Greetings from the Yarra Valley.

Mar 5, 2024

Hello All,
Have been a builder of plastic models (all genre) since primary school and also a builder of flying models. I'm very good at starting models, very slow to build and have an attention span of a gold fish so there are quite a few unfinished models on the shelf of shame. My long time goal has been to build wooden model ships. I have completed a Billings 'Roar Ege'. On the work bench sits a Billings Renown Steam Pinnace and the Artesania Latina HMS Endeavour Longboat. The later is a practice piece to improve my planking skills. I'm getting good at putting on planks deciding I'm not happy with the result then removing them and trying again. So in eight weeks have only managed eight planks. I did say I was a slow builder. My eventual goal is to build the Billings Fregatten Jylland. On the plastic side am working on a scratch build WW2 Russian River gunboat (1/72nd scale). I'll do more perusal and once get a hang of posting photos will set up a couple of build threads. Regards to all. Mudlark
Welcome aboard! Love your name. Mudlark. So, one plank a week. How long do you think real ship builders took to put on one plank? Good question for the administrators to answer. Well, Zoly, Uwek?
Hello mudlark,
welcome aboard and I used to live in the Yarra valley myself. I also built the Juylland kit from Billing’s 20 years ago.
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum
Hello All,
Have been a builder of plastic models (all genre) since primary school and also a builder of flying models. I'm very good at starting models, very slow to build and have an attention span of a gold fish so there are quite a few unfinished models on the shelf of shame. My long time goal has been to build wooden model ships. I have completed a Billings 'Roar Ege'. On the work bench sits a Billings Renown Steam Pinnace and the Artesania Latina HMS Endeavour Longboat. The later is a practice piece to improve my planking skills. I'm getting good at putting on planks deciding I'm not happy with the result then removing them and trying again. So in eight weeks have only managed eight planks. I did say I was a slow builder. My eventual goal is to build the Billings Fregatten Jylland. On the plastic side am working on a scratch build WW2 Russian River gunboat (1/72nd scale). I'll do more perusal and once get a hang of posting photos will set up a couple of build threads. Regards to all. Mudlark
Hey there Mudlark,
Welcome aboard SoS. Amazing knowledge and resources available through the site and forums, and you'll find lots of Aussies here as well.
Good luck with the build.