck and take care of things before it gets out of hand.

I too have to get the water out and operate the pumps before I start to sink. But, I will say this. There is help. A good help that will keep your ship from sinking if you just put your trust in Him (I am talking about God of course). But, you have to put your faith somewhere. You either have to put your faith in yourself, things, circumstances, fate, or good luck, but you have to turn to something, or you can just let it all go, and let things happen on their own. Why not try it the other way? Put your trust and faith in the one that is dependable and will never let you down - and He will be there to help you get the water out!
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